Any "normal" dream boards out there?


Registered Member
First of all, please do not be offended by the title of this thread, I really mean no offense. Nor am I calling the people here, or at any other boards like this weird or something, I would just love to read something that was neither incredibly scientific/religous/phsychic/whatever. I only want to find a message board where people post there dreams, and discuss them, not really try and find out the "true meaning" of them or the "subconcious processes" that were going through the mind during them. I am only asking, because whenever I search the internet I can only seem to find boards based on one of the extremes. Alright, I'll shut up and wait now before I get carried away here (although I might have been already).
Why not set up a site where people can post their dreams and have others interpret them just for fun? Of course, you'll always get the freakazoid who takes it all gravely seriously, so you'd have to have disclaimers all over the place, but it could be interesting.
Would you be interested if I setup a site like this?

I could implement a karma scale so that people who post garbage are hidden.
Yeah, I'd be interested. I considered the idea of making my own board, but I didn't think anyone would come. Not so sure know, though. Haven't checked it out yet, I'll do that soon.

[EDIT]--> Lol, I actually just made my own board, it turned out to be very easy. I'll post a link once I get it "up and running", althought it'll probably suck. The name does, anyways. Never been an Admin or Mod before, and now I'm both. -_-
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I like the idea of the karma scale to weed out the idiots. How do you define a 'normal' dream, though? If a person is interested in UFO's and aliens, they could conceivably show up as symbols from the subconcious without necessarily meaning that the dreamer was abducted or visited. Dreams of gods and messiahs aren't necessarily divine visitations, either, but both of these examples can be pretty weird.

Of course, you'll always get the "I-want-attention" twerps who make things up just for shock value: "Hee hee, I dreamed I was shooting all of my teachers so now I'm going to do it." You'll also probably see someone acting out sexual fantasies. For the sake of not having to have ID checks, you'll want some way to remove these before they get you in trouble. I don't know much about web design, so I don't know what tools there are for this.

I'd definitely visit such a site, though. I'd even post a few of my more elusive dreams, especially the ones with repeating themes. For example, whenever I dream about driving, it's always long-distance driving, it's always around 1AM, and I'm always going to Indio, California. I've been by Indio (once), but I've never actually gone into that town. I don't know why I'm going there, only that I must get there.

Something from my dreams that stands out like crazy is The House. I think the house represents myself. When I first went to The House, it was a huge, colonial style building on a busy street. Once inside, all was peaceful and quiet with plenty of tall windows letting in the light. A work crew was inside cleaning things up from the prior tenant. I went inside the master bedroom where I saw a large Raggedy-Ann doll wrapped up in thick, clear plastic. I reched down to touch it, but a woman grabbed my wrist and said "Don't touch it. That's not yours." Then she showed me one of the furnished rooms, which was an art studio surrounded by windows that looked out on a forest with a river coursing through. It had all the drawing supplies I could ever want. The whole house was modern and in great shape...except for the kitchen.

The kitchen was more like a basement with pale yellow walls. One bare light bulb lights up the room, which is enormous. The floor is bare, cold cement. The appliances are antique and look like they're on their last legs, but they work. In the middle of the room and going halfway up the wall is a cement stairway that leads to a rickety wooden door. The dark yellow paint is cracked and flaking off. The doorknob is tarnished a dark brown. Sometimes the door is locked, other times it opens easily. Every time I go to open it, however, that same woman shows up and says with terror in her voice "Don't ever open that door! You aren't supposed to go in there!" She never tells me why, though. I know there's a darkness behind that door, but I don't feel that it represents death. It has more an aura of the unknown and unknowable than of death. I promised myself that when I have this dream again, I'm going to open that door.

Would this count as a normal dream?
No, you misunderstand. I don't mean normal dreams, but rather a place where you can just talk about your dreams, none of that scientific or phsycic stuff. Any dream is fine, but I get really tired of discussions talking about "meditation" or the (Someone's) Principle or Theory. I once saw a dream interpretation about a dream that had snow in it, and I swear that someone said that the snow "represents rebirth and cleansing". WTF? It's snow, people, and that's it! Maybe people who live in places with a lot of snow or something have dreams with a lot of snow in it. Having your own ideas and stuff about dreams etc. being supernatural is fine and all, but I think some of it is too much. Get what I'm saying? Maybe not... I'll have to think about this a bit more...

[EDIT]---> Oh yeah, and you're dream's fine. I'm interested in the car dreams, too.
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Ah! Now I gotcha! That would indeed be nice, a discussion of dreams without having pop psychology step in. I agree about the snow. Sometimes it's just snow. Every book about dream interpretation I've ever read tries so hard to pigeonhole dream elements. Generally, anything involving water was supposed to represent the birth process, kings all stood for your father, if you dream you're accomplishing something then it means you're really going to fail, etc. Then somebody with "Dr." in front of their name steps up with THE answer to dream interpretation, writes a book, does a few talk shows, ugh! :rolleyes:

Go ahead with the site. I'd love to see it happen. Sorry about misunderstanding your application of the word "normal". I thought you meant the dreams were normal, not the site! :eek: The fumes from the litter box must have been getting to me... sniff! sniff! :bugeye: what's that smell?