Anyone have questions about Christianity?

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Registered Senior Member
Okay if anyone has any questions specifically about Christianity or why anybody should choose Christianity over another belief system, then post them up here and I'll give it my best shot.

HOWEVER: (1) no questions from the Old Testament because that just gets into a lot of Jewish tradition which I'm not too familiar with so can't help out too much there. (2) Don't post up a cut and copy of '100 questions for Christians' from another web site. (3) Don't be rude or questions will not be answered. (4) Realize that not all questions can be answered. (5) Finally if you are just some teenage smart arse athiest who thinks everyone who doesn't have the same belief as them is an idiot and you'll go on forums to have a go at people in your spare time because you can't get a girlfriend....please do not post.

Now I don't have all the answers but I hope I can help out some genuine people.

Ask away...
I'll open the floodgates, why does a compassionate god have so much disregard for injustices in the world?
Answer for Spuds question:

You've really got to learn about God and see things from his perspective. God is loving, he thinks to Himself, I have lots of love to give but no one to give it to. So He creates us. Much like a woman or man has a child to love and care for God created us to Love and care for.

Now God made a wonderful place for us, no death, no evil, only good things, plus everyone was naked :) haha If this was a garden of Eden or if that just represents what really was in the beginning, it doesn't really matter. It was like how you would treat your newborn child. You would make up a baby room, clean everything, get toys, just get everything perfect because this child is someone you love more then anything else and you want everything to be perfect for it.

Now everything was perfect, everything was good, it was only when humankind turned their back on God that everything went horribly wrong. It was then that injustices entered the world. Much like when a teenager turns their back on their parents because they 'know better', only for the teenager to find out that they in fact don't know anything. You can't blame the parents for the childs disobediance. You can ask many parents whose children turned to drugs and crime, and they'll tell you that they loved their child so much and did everything they could to stop them.

So before you go blaming God look at it from his perspective. And realize how much pain and rejection God must have felt when the children He loved so much rejected Him. And much like how a parent with a disobediant child tries and tries to get that child to come back home with them, so God tries and tries to get us to come back to Him and live a Holy life. God wants us back so much that He sent His ownly Son to come get us and mankind nailed Him to a cross.

God is not to blame for injustice, we are.
God's baby went really bad didn't he?

Did God not have more influence over his "children " than your average hapless parent over their teenagers?
haha aint that the truth. But yeah short answer no God didn't have more control. Could he have? Yes. But He chose not to because who wants to raise a puppet?
Sorry should have been more specific. No evil in the world.

But yeah as far as satan and the fallen angels go, right now its all way beyond me to understand. I'm pretty keen to study it next year should be interesting.
Actually no I think I'm a bit wrong there because if there was no evil in the world then where would be the free will to choose good or evil? So I guess there was evil in the world. Just not sin, which is the choice to follow after that evil.

Does that make more sense?
Actually no I think I'm a bit wrong there because if there was no evil in the world then where would be the free will to choose good or evil? So I guess there was evil in the world. Just not sin, which is the choice to follow after that evil.

Does that make more sense?

Christ, that didn't take long. I thought I was the one asking the questions.

Since you've rolled over like a puppy, I'll give you some sage advice sunshine.
Look to the great teachers..Grasshopper( sorry, couldn't resist), look to the children, the goats, the stars, the marmosets...shit like that!
Okay what I know about the devil and his affect in the beginning. Not much but here it is. Satan was the #1 angel, he was the angel of music. He was arrogant and thought he could overthrow God. Satan is an excellent deciever, proven by the fact that he convinced 1/3 of all the angels in heaven to rise up against God. God threw Satan and the other angels out of heaven.

Satan is now the Prince of this world and roams around like a lion seeking those to devour. Satan is not omni-present therefore is not everywhere like God and sends His fallen angels out to continue fighting against God and His plans. The fall of man was a plan of the devil.

There are a number of different classifications of evil angelic beings. There are hybrid fallen angels called Nephilim, there are demons who some say are disembodied fallen angels possibly the Nephilim that were cast into hell but later realeased...who knows but some say that, also there are fallen angels and then there is Satan the chief fallen angel. Fallen angels cannot be saved because Jesus became a man and died for our sins, He did not become an angel and die for their sins. Hence why fallen angels do not seek repentance but only to frustrate the plans of the God who defeated their uprising and cast them down from the heavenly bodies.
Paedophilic Priests isn't that a category on their own? Why would I categorize them as fallen angels, your questions are fast becomming stupid.

Anyway whats that even got to do with Christianity? Catholicism in general is far from Christian. Just a means of control instigated by smart rulers and exploited by crafty buisness men. Of course some catholics aren't bad, I'd say the paedophiles are though.
I don't want this thread to turn into an immature Christian VS Athiest bitch fight. If you feel the need to start an argument go elsewhere. I'm not answering any more of your questions Spudy.
O.K, sorry Chief.
Back to the thread.
Be forewarned, you might cop a pasting around these parts from those less circumspect than myself.
Tread carefully.
Well answers, you sure jumped in to the lions den. Most people here are not just atheists, but are vehemently anti-Christian or anti-God. Most are left wing moral relativists. But I might jump in too if you get a question from someone actually interested in learning.

So I'll give you a question so that you at least get one. Pre-trib or post-trib?
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