architects and engineers for 911 truth lecture

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Why do people persist in imagining that architects know anything about physics or engineering?
Why do people persist in imagining that architects know anything about physics or engineering?
yet you'd quite happily accept FEMAS pancake "theory" no doubt.

1) gage isnt claiming to be an expert on physics. this isnt a debate about physics.
2) off course architects have knowledge of structural engineering.

it doesnt take an expert in physics to see that it is impossible to accept that a 110 storey building "fell" into its own footprint, through the path of most resistance, in approx 8.4 seconds. thats freefall speed.
The building provided little to no resistance to it's enormous momentum. It was only designed to withstand static forces.
Ever seen a demolition? Blow a couple of beams and the buildings implode like 9/11, so yes it can happen.
I see both the "experts" showed up.

The building didn't fall at freefall speed, unless the debris around it was somehow especially impeded by the air underneath it.
I see both the "experts" showed up.

The building didn't fall at freefall speed, unless the debris around it was somehow especially impeded by the air underneath it.

Why hasn't this hit the cesspool yet or at least Pseudoscience
Actually the path of most resistance would be toppling in any direction. The building was built to not sway. So swaying and falling in any direction would be more resistance than it's implosion.

God, I knew some architects were thick, but.......
I raise both hands and say :" I believe that 9/11 is an inside job to achieve many deceitful goals including oil, military bases, colonies and the help for Israel to control the Middle East ". If in doubt just ask the neo cons and the Zionists .
yet you'd quite happily accept FEMAS pancake "theory" no doubt

I happily accept that the people who prepared the FEMA report are suitably qualified and professional. I do NOT accept that the same is true of your sources.

1) gage isnt claiming to be an expert on physics. this isnt a debate about physics.

Oh? Then what's with all the stuff about "freefall speed" and "path of least resistance?"

2) off course architects have knowledge of structural engineering.

Not in my experience. Do you personally know any architects?

I know several, some of whom I attended college with. None of them could pass freshman calculus or physics. All of them rely on structural engineers for the actual structural engineering. That's what structural engineers are for, after all. Architects are in the business of figuring out what buildings should look like, not how they will be engineered.
So, as an architect, do we not have to worry about wether a building can withstand the impact of the same sort of jet that hit WTC?
Fact: People landed on the moon.

Fact: 9/11 was orchestrated as an act of terror, by religious extremists living in Afghanistan and elsewhere.
though it turned out the be advantageous to the neo-cons, that in its self does not mean it was orchestrated by them.
So, as an architect, do we not have to worry about wether a building can withstand the impact of the same sort of jet that hit WTC?

Typically, no, the architect does not worry about stuff like that.

Making sure the building is structurally sound, safe in emergencies, able to withstand suitable wind/earthquake/fire/etc. is all the job of engineers and insurance actuaries. An architectural firm might indeed handle all this work, but they will employ engineers to do the technical parts of it. In most states, you are required by law to have a certified professional engineer approve all of the designs before anything can be built. No such approval is required from an architect.

There are individual architects out there who do have expertise in these areas, but it is not the norm. Skyscraper disaster performance is PhD structural engineering stuff, and architecture school typically doesn't even cover elementary undergrad engineering. Again, it is the norm for architects to be completely ignorant of stuff like calculus, basic physics, etc., let alone complex issues like structural engineering of skyscrapers. It's commercial design school for buildings, not a technical subject.
Fact: People landed on the moon.

Fact: 9/11 was orchestrated as an act of terror, by religious extremists living in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

FACT : 9/11 is a huge conspiracy and an inside job .
People living in caves in Afghanistan could NOT orchestrate such a tragedy .
You have to WANT to believe in government conspiracies pretty badly to feed into this one. Oh sure, there are conspiracies. but not quite that involved. The moon landing could never have been faked with so many other countries watching and wanting us to fail, and neither could the twin tower attacks have been so intricately orchestrated by government entities who have no desire, intention or ability to work together on such a large and devious plan. You give our government way too much credit (or discredit) simply to feed your own fears. Furthermore... Where's all this oil that was 'gained' by your theory? We aren't taking it from the Iraqis. Your hatred for our government is almost understandable, considering the cluster of dumb asses who've been elected to run it, but let's remember that they are just that for the most part. I could say the same for the majority of the American voters who continue to put them there.
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FACT : 9/11 is a huge conspiracy and an inside job .
Only in the minds of the poorly informed and the deluded.

People living in caves in Afghanistan could NOT orchestrate such a tragedy .
Hijacking four planes with boxcutters on the same morning is hardly the most intricate plan of all time.

What is absurdly complex and implausible is the theories that the 9/11 conspiracy theorists suggest.

Oh and on those architects and engineers. Read through the statements each has added when signing up. Many of them signed up based on the lies and misinformation that Gage spreads. They have not done much actual research on 9/11. It's just an appeal to authority.
I raise both hands and say :" I believe that 9/11 is an inside job to achieve many deceitful goals including oil, military bases, colonies and the help for Israel to control the Middle East ". If in doubt just ask the neo cons and the Zionists .

It's amazing how Bush's public approval dropped to 25%

Now Democrats rule the White House, Congress, and the House of Representatives.

Tell me, why didn't they just keep orchestrating terrorist attacks on America to keep themselves in power? They can apparently demolish 267 floors of occupied space, so why not use this omnipotent power to their advantage?
I thought that the 9/11 conspiracy baloney was silly, but I heard something even sillier today. Outlandish and mike47 should spend their time on this more important issue:

The record companies are controlled by the Illuminati. They perform satanic rituals over each about to be released song to place a curse on the music that will curse all those that listen to it. This is real and has been revealed by a high level recording executive that now fears being fired, let alone consumed by the evil ones.
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