Anyway to Specifically contact a UFO or Alien Species?


Registered Senior Member
I've heard way out theories about contacting other species. Such as out of body experiences or just contacting your nearest government senate. Is there a way that there might be possible to go out of body and ask them to visit you specifically? I mean im sure there are theories about it but I was wondering if its possible.

Plus, I wondered about the black helicopters. I do have contact with one of the guys that does the operations, but do they have connections with the ufos themselves?
i have no idea, but.... i think i mightve been contacted telepathically by ET's though its prob my mind playing trix on me.... if you wanna know more jsut e-mail me

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages. i may be young, but i can see a hell of a lot more than you ever did.

-dexter (yahoo sn: rancid242)
Here's a sure fire method:

Drop your pants - bend over and wedge an "open for inspection" sign in your crack!


I don't think anyone can prove beyond a doubt that they have intentionally contacted ETs. The experiencer knows what he or she has perceived, but there haven't been many abductees who have had the presence of mind to try and bring back tangible evidence of their visit. Those that have tried have found themselves paralyzed or else overpowered and relieved of their souvenir. All we are left with are implants that either defy identification or else disintegrate on contact with the air outside of the human body.
Big C, You want to know about out-of-body experiences? There is a movie star, she is getting up in years now. Her name is Shirley Mclane ( I'm not sure of the spelling of the last name ) She has written three books on how to have an out-of-body experience. These books should be available at your local library. If you cannot find them, let me know and I can get you the name's of the book's. My daughter is a librarian. I have been wanting to read them myself, but just haven't got around to it. If you concentrate real hard at night in bed, in total darkness, you want to remember, for example, a past life. It is possible to do this, It may scare the hell out of you. You may wake up in a cold sweat. You may have had an experience with an ET. All things are possible in a dream. It may not have actually happened but it makes for some crazy dreams.

Oxygen, I suppose you have heard of the Betty and Barney Hill abduction by ET's. It happened back in the early 1960's. Under hypnosis, Betty Hill remembered a star map on the wall of the space ship she was in. The Doctor conducting the hypnosis, had Betty draw the map, which she did. The map was given to an observatory to be checked for accuracy. The astromoner said there were two stars on Betty's map that were not there, otherwise the map was accurate. On a hunch, the astromoner aimed the telescope to the area where Betty said the two stars were.
They are there, they are named after Betty and Barney Hill. That is not tangible evidence that they were abducted but it has convinced me.

Yes, I have a couple of books that explain out of body, But It's just so hard to get to do at first. But if its a way to contact aliens, I want to do it.
Shirley MacLaine is the author whom Ozarky is referring to. The Hill abduction, with its famous star map drawn by Betty Hill, popularized the notion that the "Greys" (which had conducted this abduction) hail from Zeta Reticuli since this star group closely resembled Betty's map. However, others have declared that Betty Hill's map also resembles the stars of the constellation Pegasus as well as the planets of our solar system. Still, others will point out that any number of randomly drawn dots on paper will have their celestial counterparts in the heavens given the infinite number of stars to play connect the dots with. As far as contacting "aliens," wherever they may hail from, it seems to be a matter of them contacting you rather than you contacting them. I've heard that the USAF back in the early '50's use to send up planes with detection equipment to look for UFOs and that some good pics were taken. That's the closest that I've heard of as far as an initiation of a UFO event to occur in circumstances that weren't merely happenstance. I've read of inadvertent contact with "Greys" occurring during remote viewing sessions carried out by the US Army back in the '70's & '80's. I guess if one is not inclined to have an out-of-body type of experience to contact "aliens," then one can always follow/stakeout an area/home/person that has regular abductions; supposedly, the Feds do this already. Still, if one is to believe abduction accounts, this might prove a futile endeavor since abductions apparently can occur without even the abductee's spouse waking up to witness anything or similarly without others in the immediate area being able to affect the outcome in any way. I wouldn't bother contacting the nearest senate; despite what they may appear to be, I do believe them to all be domestic.
If you've read "Breakthrough", just stay over a night or two at Whitley Strieber's place. ;)

"They're dead...It's a bit late for them to be getting neurotic about it."
I had an OOBE once, but I didn't see aliens. I was guarding a company called Cybernex on the grave shift. At around 3AM (that magical hour when strange things tend to happen to me) I got up from my desk in the lobby and set out to do my rounds. I was staggering my rounds to avoid predictability and decided to do an outside patrol instead of staying indoors. (We only did outside rounds at the beginning and end of a shift normally.) I grabbed my flashlight and left the lobby, carefully locking the door behind me. I went on patrol and saw nothing unusual, encountering only a small black and white cat stalking mice in the open field next to the building. I returned to the front door and as I started to put my key into the lock I looked up, surprised to have caught the image of a person behind desk. I thought a supervisor had come by and let himself in. When I saw who it was, I freaked. It was me! I was sitting with my head propped up by my arm, my eyes shut and I seemed to have fallen asleep in a sitting position. All of a sudden I felt a rush. I was pulled through the door (I think I heard a whooshing sound), and jolted awake right back behind the desk. I shook my head to clear the thoughts that were now riccocheting off my brain and spun the cameras to the field. There was the cat, and the whole perimeter looked exactly as I had seen it. I filled in the patrol report according to my memory and never breathed a word of the incident to my coworkers.

No aliens, I'm afraid, but it was the most vivid OOBE I have ever had.
In 1956 I was living in Long Beach, CA. I had met a cocktail waitress there in Long Beach and dated her off and on for several month's. She up and moved to Las Vegas. I had gone to Vegas to see her a few times.

One Friday night, after working all day, I had gone to a bar to watch the Friday Night Fights. A few beer's here, a few beer's there, suddenly it is about midnight. I put in a call to Vegas and asked her if she wanted company for breakfast. She said to come on over, she would give me the key to her place.

It was 300 miles on the old, two lane hi-way 91. Getting close to Barstow, the top down on my Porsche Speedster, I was freezing. I was beginning to think I had made a mistake, I should have stayed home. I pulled to the side of the road and put up the top. With the heater on full force, I got warm in a hurry.

The next thing I remember is a cop is shaking me, saying "you can't sleep here Buddy." I was parked near a dry river bed about 50 yards from the hi-way, the sun shining bright. It was just after eight in the morning. It scared the Hell out of me when I realized that I had driven some 150 miles under "hiway hypnosis." The good Lord takes care of drunks and fools. I wasn't drunk but I sure as Hell was foolish.

3 AM seems to be everyone's 'magic' hour doesn't it? Why is that hour so ... interesting?
Big C,

I cannot tell you if you have an
OBE that you will be able to contact aliens...however, I do have some info you might be interested in. E-mail me if you're interested.
