Apocalypse Christians Repent


Digging up old bones
Registered Senior Member
Those of you Apocalypse Christians are probably all getting excited and feeling all energized over the killing in the middle east and what seems to be the fullfillment of ancient biblical prophecies...

Many bible-based Christians must be gleeful over this! In their distorted veiw they think that God will rapture them away. It will not happen.

Do you not think that you should repent of these feelings and try to feel some remorse for all the suffering that is going on? Do you think that Jesus is pleased because you feel justified over your apocalypse warnings?
First we must assume that Many bible-based Christians are gleeful over the killing in the middle east before we start pulling ears.
Oh, they are...I'm just surprised Lawdog isn't one of them. So what's the deal LD? Aren't these prophesies in the bible?
I am not gleeful at the misery of others. Furthermore, most Catholics do not
believe that the Apocalypse can be understood as a direct allegory of international politics. Neo-con born- again types think that all nations will battle it out in Armageddon. Then Jesus wioll appear with a big stick. They do not interpret Revelations in the proper spiritual sense.
I don't buy into this whole rapture bit, given its history. I am more prone to believe that Christ is coming back for a righteous people...a spotless bride at which time, order will be restored again as in the days of Adam and Eve. The unrighteous will be removed or plucked from the earth as in the days of noah. (Sorry, Lawdog, I don't believe there will be mass beheadings of saints or sinners either. )
In our Faith we say that Christ is already here in one sense, present in the form of the Eucharist. We await his return in glory. Antichrist must come first, as it is written, and as Jesus himself said. Therefore there will be mass beheadings, as prophesied in Revelations.

The spiritual age that is coming will be very much like the medieval era, but without all the evil crap. Life will be simple, there will be no TV. People will adore the Eucharistic Christ in every place, from the rising of the sun to its setting, and God shall be glorified.

All christians shall unite under the banner of The King. The old monarchies shalll be restored. This will last a thousand years. Then Satan musty be again released for a short time. Then the final day of the Earth will come.
I prescribe to the notion that most of Revelations has already occurred. I don't quite take it as literal as others
Most of it has: read Kramer, the Book of Destiny TAN books. There are still many prophesies to be fulfilled.
I do not see any clear fulfilment of biblical prophecies happening in the events in southern Lebanon. Maybe if Syria launches an attack and Israel replies with a nuclear bomb on Damascus will prophecy be fulfilled.

Isaiah 17
1 The burden against Damascus.“ Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, And it will be a ruinous heap.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The problem with all that Prophecy talk is that the Prophecies have already come to pass.

Remember what Jesus said about "It would all come to pass before this Generation is gone".

Well, it did. Rome sent about 5 Legions to the Judah and destroyed Jerusalem. The Jewish People were dispersed. It was the End of the Messianic Church and the End of the Abrahamic Dispensation.

Nowhere in any Prophecy does it say that the Jews will Win. It all ends in a Day of Judgment. Well, Jerusalem WAS Judged. and it was Condemned.

And then it is odd how Protestants have decided to volunteer to be the Allies of the Jews -- the ONE People who so pointedly deny the Divinity of Jesus... in fact insisting that the Christian's Jesus was an absolute Fraud! These Jews... the Christ Killers... they don't even regret it. But the Protestants bend over backwards to support these their actual worst detractors. And why? Why, indeed. They suppose that God will reward them for helping His Chosen People. What!? After killing Christ, they still assume God actually still approves of these murderous Hebrews. And even if God did in fact approve of the Jews, and did indeed prioritize and favor the Jews, then why on earth would they need any more help then what God could provide.

You would think it would occur to some of these Faithful that God's Favor alone would be sufficient.

If the Jews truly are the Chosen People, then it should be put to the test. Israel should have all outside help and funding cut off. All their weapons supplied by foreign sources withdrawn. Let the Jews wade into Battle with nothing but whatever their Approval Rating with God happens to be.

Then we can see how God rewards those who think they have a right to steal other people's land and keep other People's in a permanent subjugation.
How dare you address us with anti-jewish remarks!
They are the people who raised Jesus from infancy
and taught him to read. To the stake with you false one!
