Any "Know-It-Alls" on SciForums?

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dumbest man on earth

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies
Valued Senior Member
Ran across this article recently and wondered if there were any "Know-It-Alls" on SciForums?




People who think they have all the answers, who consider themselves infallible, are commonly known as “know-it-alls.” While this might sound like a playground insult, it’s a real phenomenon among people who lack a certain amount of self-awareness to recognize their shortcomings. If you think you’re dealing with a know-it-all, you probably are.

Know-it-alls manifest several basic traits and behaviors because they think they have all the knowledge they could possibly need. They usually expose themselves as a know-it-all, by making it obvious through their behaviors and actions. Here are the best ways to spot a know-it-all.

If someone is constantly trying to argue, there’s a high chance that this person is a know-it-all. To the know-it-all, everything is up for debate. And in every debate, they are always playing to win. They always want to make sure that their opinion is the last one heard on every subject, even going so far as to insert their opinion when and where it isn’t warranted or asked for. They’re constantly looking for their next argument or point to prove. Know-it-alls can expertly conjure a debate out of thin air and rope the people around them into arguing with them.

Usually, a know-it-all is so sure of their own knowledge that they tend to be condescending to the people around them. After all, they perceive everyone else as lacking in knowledge. When engaging in a conversation with a know-it-all, you are likely to find yourself feeling like you’re being talked down to. Their tone of voice is often pitying, as if they can’t believe they’re lowering themselves to talk to someone without the same wealth of knowledge they have. Don’t let this discourage you – after all, they’re not as smart as they want to believe.

Have you ever been having a conversation, and someone interjects in order to correct something you’ve said? “Well, actually…” is a favorite phrase of a know-it-all. It doesn’t matter what was said, or how little the detail. A know-it-all derives joy from being seen as the most educated, the most well-rounded, and the most intelligent. A know-it-all will take every opportunity they can to correct someone on even the slightest indiscretion. Even if you’re telling a personal story of something that happened to you, the know-it-all will interject with, “Well, actually…” and then try to correct you on your own, lived experiences.

According to Pamela B. Paresky Ph.D., these types of people often have something closer to the “illusion of knowledge.” They aren’t aware that they don’t know something, which makes them think that they know … well … everything. So, when caught in being wrong, a know-it-all will often shift the goalposts of their argument. Shifting goalposts, or moving goal posts, is a logical fallacy in arguments. It describes the changing of the “goal” of a competition (in this case, the argument) while it is still ongoing. For example, if they use a word incorrectly, they might say they were using the colloquial definition – even if they weren’t.

Of course, since a know-it-all is walking around with the illusion of knowledge, they have no idea about all the things they don’t really know. Thinking they know everything gives them an inflated sense of self-importance. In fact, their ego is huge. This quickly grows obvious when you start talking to them. A know-it-all may spend a majority of the time talking about himself (or herself) and personal accomplishments. When the conversation shifts to someone else, a know-it-all will always find a way to relate the conversation back to self. In fact, you might notice them get pretty upset when someone else is the center of attention.

Dealing with someone who thinks they know everything can be particularly frustrating. However, knowing their behaviors will make it easier for you to avoid getting caught in a no-win debate with a know-it-all. Also, being aware a know-it-all’s tendencies can make it easier for you to make sure you’re not displaying those same behaviors. Self-awareness is incredibly important, and sometimes it takes a little bit of self-reflection to make sure we don’t act like a know-it-all ourselves. Remain aware of all the things that you don’t know, and you’ll be just fine. After all, learning something new is much better than pretending to already know it. "

Are any of these behaviors ever exhibited on SciForums?
From the point of view of the dumbest man on Earth, everyone is a know-it-all, right?:)
Are any of these behaviors ever exhibited on SciForums?
Yes, starting with yourself and known trolling over many years.
While I have certainly had my issues with mods, those are generally not on fabricated alternative hypotheticals as in the fringes, and religious crusades against science.
But what I do know are that the enemies and friends I have made on this forum, generally are of the one opinion about yourself.
The latest [from memory] outcry against some of your nonsense was instrumental with the following rebuke from James about your behaviour..............
The rules regarding private messages are published in our Site Posting Guidelines, which are readily available in the Site Feedback subforum. Basically, private communications are private, unless you have the express permission of the sender to publish.
Probably you are referring to my warning to you that you should consider ceasing your trolling behaviour.

Since your filing reports and your posting this thread are both a continuation of the same behaviour that led to the initial warning, starting the current thread really isn't helping your case.

The moderator group will consider whether your continued participating on this forum is desirable in good time.

If you wish to make a case for why we ought to retain you as a member, please send a private message copied to myself, Bells and Tiassa.

Thank you.
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An important note...having had a cousin who was deaf and mute, it is abhored to call anyone dumb in that situation. Secondly, being born mute is not really common, and a rarity in fact...People though are born deaf and as a consequence cannot learn to talk...they are not actually mute in other words, and in time, can form words after following lip movements etc. This was the position of my cousin.
In essence, anyone claiming to be "dumb" needs to be treated with caution for the two reasons....Using dumb is impolite and not used....and it is a rarity to be born mute.
Yes, starting with yourself and known trolling over many years.
While I have certainly had my issues with mods, those are generally not on fabricated alternative hypotheticals as in the fringes, and religious crusades against science.
But what I do know are that the enemies and friends I have made on this forum, generally are of the one opinion about yourself.
The latest [from memory] outcry against some of your nonsense was instrumental with the following rebuke from James about your behaviour..............
An important note...having had a cousin who was deaf and mute, it is abhored to call anyone dumb in that situation. Secondly, being born mute is not really common, and a rarity in fact...People though are born deaf and as a consequence cannot learn to talk...they are not actually mute in other words, and in time, can form words after following lip movements etc. This was the position of my cousin.
In essence, anyone claiming to be "dumb" needs to be treated with caution for the two reasons....Using dumb is impolite and not used....and it is a rarity to be born mute.
Nah, he feels it's time to start another shit-stirring troll thread, that's all. :rolleyes:

Examples of those behaviors...?
An important note...having had a cousin who was deaf and mute, it is abhored to call anyone dumb in that situation. Secondly, being born mute is not really common, and a rarity in fact...People though are born deaf and as a consequence cannot learn to talk...they are not actually mute in other words, and in time, can form words after following lip movements etc. This was the position of my cousin.
In essence, anyone claiming to be "dumb" needs to be treated with caution for the two reasons....Using dumb is impolite and not used....and it is a rarity to be born mute.

Yes, I don't generally encounter that terminology being used. I had a deaf friend growing up who was deaf and therefore didn't speak for that reason. I learned that he later got involved with drugs and committed suicide due to depression.

I would think anyone using that terminology for a user name was just engaging in self-deprecating humor.
Nah, he feels it's time to start another shit-stirring troll thread, that's all. :rolleyes:
Is that right?

Look at the title of the thread and then tell me who started a shit-stirring troll thread. I added a bit of humor that was not intended for the humorless however.
“When a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try to control how others see you. The misinformation will feel unfair, but stay above it, trusting that other people will eventually see the truth just like you did.”
- Jill Blakeway
I’d say that it’s more common to encounter a “know it all” online than offline, mainly due to the anonymity factor. To be fair though, not many offline conversations go on for hours and days about one topic, especially science-related. (unless you’re a scientist hanging out with mainly other scientists)

So, while some seem to give off that “know it all” vibe, it’s really that forum life gives them an opportunity to share their knowledge, that they otherwise wouldn’t get offline.
From the article:

"Usually, a know-it-all is so sure of their own knowledge that they tend to be condescending to the people around them. After all, they perceive everyone else as lacking in knowledge."

That's an important point, how many folks here rely on their "own" knowledge as opposed to researching the facts? Or, much like the pseudo-scientist, searches for things to prop up their own alleged knowledge.
Mod Note

Are any of these behaviors ever exhibited on SciForums?

Of course there is. This kind of behaviour exists everywhere, in every walk of life.

Aside from severe copyright breaches (you copied and pasted the entire article without permission from the author!), is there really a point to this thread aside from inciting flaming and trolling?

I am closing this thread down because:

1. Copyright.

2. As has already been demonstrated, this is a flame and troll click thread.
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