Any secular arguments against artificial birth control?

Mod note: The OP asked for secular arguments, hence posts detailing religious standpoints have been removed.
I’m not aware of logical valid reason that can be applied to the whole of society. Maybe there might be an argument on the basis of insufficient population growth. I’ve heard it said, for instance, that Japan’s birth rate is too slow to negate its rapidly aging population. On the other hand, I’ve also heard it said that over-population is the root cause of most of humanity’s woes. :shrug:

On an individual basis there may be medical reasons such as allergies or endocrine factors that prevent various methods.
Just financial arguments against, ... but to be honest it's kinda hard to manage. I'm the tail end of a baby boom, which has some benefits, my age group, being a large demographic have had the market shaped around us somewhat, there's lots of products and services aimed at us.

Downside is that there are fewer younger people, so those of my age who haven't prospered are going to have a lean time on a state pension.

So sure, birth control, ie, the older people in the baby boom deciding to work for longer before having kids has caused this disparity, but it also made the demographic we enjoy.

I don't think govts can react fast enough to offer incentives to keep people breeding and not using birth control to maintain a static population. I think they offer too many incentives to breed in the first place, and that places strain on resources.
Thanks for the replies so far.

Is it true that some contraception (e.g. Birth control pills, IUDs, Norplant etc) works as abortifacient? If so, please cite reputable source. I see wikipedia failing is on subjects of a controversial.
I don't think any social factor justifies denying people birth control...

I think there are a lot of factors where it might make sense to deny people a certain form of birth control:

-Other risks (i.e. a form of birth control that poses a significant risk of injury or death)

-Incompetence (i.e. someone who is not competent to manage their own affairs, due to dementia, age etc)

-Agreement of the father (i.e. some societies may consider the wellbeing of the fetus to be the responsibility of both parents)
Closeness and expression of love in a natural way? Maybe the whole nature thing is more new age than secular.
The pill can cause strokes, IUD's cause all kind of issues, condoms break/latex allergies. Not anything particularly convincing for being against it.