Approaches to the discovery of God?

A mysticus could argue that God speaks to us directly (and maybe even personally). We would know God if only we could open our ears to him.

Personally, I do not believe in a god. But I am interested in what theists have to say about the subject.
Look all over the universe, near and far, high and low.

All we will have observed is natural construct. Do you expect to find God floating in deep space, and then we win? We get magical wishes?

I think the wise can observe God anywhere that wise lies.
All we will have observed is natural construct. Do you expect to find God floating in deep space, and then we win? We get magical wishes?

I think the wise can observe God anywhere that wise lies.

You're back already, having found nothing extra-, beyond-, or supernatural?

Isn't the Guy supposed to be everywhere, doing everything?
Actually those stories are not factual, nor fiction. They are uncredited, and at times silly. I believe in God, and angels. How does one tell a religious text, from a faithful text? ;)

First where did you find the ideas for Gods and Angels:rolleyes: Second if the those books are not factual then they are fiction. Third, the faithful follow those reilgious text
How does one go about finding God without considering any bible?

What you should be asking yourself is why you need to find God. What's the purpose? How is your life less than complete without one, and how does one then make it complete?

I understand why people born into faith would feel like it's a part of their identity, but people who don't seem to subscribe to any particular religion and simply try to redefine "God" as wisdom or love or whatever frustrate me. Just leave it out.
‘God’ Disproved…

Stuff Forever admits of no creation, and thus no Creator, and From Nothing is not God, but the opposite; so, in conjunction, these two options disprove 'God', since they are the only options, one of which must be true, which is a great accomplishment; so, all God threads and God ideas are now shown to be wrong, as of July 8, 2012.
How does one go about finding God without considering any bible?

A god is primarily only an idealized hyper-objective point of view. It is considered to not be personally vested in outcomes. This is an illustrative rationale for developing such an outlook in oneself.
How does one go about finding God without considering any bible?

You dont. You try and understand the world and if your most parsimonious view requires a God, you try and describe him and understand him.
How does one go about finding God without considering any bible?

There is no "finding God". He presents Himself to you, initially, by means of your senses perceiving the physical world around you. In addition to that, there is the testimony of your own conscience which attributes all that you observe to a Being greater than yourself. To those who allow themselves this childlike attitude/response, He reveals more.
‘God’ Disproved…

Stuff Forever admits of no creation, and thus no Creator, and From Nothing is not God, but the opposite; so, in conjunction, these two options disprove 'God', since they are the only options, one of which must be true, which is a great accomplishment; so, all God threads and God ideas are now shown to be wrong, as of July 8, 2012.

Obviously, believers will continue on, via their wishes alone.
You can't...God only exist as a fairytale character in religious texts.:)

How could you be so positive . Do you know any thing about Chemistry, then lets discuss. Don't bring the primordial soup and time which are the biggest BS atheist are holding as a fact.