Anyone ever have a dream that came true the very next day?


Registered Senior Member
I've had that happen to me at least twice so far. Anyone know what causes this phenomenon? One dream I had was when I saw a city and the very next day I was reading a Shakespeare play for a reading assignment and one of the characters had the same exact name as the city I dreamt about. I have never heard of that name before in my life before I had that dream. In another dream I had, I had a dream about wolves and the very next day I saw something that was about wolves. I'm starting to believe that people like Nostradamus really could predict the future.

Edited to add:I just realised I posted in the wrong board. Can someone move this topic for me?
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Just a coincidence. I once had a dream of locking a pigeon into my Grannys car, the next day I find out that she had locked herself into a toilet on a campsite.
He didn't do a terribly good job forseeing he'd post in the wrong forum though...

What'd'y think... Off day?... Too many walnuts before bed time...? I'm at a loss. Prediction is usually so.... predictable.
Mr Anonymous said:
He didn't do a terribly good job forseeing he'd post in the wrong forum though...

What'd'y think... Off day?... Too many walnuts before bed time...? I'm at a loss. Prediction is usually so.... predictable.

non sequiter

he was not assigned a task to forsee anything. there was no conscious directing of thought towards any particular prediction. he just dreamt stuff and it occured the next day. twice in his entire life as far as he remembers.

no one was predicting anything

so ahh
the lesson for today is to read the topic post, try to comprehend before replying, and above all, try not to be a smart ass. you will only humiliate yourself
It could just be that the information was provided before the dream, perhaps when you were given the assignment. Maybe a professor/teacher mentioned the name of the character; perhaps a peer in the class mentioned it to another student; etc. You may have had another task in the foreground with the discussion/mention in the background.

Our brains cannot possibly process every single bit (in the digital sense) of information, so it looks for patterns and tries to make sense of them in both real time as well as later. It could also be that the title of the play jogged a memory. For instance, you may not have read The Merchant of Venice, but the fact that Portia is a character may have been a fact mentioned by someone at another time and long forgotten. The mere mention of the play's title could have jogged that bit of memory, which came loose in a dream.

Of course, there is a character in that play named Antonio. You weren't dreaming about San Antonion were you? :cool:

Out of curiosity, which of Shakespeare's works were you assigned and which character was it?
I once had a dream that Courtney Love had a drug overdose and the next morning on the news, she did, but that's nothing special. That's something common and obvious like GWB declaring war on another country in the Middle East. :p

- N
Gustav said:
non sequiter

he was not assigned a task to forsee anything. there was no conscious directing of thought towards any particular prediction. he just dreamt stuff and it occured the next day. twice in his entire life as far as he remembers.

no one was predicting anything

so ahh
the lesson for today is to read the topic post, try to comprehend before replying, and above all, try not to be a smart ass. you will only humiliate yourself

zzzzzzzzzz.... oh, sorry old man. What was that?
more of these illogical fantasy scenarios
the very act of posting indicates a waking state yet a pretense is maintained

amazing how the pathology deepens
I was given the assignment the day after the dream and before I had the dream I never even heard of the play or any of the characters in it. I forgot what play but the character was Ganymede(sp?). Another possibility is maybe someone was talking about the play within hearing range and although I didn't consciously hear it my subconscious picked the name up.
had you been reading the shakespeare play before you had the dream?
because if so, the name had probably comeup earlier, and you just forgot about it. so that would explain why you dreamt about it
Gustav said:
more of these illogical fantasy scenarios

nuh?!.... What? Oh, not at all old man, if anything, quite the opposite. I often find your posts have an extremely relaxing, almost soporific effect - not at all unlike the effect of lavender or petunia oil, albeit all too rather demonstrably lacking entirely in the requisite pleasing olfactory presence most usually associated with either.

Of course, that latter deficiency one can attribute entirely, I'm almost completely certain, to the fact that the forums remain a largely text based medium. Perish the thought anyone should get the impression that one such as myself would even be suggesting that, on the whole, your posts generally stink.

Anyway, must dash. Actual discussions to get on with. Always a pleasure old boy,

Toodles. ;)
Mr Anonymous said:
Actual discussions to get on with. Always a pleasure old boy,

excellent, i look forward to them
ps: bring your brains along. it would help immensely. trust me on this
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