Anybody here on a weight loss diet?


Registered Senior Member
Anybody here on a weight loss diet? I am trying to cut back my intake of food, increase fruits and vegetables, eat less starch along with some bicycling, walking etc.
Any comments would be appreciated on weight loss

The question is when am i not on a diet.

Just exercise and switch to olive oil...don't give up on taste....just eat less fats thats all. Do a lot of cardio and important thing; always warm up before doing cardio to prevent damage to any muscles or anything else. As for starch - cut down on it but don't completely give it up. Also do not skip on meals...people think eating less by skipping meals doesn't. Eat your three meals but in less amounts and exercise...exercise exercise exercise....people always forget the exercise part.

And for goodness sakes don't take up one of those stupid diets that cause serious harm to your health. Try not to lose weight too fast'll get stretch marks and possible liver and other organ damage.

Personally, Id forget diets all together. They all contradict each other to the degree that the facts about whats really good or bad for you is lost in a cloud of opinion and half truths. Animals know what they need to survive on a basic level, I think we do too. trust your gut and don't eat till you have to unbutton your jeans, combine that with a reasonable amount of exercise and your good to go.

I should add that I hate exercising for its own sake (it always feels like some bizarre torture of extreme boredom combined with pain). If you feel similarly about weight rooms and tread mills I'd recommend picking a sport(s). In my experience its much easier to keep it up because its fun, the exercise you get is just a very handy by-product of the recreation.

This method worked for me. I eat less than i did (per meal) but still essentially whatever i want, play volleyball and swim once a week (more if time permits) add to that a nice long walk every-night (just me and my ipod) and bingo! my goal was achieved without having to weigh my food at each meal or stepping foot in a weight room.

Just my opinion.
Don't go on "a diet".
Something that will make you lose weight by following this particular regimine until you achieve this particular goal.

Make a change to your lifestyle that you will feel comfortable following the rest of your life.
The results may take a little longer, but it will last, and you will be a more healthy person. (provided it is a beneficial change, that is. If the change is to eat an extra box of Twinkies a day, then your results may vary a bit. ;))
Originally posted by nanoboy
Anybody here on a weight loss diet? I am trying to cut back my intake of food, increase fruits and vegetables, eat less starch along with some bicycling, walking etc.
Any comments would be appreciated on weight loss


Spend more time to exercise[non-stop], dont give up easily, regular exercise helps burning the fats.
Also, try to control the consumption of food. Dont eat too much meat...or anything with high calories and fat.
For Summer preperation I switch to working out twice a day! this will boost your basic metabolic rate bigtime, to a point you burn fat even without aerobics. Also I trade my regular food for ONLY(!) oitmeal combined with 20 grams proteine powder and water (no milk! no sugar!) and have 6-8 of these small meals a day (have tupperware and a blender !) I stop using refined sugars completely and avoid milk (I get the necessary calcium from a calcium-magnesium-citrate capsule) and the other vitamines from multi-vitamine-mineral capsules and 1 tablespoon of essential fatty oil a day (udos choice))

The real killer is when the last 2 weeks before holiday I add 2 aerobic sessions a day, one pre-breakfast 45 minutes low intensity and one high intensity interval training immedialtely after weightlifting workout.
Thank you all

Hello all: Thank you for your cool comments on weight loss. Yeah exercise is important but u have to watch out not to eat too much, i mean what u could run all the miles in the world and i you still eat plenty of food in the day you won't lose a bit of weight. It's proven that if you don't eat less you won't lose weight. It takes will power to lose fat

Thanks again :)

This is what my diet looks like

Breakfast: coffee + 1marlboro

Lunch: 3/4 cup boiled rice, 6 oz chicken (baked) and green-vegetables

Snack: fruits

Dinner: 1 whole-wheat hot-dog roll
1 can solid tuna

Snack: apple + bit of pineapples


exercising routine: 25 minute-walk (5 times X week)

NOTE: Can't exercise more than that coz i tried to exercise more but i got too hungry + tired, so 25 minute is just fine, i don't need to burn extra calories coz i diet strict :)

It is believed that pre-breakfast (or pre-lunch in your case, as you don't have a breakfast) exercise is very efficient at burning fat, since you have eaten nothing during your sleep, glycogen stores are low and consequently the body will have to switch to either fat or muscleprotein (that's why you should not use high-intensity aerobics pre-breakfast, cause it will use too much protein, if no carbs available). Also Hydrating your body by drinking at least 3 liters of water during the day will help to flush bloat and fat.

I would suggest the following:

Wake up, drink 500 ml water immediately, this will hydrate your body and will aid in burning fat instead of muscle for the exercise to come...

10 minutes later, have your coffee + 2 STACK-II capsules , this should get you wired like a rabbit on meth and create a thermogenic environment, now do your walking exercise, work your way up to 45 minutes.

Important: take the STACK-II capsules on a 5 days on 2 days off bases, because they give give you a very unclean buzz (compared to amfetamines) and prolonged use makes you feel jittery, also do not use them longer than 1 period of 3-4 months a year, otherwise ephedrine might cause irregular heart patterns or upset nervous system.

But hey, it works....
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Originally posted by nanoboy
Anybody here on a weight loss diet? I am trying to cut back my intake of food, increase fruits and vegetables, eat less starch along with some bicycling, walking etc.
Any comments would be appreciated on weight loss


The easiest way to lose weight is to have a surgery. You lose tons of weight after that.

Having cancer also can do the trick.:D
Vortex: All i gotta lose is 11 lbs. (i'm perfectionist)

Even though i am into book-reading a lot i have to resume my dieting before i can start any further studies because the 2 activities counter-attack each other (dieting + studying/reading) so i want to resume my dieting and lose 11 lbs. x-tras that have been hanging up on me, I am not fat nor chubby just wanna be perfect so that when I'll start my new studyies and reading i wouldn't have to worry about exercising all the time which depletes book-reading carbohydrate stores

Here's something to keep in mind. For every 3500 Calories that you don't burn gets converted into 1 lb of fat. If you want to lose 11 lbs, that's 38,500 Calories of body fat you need to kill.

Of course you need to be persistant if you want to do it the right way, which is gradual. You might try to burn 300 more Calories than you take in per day.

That's how simple losing weight is. Just a matter of using more Calories than you're taking in.

Since you're a guy, you're at a great advantage. You have testosterone. Estrogen makes you fat and weak. Testosterone makes you thin and strong. This is why losing weight is much, much harder for women.

Because you have more testosterone, you naturally have a higher metabolism. Building muscle will increase your metabolism even more and if the fat doesn't melt off, it won't be so noticeable if it's backed up with muscle. Cardio is important, but in my opinion, anaerobic is just as important. If I were you, I wouldn't focus so much on losing weight as much as getting fit. You may notice that you look much better in the mirror and at the same time you didn't lose weight. You lost fat and gained muscle, which is a lot heavier. Hope this helps.. Use your testosterone.
Sometimes I hear some females indeed complain " For boys it's much easier to loose weight etc. etc." after wich they continue to eat from their taco Bell.

Genetics and Testlevels do indeed play an important factor, but keep in mind that Bodybuilders conciously OVER-EAT in the off-season in order to get heavier (and hopefully a great deal of the added mass is muscle) while pre-contest they are challenged to strip of all the gained fat while preserving as much as muscle as possible... King Kamali balloons up to 300 pounds and looks like a beachball offseason, but on stage....BEWARE, cuts and seperation all over the place!!! (personally I am more into the Frank Zane look, waists of BB have become much bigger the last decade because of Growth Hormone causing the intestines to grow with pot belly as result, also a great deal of these broader waists is oblique and spinal eroctor muscle, because bb have been getting heavier overall, but I don't think that is particulary aestetic, Now Shawn Ray is a good exception, having a slightly smaller physique but everything in perfect proportion, the man puts statues of Greek Gods to shame)

Now that is at least as a challenging task as some female with obese genetics. Still they manage to do so, How ? Not by complaining, but by RELIGIOUSLY managing training, food and supplements, that means skipping the piece chocolate-cake you get offered at a birthday WHILE not skipping the pre-breakfast aerobic workout you had scheduled (granted, some pro's do eat junkfood off-season because they can afford that while using TEST/GH/INSULINE stack and dangerous diuretics and DNP/T3/Winstrol/Clenbuterol/ECA to look really ripped but still.....)

EFFORT & DEDICATION, EXERCISE!, GET PSYCHO! BURNING DESIRE, stick to it and you will get there!
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Well, speaking about excercising, my mother just bought one of those electrical pads that you strap around the belly that gives you small electric impulses, anybody tried one of those? I tried it today and it's quite fascinating to see how the muscles contract by the impulses. Although it feels a bit unhealthy giving oneself electrical shock treatment. I'm sure it can give you cancer in the long run, but then, doesn't everything?
