Thank you Prince_James for helping to spread the news
May God continue to bless you Prince_James and all the people that follow your posts. I read some of them and I am Impresed. See... I do not know if you are a writer or talk show host but by the amount of posting you do, I can assure you many, many people have been blessed by your knowledge.
Allow me to intruduce myself, I am the guy that discovered the Image of Apollyon in Google Earth. It happened shortly after I finished a 40 day religious fast with no food, (but lots of coffee because I love it too much) and when my wife had a vision of the entance to hell, I decided to study as much as I could about Hell...horrible item to study by the way!!!! I could not sleep for days!!!
I have never enjoyed the subject and I never will. I read books and went to the website and heard many of these guys experience with hell and I wanted this subject to end as soon as possible. It is easier to preach about heaven. But little did I know that I was going to be responsable for showing to the whole world the Image of Apollyon/Abaddon visible at Google Earth satilite program.
It has been a crazy month. I learned the hard way that If I try to explain this thing to people that do not know what Google Earth is... the whole thing backfires and they think I am a lunatic. But when they see it with their own eyes...they understand and believe. Needless to say the best way to show this is in front of a computer "please trust me on this".
Also I have learned that about 20% of the christians that see this thing get mad with me because they think I should not be showing the Image of Apollyon to the world. But it is the mission that God gave me , I did not even ask for it... Who in their right mind would? I did not chose to do this, I was chosen...I believe that if people see the entrance to hell then they might want to see the entrance to heaven.
The site is geeting more and more popular around the world, even in Comunists, Muslim, and Buddists Countries. I do not want fame or furtune from this, I sincerly need help on spreding the news around the world as quick as possible. I have very basic knoledge of how to be a webmaster so, If you guys have the talent, use it to spread the word of God, he will bless you for your effort.
The main thing that I want is to obey God. I believe that the fullfilment of at least two profecies (1) Isaiah 14:15,16 (2) Ezekiel 28:17,18 are at hand with this revelation. And maybee we can stall the profecy of Revelations 9:1-21. The way that I see it is like this, If the kings of the world are supposed to look down and gaze at this 10 or 15 mile long can they acomplish this...unless they are looking from above from a satillite.
May God continue to to bless you all
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