Any more about this 'official' Nasa footage? Hoax?

Dido, Hello again, Well, it's not going to be released to the news media until March 11th. UFO Magazine in the UK has a site on the net with a clip of part of the footage. I haven't viewed it because of the download time. I'm waiting to see what happens on March 11th; hopefully not another anticlimactic event.
did I completely waste my time supplying all that info about the 'Smoking Gun' video preview, or what??

what are you wanking on about...the preview is in .RAM format, so there is a 6 second buffer and you start watching it???!!!

I even put it into my home site to make it easier to get!!!!
Come on fella's - work with me here!!!

<A href="">Click here for the NASA Clip!</A>

If 6 seconds is too long to wait to start watching the preview,....? ;)

As for a hoax, what planet have you been on, Dido?? Haven't you seen the inumerable interviews with NASA staff as to giving an explanation for the videos and they all cough and fart and choke trying to sound like they're really watching 'ice particles' floating around up there!!!! Keep track!...yes, I'm p*ssed! Sorry about that one, Chief!
It's always ice particles. I know some 5th graders who even realize that the explaination is ridiculous. Maybe they
are the ones who should be working for NASA. If the officials at NASA really think they are ice particles how did we ever leave this planet anyway?!!
Sorry.....I don't see why you have to be such overbearing, pseudo-intellectual, watch-you-don't-fall-from-your-non-existent-ivory-towers asshole about it. I have other things in my life to worry about, not just the fact that NASA is being conveniently inept and general dumb-asses about this. It's just an interest for me not an obsession.

Send me to the gallows for public torture and then hanging! I don't deserve to live! Think of it the Zetas will have erradicated all such human ineptitude and fallibility (*huh*)...heehee.

I was just looking an update...I did see your earlier post, but my security settings won't allow downloading. Not mine you see.
Dave ol'boy, Keep your shirt on, there may be mixed company about. I had a devil of a time getting the UFO Magazine site to download; I cancelled the action out of sheer exhaustion or impatience. Your hyperlink worked fine (it wasn't 6 seconds though, unless time dilation occurs for some and not others, took more like 4 min.), but for some bloody reason the d---- file won't open now. Could well be ineptitude on my part. Dido, relax it's been awhile since anyone has been hung, drawn, and quartered over their personal beliefs on UFOS and the like.
Don't straightout download it - instead -
. open your Realplayer program
. select file from menu bar
. select open location
. type in
. hit the OK button
. wait approx 6 to 10 seconds and file will start viewing in window!

By the way guys, my closing statement was
"...yes, I'm p*ssed! Sorry about that one" ;)
Has Anyone Heard?

I Am just slightly divided in what I know of These "Quasi Crystals"
compared to what has been disclosed to the public by your representatives; it just don't jibve!
To this day Id be hard pressed to explain the unique electrical,
optical, and physical properties of Quasi Crystals and why so much
of the research is classified. Even the unclassified research is
funded by agencies like the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense.
Why is the US Department of Energy and Ames Laboratory so vigorously
pursuing research with Quasi crystals?
What is the DOE New Initiative in Surface and Interface Properties of Quasi crystals?
Below is The Comparison.....
This Is What Your Organization & The DoE have Disclosed to date:
"Our goal is to understand, and facilitate exploitation of, the
special properties of Quasi crystals. These properties include (but
are not limited to) low thermal and electrical conductivity, high
hardness, low friction, and good oxidation resistance."
Thats the unclassified part. What are Quasi crystals?
Here is What I Believe......
In 1984 a paper was published which marked the discovery of quasi
crystals--Two distinctly different metallic crystals joined symmetrically together.
By 1986 several Top Secret advanced studies were going on funded
by DARPA with leading scientists already working in the field.
In classical crystallography a crystal is defined as a three dimensional
periodic arrangement of atoms with translational periodicity along its three principal axes.
Since Quasi crystals lose periodicity in at least one dimension,
it is not possible to describe them in 3D-space as easily as normal
crystal structures. Thus it becomes more difficult to find mathematical
formalisms for the interpretation and analysis of diffraction data.
Penrose tiling' became the prototype of very powerful models explaining
the structure of the Quasi crystals discovered in rapidly quenched metallic alloys.
Fourteen years of quasi crystal research has established the existence
of a wealth of stable and meta-stable Quasi crystals with five-,
eight-, ten-, and twelve-fold symmetry, with strange structures
and interesting properties. New tools had to be developed for the
study and description of these extraordinary materials.
Quasi crystals are promising candidates for high energy storage
materials, metal matrix components, thermal barriers, exotic coatings,
infrared sensors, high power laser applications, and electro magnetics.
Some high strength alloys and surgical tools are already on the market.
One of the stories I was told more than once was that one of the
crystal pairs used in the propulsion of the Roswell crash was a
Hydrogen Crystal. Until recently, creating a Hydrogen crystal was
beyond the reach of our scientific capabilities. That has now changed.
In one Top Secret Black Program, under the DOE, a method to produce
hydrogen crystals was discovered, then manufacturing began in 1994.
The lattice of hydrogen quasi-crystals, and another material not
named, formed the basis for the plasma shield propulsion of the
Roswell craft and was an integral part of the bio-chemically engineered
vehicle. A myriad of advanced crystallography undreamed of by scientists
were discovered by the scientists and engineers who evaluated, analyzed,
and attempted to reverse engineer the technology presented with
the Roswell vehicle and eight more vehicles which have crashed since then.

I've just read the UFO magazine interview with this Martyn Stubbs guy. He' the guy whose taped all this new NASA stuff. I have to admit that what he has to say is most interesting indeed. It certainly does appear that this March 11th press conference might put the cat well and truly amongst the pigeons.

Even though I have not seen the footage yet, after reading about the sequence of events that lead to this and what he says he's got, I already find it hard to believe that this can be debunked easily.

I've sent for me copy already!
So who exactly will be covering this press conference on March 11th? Will any REAL media be there? I have seen some of this NASA footage before, and while it is extremely impressive, to someone who realizes what they are seeing, to the average joe sixpack, this won't really be something they would be interested. I don't think that this is something that is going to put this hidden reality out in the open.
Here i can help with that Commander X, this is what is happening. Hope it will help.

From the following site
Please Note: Our Ilkley offices remain open
during our trip to the UFO Congress, Laughlin, Nevada but correspondence for Graham Birdsall And Russel Callaghan cannot be answered until their return 20th March. A fully featured report on congress events will be posted on this site from 21st March 2000.

Watch out for the Secret NASA Transmission upload on March 11th 08:30am GMT, Images, 20
minute video preview and an extended interview with Martyn Stubbs (Talk UFO) will be available from the above date. Our staff are taking pre-release orders for the 90 minute 'Secret NASA Transmissions' 'The Smoking Gun' and these will be dispatched 11th March 2000 on a first in first
out basis, check the link at the foot of this page for more details.

You will have noticed a few subtle changes to the layout of the website. This has been done to help improve features within the site and make way for new developments.

The internet really is the information highway and has to rank as possibly the most useful invention of the century. Here at UFO Magazine we try to collate interesting information in the form of books video tapes etc and let readers trust our reviews of products to help them decide if the product is for them or not. Well the technology is now available to us to be able to deliver video and audio previews of products we think our readers and surfers will enjoy.

At last September's 18th Leeds International UFO Conference,the audience learned that UFO Magazine had acquired 520 video tapes totaling over 2,500 hours of NASA space shuttle transmissions that contained possible 'Smoking Gun' evidence of an extraterrestrial presence. It was further stated that in the
fullness of time, an international press conference would be convened prior to this material being disseminated around the
world. That conference took place in Laughlin, Nevada on Saturday, 11 March 2000, shortly after Graham W. Birdsall, editor of UFO Magazine and his colleague Russel Callaghan had ended a three-hour presentation made at the River Palms Resort hotel, hosts to this years 9th Annual International UFO Congress Convention and Film Festival.

To coincide with that presentation, relevant images and information pertaining to this discovery have been uploaded on to our website.