Anyone still believe in Zeus?

My neighbor dog is called Zeus, so yes, I believe in Zeus, or else why all the poop in my patio?
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Ha! People do really still worship the Greek Gods!
yes just like you, they worship an ancient god/gods, it seem most religious people worships ancient gods.
what is the point of the thread, is the next thread going to be "does anybody still worship Odin, or Ra, or Quetzalcoatl", you will find adherants to all religions ancient and modern, all over the world.

wheres theres gods theres sheeple.

this was a bit of a pointlless thread.
Wasn't he just some big guy living on Mt Olympus that claimed himself a god along with many other people. Greek gods were probably just really creative influencial guys with lots of time on their hand to create hogwash to control the people. Not trying to be flame-bait here but seriously is there any scientific proof they exist. *sigh* Maybe they're aliens. hehe...

Hey, at least they make funky reading materials.
I think this is an excellent question (only because I too have wondered. lol :) )

I find it funny because science has disproved the ancient gods (how teh sun and moon move, how lightening works, etc) but they still hang on to their own gods, even with no proof. silly rabbits
I find it funny because science has disproved the ancient gods (how teh sun and moon move, how lightening works, etc) but they still hang on to their own gods, even with no proof. silly rabbits
Ah - but that's only 'cos you read the ancient texts literally.
You need to look at them metaphorically - and obviously insert your own interpretation such that it still holds.

Ah - but that's only 'cos you read the ancient texts literally.
You need to look at them metaphorically - and obviously insert your own interpretation such that it still holds.


You're right. I do. Its how I was raised. The Bible was word for word what God said, did, and what was done. How I was raised, there was no interpretation. It was law, not a guideline.
Aren't all gods ancient? Haven't heard about the recent birth of any gods lately. Does any religion believe that there God is still coming and will be born in the future?