Anyone here analyze dreams?


Registered Senior Member
If anyone has a few minutes on their hands and can analyze dreams, it would be cool if you could tell me anything you see from this very vivid dream I had a couple nights ago:

I was at this HUGE party that was being thrown by this girl I know in real life. (In real life, this girl is AWFUL, she is verbally abusive to her roomates and is just....AWFUL, someone I really feel sorry for)

Anyway, it was a really big party, food everywhere. After stuffing my face on a bunch of food on these different tables, I was just walking around looking for some fritos and chili, because all of these tables had different food on them but I never did find the fritos and chili. I was seeing all of my other friends who know this girl too but didn't really talk to them, I remember just hoping I did not run into this girl who probably would not like me at her party. I was also sort of worried my friends would tell her that I was at her party. (In real life she found out from a third party that I did not want to be around her and took great offense to it so now hates me)

So after being unable to find my fritos and Chili, I decide to go out and get some fresh air. Now, outside of this great big house it is completely dark and creepy, there is absolutely nobody out there. There is one of those little scooter things, with the two wheels, where you put one foot on it and push with the other foot. Anyway it is laying on the sidewalk that goes to the house.

So I grab that and try to ride it down the sidewalk but the pavement is all rocky and cracked up, so I decide to go back into the house to the party.

RIGHT as I walk in the door, BLOOM she is standing there in a dress with some other girls. I didn't say anything and for a second she doesen't say anything, just has a surprised look on her face. Then, out of nowhere, she says "I don't want this f*cker at my party, no, get him the f*ck outta here" and walks down the stairs to the party.

So now I'm stuck outside in this extremely dark and creepy yard of the house completely clueless as to where I'm going to go and what I'm going to do.
I begin to walk down the street, bewildered and hurt and BLOOM that was when I awoke.

The overall mood was pretty dark, even the party.

Any input would be greatly appreciated, thanks for listening!
LOL I dont think there's any deep or meaningful message behind this dream. You've probably just had her on your mind: "(In real life she found out from a third party that I did not want to be around her and took great offense to it so now hates me) " <-- must be thinking about that and it turned into a weird story in your dreams. Also, note how she hates you & the dream gives you a "dark and creepy" feeling. hmm maybe she's sending you dark vibes.
But i dont know.. i'm no interpretor .. just wanted to read the dream :)
You projected your burden of guilt of descending from slave owners into your dream and punished yourself with ostracism. :bugeye:
I think your scared of this girl. You don't want her to hate you? Do you think she will destory your social life or something? 'Cause in your dream you seem to think your friends will tell her you were at the party ... You don't trust your friends, or do you not trust this 'third party' person? You think your mates might side with this girl?
Would standing outside the house, in the creepy garden, represent being a social reject?
Maybe the different food tables represent different social groups and you can't find your fritos and chili?
Not being able to ride the scooter thing, could this be how hard you think this girl is gonna make your life?

Dude, don't stress.
Mind you, the girl might shave your eyebrows off while your sleeping so watch out..
Thanks DeDe, great interpretation. Much like all of the other posters on this site, I actually AM a HUGE social outcast.

lol jk!
De De, you're annoying.

Frisbinator, don't worry about it, everyone has a girl who dislikes them (I think). I do atleast, a girl named Sarah, must have gotten her in the wrong mood during that time of the month but she's been bitchy towards me ever since.

Lol since we are talking about dreams why don't I tell ya'll about mine, one I also remember every now and then. I wake up in my bed and my bed is almost 2 or 3 times bigger than my actual bed would be, and it's circular as well. The room itself is smaller as well and dark, with the bed taking up over half of the room. Only light I see is coming from the snow on the tv. I decide to get up and leave the room. When i go outside everything is exactly the same as my actual house, only the kitchen has been moved to fit into where my living room and my living room somehow fits into my kitchen. Everything is pitch black, only I can see perfectly (don't ask how though). I suddenly hear a scream coming from my parents room. At this point I realize that its a nightmare, only problem is I can't control it as people normally would, so I decide to go into the living room (which is now a kitchen with a really long table reaching from one side of the room to the other). There is no way I'm going into my parents room. For no particular reason whatsoever I decide to sit on the floor under the table (I still can't realize why). Out of no where my parents door flings open and the screaming starts up again only much louder than before and the screaming is growing in intensity, and I can't see inside the door at all. When the screaming gets to the point where its unbearable I wake up.

A quick dream: I appear outside my house, walk into my house, there's a fan in the hallway. I turn on the fan and my both of my grandmas walk out of the bathroom. Their heads fall off for no reason (very animated, no blood at all). I decide to run out of the house, accidently run into my uncle on the way out, rebound back into the house and then my head falls off. I wake up afterwards.

P.S I know the dreams were long and probably boring as hell but hey, if you gonna analze why not try mine?
Actually as funny as it may seem I got the impression that you were dreaming HER dream and not your own.

This girl has a control problem, she enjoys being abusive and likes the idea of manipulating persons.

I guess what you dreamed was a part of her dream and you just became part of her dream. She has obviously picked up on your compassion for her and is abusing it.

This is my take on it any way.....
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