Archaeology dig at Roswell Site

I think, it will be on Sci-Fi Channel with Brian Gumbo. They hint that they found the self repairing foil but I doubt it. Otherwise, there would have been the biggest press conference in the history of the planet!

If we have been communicating with the aliens for the last 55 years, we could learn so many things like integrated circuits, stealth fighters, lasers and microwave communications....wait a minute...we already have those....:D
Last edited: doesnt ususally come up with wrong information...??:confused:
could it be a spicy news?:confused:

The foil has come up before. There was a show on TDC about the finding of it. According to the account, you could ball it up into a ball inside your fist and it would straighten out and unwrinkle. It was preportedly that the foil was attached to a lightweight "stiffener" of some kind with odd markings on it simular to hieroglyphics and if I remember rightly, purple in color.

By the account, it was supposedly "hushed up" as to the discovery.
If such metal was found at the Roswell site, then it would totally destroy the credibility of Uncle Sam.
No such metal will be found. I guarantee that. They will find somebody's written notes and some paper, ropes, ordinary metal pieces etc...

is it true that all the records prior to the same year have been erased and men directly connected to the incident were harrased?
and was your uncle one of them?

just curious...:(

No, he was not harassed. He said, he was sworn to secrecy but did not say if any reporter asked him anything. That was a different era where people kept their mouth shut if told to do so by superiors.

After I watch the show at sci-fi channel, I may be able to shed some light on it. But we will never know, the full story told by an eyewitness at that time, because, they did not understand what they saw. To them, it was plastic wires with light shining in them. Now we know, it must be fiber optics. It is very difficult to decipher any technology that is more advanced than ours at any given time period.

For example, remember the Indian link that talks about the Vimanas using Mercury as fuel. Well, we think, it is nonsense now. But what if they are say 50 years advanced than us where Mercury could be used as the fuel that creates an ion propulsion or particle beam drive to go to the moon. They also talk about the speed of the wind, it could be also a multiple speed of the wind (hypersonic)...Mahabharat talked about missiles turning corners to go after the we have such weapons. They had stealth fighters, now we have them. They had visually stealth devices...we still are working on it.
OK. I watched the program at Sci-Fi channel. Two hours of filler material to cover two minutes of smoking gun. An official photograpgh where the memo was read from computer enhancement with words like Victims and disks....A questionable interpretation.

There was even no speculation. Back to the drawing board.