Any impartial sites regarding religion?

Boss Foxx

I piss excellence.
Registered Senior Member
I was just curious as to whether anyone is aware of any websites out there that approach the idea of gods and other religious subjects in an impartial manner. While the chances of a site like that existing is slim, I can't help but wonder if there are sites out there that could be deemed reasonably impartial when compared to sites that hold a particular stance on the subjects and argue against the opposing side.

I've noticed that tends to have several articles that approach religion in a balanced manner, but I'm curious as to whether there are any others.
difficult to understand how you view impartiality - for instance if a site is offering how it views religion as ' balanced', it could contradict that of another and thus there would be a conflict of interest.

Do you mean sites that don't advocate how any religion is superior/outstanding/as a basis for examing comparitavely, or do you mean sites that examine faiths other than their own and avoid giving a derogatory slant?
Do you mean sites that don't advocate how any religion is superior/outstanding/as a basis for examing comparitavely, or do you mean sites that examine faiths other than their own and avoid giving a derogatory slant?

The bolded part is what I'm inquiring about. I could care less about a Christian site's examination of Islam or a Muslim site's examination or Judaism.
The bolded part is what I'm inquiring about. I could care less about a Christian site's examination of Islam or a Muslim site's examination or Judaism.

then finding sites that give references to the seminal texts of one/two/or several religions could be what you after ... in which case dragon's link fits the bill

The moment one takes to the examination of religious practice or the summation of theistic conclusions, one has to rely on opinion and value, whether it is a christian, academic or even a muslim examining what a muslim does
LOL@scorpius's site....just shows how atheists are really no different than people with other belief systems
"Monotheists are atheists too, they just believe in one more god than I do."

Or alternatively, when the quality of an object is determined, one can learn to appreciate it wherever it may be - for instance if a person appreciates forests, they will appreciate forests in europe, in america, in brazil, in australia etc etc