Anythangs good if you wrap it in bacon.???

Personally I don't think I would buy any pork foods from them but how would I tell which pork items came from this farm? There should be laws that make this sort of farming illegal to use because they have laws about other animals and how they are treated but vary from state to state.
Wow. I never knew about that aspect of it. There has to be some good operations out there. Surely they aren't all that bad.
Wow. I never knew about that aspect of it. There has to be some good operations out there. Surely they aren't all that bad.

I saw one operation whare the pigs roamed as much as they wanted... had a spring-fed mud-wallow... fed hand shelled corn... an had a barn to come an go to as they pleased.!!!
Slaughter began wit a bullet between the eyes... an they dropped dead.!!!

That was 55 years ago on a small farm an involved 1 pig a year for family use.!!!
I saw one operation whare the pigs roamed as much as they wanted... had a spring-fed mud-wallow... fed hand shelled corn... an had a barn to come an go to as they pleased.!!!
Slaughter began wit a bullet between the eyes... an they dropped dead.!!!

That was 55 years ago on a small farm an involved 1 pig a year for family use.!!!

There are some small farms around here that sell to the local farmers markets, or co-ops. I also know of a couple farms that will raise a pig for you. I went in on one with my parents last year. It takes some planning, but I would do it again. I just need to buy a chest freezer first.
The guys I buy a pig from once in a while say their biggest hassle is getting people to pay and take delivery - if you behave reasonably and keep your handshake bargains, it's pretty easy to find somebody with a few pigs penned next to the barn and treated with reasonable humanity who will fill your freezer every fall. Stop in at a local feed mill and ask.

I usually agree to pay at least the wholesale price they would get at the yard, and cover the butcher's bill myself when I pick up - the farmer will transport for you, if you cooperate with his schedule - so I get my high end cuts for cheap and my pork steak, sausage, etc, at supermarket prices or maybe a bit under. Look around, and you can probably find some skilled folks who have a specialty bacon or cured ham option, maybe an Old World gourmet cut too.
There are some small farms around here that sell to the local farmers markets, or co-ops. I also know of a couple farms that will raise a pig for you. I went in on one with my parents last year. It takes some planning, but I would do it again. I just need to buy a chest freezer first.

That sure seems more moral than the "big farm" alternative.!!!
Slugs in blankets.
Crispy on the outside, chewy on the inside.


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I once put a finger in my mouth after handling slugs (whammed it with the garden stake hammer), and I won't be eating slugs until that memory is gone.

You have actually managed to ruin bacon for me.

I don't think I will ever forgive you.

You have actually managed to ruin bacon for me.

I don't think I will ever forgive you.

[Ah Oh... damage control]

Its the stuff thats ground up like sausage that coud be loaded wit hair poop an tumors... etc... at worst... bacon is only likely to be a bit sht-stained.!!!

About 40 years ago we bout a "rolled roast" (beef) an it was held together wit 3 strangs... an for some reason i desided to cut the strangs an look inside... whare i found a 2 inch square of hide-hair atached to the meat.!!!

Kinda nasty lookin but i guess it wont hurt ya if ya cook it properly.!!!
I don't know if anyone has ever told you this..

But you are really bad at damage control.
I don't know if anyone has ever told you this..

But you are really bad at damage control.

Ok 1 more shot at it.!!!

When i was about 19 an livin on my own... i woud buy tomato juice by the quart can (cheeper) an punch a couple of holes in the top to drank it from... well one day i got it out of the fridge an took a drank an noticed ther was a seed in it... i chewed on it a bit an then it dawned on me that this tomato juice dont have seeds in it... so i spit it out an it was black... i poked at it wit a fork prong an a fly leg popped up... prolly not all that harmful but a bit nasty lookin... but my desire for tomato juice left me (here comes the damage control)... but about 1 year later i was walkin by a mobile food traler an saw a little can of v-8 juice... i instently thout about the fly i had chewed on but it didnt mater no more... i drank that v-8 juice an never was bothered by that fly agan... so... sooner or later you will likely enjoy baccon just as much as ever even tho you know how nasty it is.!!!
heh, Bells...

Here in 'Murica, we have some pretty odd defect levels... from Wiki

ProductType of insect contaminationAction Level
Canned sweet cornInsect larvae (corn ear worms or corn borers)2 or more 3 mm or longer larvae, cast skins, larval or cast skin fragments, the aggregate length of insects or insect parts exceeds 12 mm in 24 pounds
Canned citrus fruit juicesInsects and insect eggs5 or more Drosophila and other fly eggs per 250 ml or 1 or more maggots per 250 ml
Canned apricotsInsect filthAverage of 2% or more by count has been damaged or infected by insects
Chocolate and chocolate liquorInsect filthAverage is 60 or more insect fragments per 100 grams (when 6 100 g subsamples are examined)
Peanut butterInsect filthAverage of 30 or more insect fragments per 100 grams
Wheat flourInsect filthAverage of 150 or more insect fragments per 100 grams
Frozen broccoliInsects and mitesAverage of 60 or more aphids and/or thrips and/or mites per 100 grams
HopsInsectsAverage of more than 3,500 aphids per 10 grams
Ground thymeInsect filthAverage of 925 or more insect fragments per 10 grams
Ground nutmegInsect filthAverage of 100 or more insect fragments per 10 grams
Ground cinnamonInsect filthAverage of 400 or more insect fragments per 50 grams
Shredded carrotsInsect filthAverage of 800 or more insect fragments per 10 grams

Yeah... its' pretty nasty when you stop to think about it.