Anyone ever been hypnotized?


Registered Senior Member
Did it work for you? what was the purpose of the hypnotized, giving up smoking? getting over a phobia, improving your temperament?

Im interested in the idea at some point in the future, my motivation dips really badly at times and feel like a bit of hypnosis to get me more goal-orientated and focused 'may' be worth a shot.
I have many times for my sleeping problem. The first one I went to was amazing he took me under so well. But I missed the second session and didn't go back, no one since has been able to hypno me the same as he did, I really regret missing that appointment.

Others have been good tho and I have had some benefits. I also learned to hypno myself to play snooker better and it worked.

I think my problem in the later hypno's was that I got so in to it by studying it etc that I was too aware of what they were doing.
Hypnosis is only a grander scale of the "power of suggestion". We all use the "power of suggestion" everyday on a daily basis.

Whenever you say, " I Can't do this". It is a suggestion. If someone says ,"you are lousy at". That is also a suggestion.

If you go up to a co-worker and tell them they look awfully pale, they may actually get sick based on this suggestion.

The Placebo effect is a well documented use of the "power of suggestion". The doctor gives someone sugar pills with no medicinal value, and suggests that it will heal them. It is the strength of the suggestion that actually does the work.

For those who believe in Telepathy, some ideas are that we react to telepathic suggestions from others as well, especially if your inhibitions are lowered like when drinking alcohol.

For all kinds of negative suggestions that you hear or otherwise recieve there is a simple defence. That is to repeat the words, "I will only react to positive suggestions." frequently.

Self hypnosis, auto-suggestion, affirmations, creative visualizing, are all in tune with hypnosis as they are suggesting ideas to your subconscious.

With the advent of Mp3's and the computer I now use the computer to "talk to me" while I am asleep. It is effortless, and the computer can talk all night as opposed to those one hour cassettes.

I often use "Windows Player" on random/repeat

I say things like.

"You will wake up well rested at the appointed time"
"I only react to positive suggestions."
"I am healthy, wealthy, and wise."
phrase all affirmations in the past tense, as if they have already happened.

Good luck