Anyone give a clue about the HUGE BRIGHTNESS


Registered Member
I'm new to this forum(I used Yahoo to find it out).I registered here for one reason today which rather messed my mind.
At 5th this month,the meteorologists in China's Shandong Prov. announced their horrendous discovery: a huge brighting object was covering upon in the high altitude,exactly covered the whole peninsula of this province.
These was shown by the satellite nephograms.
In Tuesday this week,my local newspapers' website reported that the huge object had moved southward into the location upon Shanghai city.
Because of the rainy weather in Far East recently,it is no way to find those object by eyes.
It remind me the movie of Independence Day. :confused:
Today(13th Jan) I didn't get anything about this news from Chinese newspaper or web medias.
Can anyone tell me more about this?Is there anything on the internet linked to these news recently? Thank you very much.
To see the satellite nephograms,goto the following site.It's an official daily paper's website in Nanjing city,Jiangsu Prov.,china.I try to post it's link here.
You can watch the large picture:
The report was published in another page of the site,which is in Chinese:
Forgive me posted this question in two threads.I don't know which is the right place.Thank you.
I caught wind that the communist Chinese bent over in unison around a match and farted on command. Rumor has it that the resulting fireball could be seen from a great distance. Also, there's a prediction that the mushroom cloud from this horrendous explossion may reach high orbit within the week, making its strange green glow easily visible to anyone in the northern hemisphere.

It is believed that the Chinese government staged this propaganda event in an effort to demonstrate the mighty power of the Peoples Republic of China and the combined strength of her people.

In response, The U.N. has proposed a no-fly-zone within Chinese territorial boundries, restricting all commercial flights until futher studies can be conducted.

For more info and updates, check the URL below:

It's all very large.
WHEW!!! That one gets a 10 :eek:

[This message has been edited by 666 (edited January 13, 2000).]