Any one else?


Registered Member
Ok, for about the last 5 years I have had the ability to mentally see short TV clips of shows and that day or the next day I channel flip to that exact spot where I mentally visualized earlier. It comes in so clear. Mostly when I am driving my car. You see I don’t have a radio in it, so I have no distractions. I let my mind wonder and (BAM) I see a short episode of a Star Track. I don’t watch Star Track anymore, but as a kid I did. BAM I visually see a clip of a show I have not seen in YEARS. That night I turn on the TV and flip it going down to CNN and there it was. The exact same thing clip I saw earlier, and this goes on all the time. And no, it is not from seeing previews of the show. The bitch about it is that it happens so often, but only with TV shows… and maybe other stupid useless stuff (Music, someone I have not seen in years) but mostly TV shows. (Ponder), maybe I watch to much TV.. I wish if I could predict something, it would be something not so mundane. Does anyone have any advice? Anyone else experience this? :(
And something else

About 3 months ago while walking alone through the newly cleared forest that my wife and I bought. It is about 6 acres off the road and quit and peaceful. Anyway, I was by myself and so was not involved in conversation that would distract me. I was overcome by a desire to touch a standing tree on the corner of our property. I did and looking up to the branches of the old tree I had the since of connection with the old tree. A very strange felling to say the least. Then after a few moments I walked 6 or 7 steps away from the tree, in the cleared part of the land, and bent down to plunge my hands into the freshly tilled dirt. About 4 inches down I hit something soft and wet. I jerked my hand back. Using my foot to uncover the dirt I revealed the crushed form of an old Box turtle. I was overcome with a strong since of loss. I sat there in the dirt for sometime after that, going over what had just happened. I never told my wife or any of my friends. Maybe one of you more knowledgeable people may be able to give me some insight into what I can’t explain.
Hi Bink, welcome to sciforums. :)

I think you do know why you felt that way in the forest. Think about it, recall the feeling. What causes the sadness in the forest? What happened? I have something with trees. For as long as I can remember. I also hate it to see them hurt or damaged, in any way. Particularly through human intervention.

Do not know what to tell you on the television shows though. It may be different kind of things. Maybe you are channeling tv-shows...:D

Later on, I will be back. Please, think about the feeling in the forest, if you will. I gather you've done that already quite a lot, all the same, there is a reason for it.

See you 'round.
I have something with trees. For as long as I can remember. I also hate it to see them hurt or damaged, in any way.
So, tell us you live in a house with no wood products of any kind....
I believe

I believe you can have a need for something but not like the destruction do to the outcome. So yes G, I think Banshee can have such a view of such things.
Me 3. I also enjoy a good steak but I don't want to see into a slaughter house.

I think trees have great beauty and majesty. They live for hundreds of years and while they aren't sentient they must have some form of memory in their sap.

Maybe we can tie into that.
There's more to heaven and earth...etc.

Why not contact your local spiritualist group. They often hold something called an open circle to help enhance any 'psychic' powers an individual might hold.

It may be mumbo jumbo, on the other hand it may be fact. Thing is i've witnessed things at some of their meetings that have amazed me.

The only other example I have is when I think of someone I haven't seen for a long time and then turn a corner and they're there.

Or someone might ask me the time and I'll know it before I look at my watch, that kind of thing.

Keep us posted, and welcome :D
I can’t go to a local spiritualist group, because I live in the boonies. And I am talking about the BOONIES…That is why I am posting my experience here. I am hoping that someone could give me some insight into what I have no present knowledge of. Maybe get some pointers on how gain some kind of control of something that I am just beginning to get a glimpse of. Because I know if it’s happening to a backwoods hick like me, then other people are experiencing the same thing.
Well, in that case it must be really pissed. Because it was my clearing of the land that got him/her killed again. *sigh*
No I was just kidding Bink. Maybe you were the turtles mamma in a former life:D

And I do the same thing but differently. Ill think of someone or someone will pop in my mind that I havent seen in months or years - and then that person will call or Ill run into them. Trippyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....
And why do you think it happens? I asked my wife and some friends about it, and besides laughing at me, they have never had such an experience. It’s not as if these events are all that important. So why would we get a premonition (I think that is how to spell it) on something so trivial? I don’t expect you to know the answer, but it’s just that I hate not knowing. It makes me fell a little special, but at the same time I think (so what’s so special about it) You’re a walking TV guide…
Maybe you have the power to see other things as well, you just dont know how to(?) - Try meditating, maybe you will be able to see the future:)
There is such greatness feelable while being in the forest. Just being there, doing nothing but listen to the sounds of the forest. It is like the trees are talking. If you touch the trees it is like feeling the life flowing through them to your body.

There is something about trees and there ancient being here, on earth. It can give a feeling of total sadnees, but also it can give a feeling of total bliss. It is just how you perceive the sounds and presence of the forest at the moment of being there. (and all that belongs to the forest, the inhabitants)

I don't know another way of saying this. All trees have that effect on me. It is so since I was a little child.

Somehow, being in the forest reloads my "batterry", so to speak. When being there alone, by myself, without the noise of other people atound, the forest really comes alive. There is an immense feeling of being connected to the flow of life through the trees.

How weird it may sound, it is a true feeling. I am sure there are heaps of people who have this too. It is another case for them to say they do, actually, out of fear of being called a lunatic.

I couldn't care less about other peoples opininon though. What is, that is, no matter what others say. Through the forest, there is a true connection with one self. And thus, it is not at all so strange you get a feeling of sadness. Somehow, the trees talk...:)

Feelings of preminition are not that strange either. If you are open to others timezones, you will perceive them much more easily. Problem with people nowadays is that they are mostly interested in one self and not so much in others. It is much more easier to say all people who actually have feelings of preminition (which come true) are crazy, or delusional. Of course they laugh at you. That speaks more for them than for you. It is case, for most people, to appear like they are in total control and feelings of being connected to nature and feelings of preminition, are ridiculed away as being imagination, or delusions.

Just be yourself and feel. You, yourself, always know how to take your own feelings. Don't put them aside because others don't or are not willing, to accept it. Believe in yourself and hang on to it.

You know when it is imagination and when it is not so...:)
hey banshee,hows everything?...:)

anyways,your posting reminded me something called <b>Deja Vu</b>.i cant and i dont exactly know what it is.but i have experienced the damm thing for quite a lot times now.

like for example there were these set of 5 building at Singapore called Sun Tek city i and couple of months ago i had seen the same shot where i and mom are standin',the same fountain.

then there were these scenes from Frankfurt airport that i had seen,before in my dreams where i go for loo and there i find an old lady lost and i help her out.

i also had this stuff where i saw that i got third place in my class in my dreams(i was the toppper then)and then next morning i got f***ed up only to realise that i lost because some couple of marks here and there in maths.

these are the events i had several Deja Vus where i thought i could see future.may be they were coincidences or Randomly happening events.but i"d like to know what Random events caused this and if we know that,then perhaps i would love to have Deja Vus quite often...

thanks for your time.
