Any Hindus here?


Are here any Hindus here? Hinduism is a religion that greatly fascinates me, and its spirit of religious tolerance has impressed me especially in the face of other religions (Christianity: calls people who follow other gods "whores" and "adulterers", claims to be the only true religion, missionaries go on dumbass trips thinking that same lame thought, Islam: pretty much the same, claims to be a religion of peace but urges followers to destroy any images they see, as if they think they own the fucking world, and slay infidels, Judaism: too arrogant, the idea of 'a chosen people' is rather retarded and stuck up to me). Besides, UNLIKE the aforementined examples, Hinduism actually has living proof that its techniques do work (I wish I could say the same for Christianity or Islam but sadly I can't...). Example: Yogis can control their heart rates, blood pressures and other functions formerly considered to be impossible to bring under voluntary control. Cris, and other skeptics, however much you would like to deny this, religion might have some bit of truth to it.

So, anyone know a bit about Hinduism? Wanna show me more on it? I might consider ditching atheism and going for H.
once you choose hinduism, there will be further choices to be made.



Philosophical Systems

* In classical Hinduism, there are six Darshanas or systems of Hindu philosophy, each of which focuses upon particular aspects of knowledge. These are the:
o Mimamsa, which focuses upon action with responsibility
o Nyaya, which focuses upon logic
o Vaisheshika, which is concerned with analysing matter and its structure
o Samkhya, which is concerned with how matter functions
o Yoga, which offers training for the body and the mind
o Vedanta, which is concerned with ultimate reality and spiritual knowledge

* The Vedanta, literally meaning "the conclusion of all knowledge", is the most predominant among contemporary Hindus. It is, however, found in two main forms - the dvaita (dualist) and the advaita (monist).
o Dvaita is a monotheistic understanding of the nature of the divine, seen in terms of an unlimited supreme personality, in which the divine and the human soul are seen as distinct even though they might enter into union.
o Advaita is a monistic understanding in which there is no ultimate difference between the divine, understood as Brahman, and the human soul. Realisation of the identity between God and the soul that brings about liberation. Brahman is seen to have been manifested in many different times and places.
* Among its various schools of thought, the Vedanta encompasses a range of emphases, including:
o Advaita Vedanta
o Vishishta-Advaita
o Navya Vishishta-Advaita
o Shuddha-Dvaita
o Dvaita-Advaita
o Shuddha-Advaita
o Achintya-Bhedha-Abheda
o Shaiva Siddhanta
Hinduism, like many religions, has several interesting philosophies connected to it. Like most people, however, I don't think any of the Hindu gods exist.
Vydhika=One who follows Veda

Hinduism is a groosly misused term. It came about after the development of the three semitic religions earlier mentioned. There were jews, christians, and muslims but these people who followed Veda did not classify themselves. Veda is a scripture for mankind-no divisions. Hindus came to be known as such because they were the people on the other side of the Indus river, hence the name H-indus or hinduism.
Spookz gave many examples of schools of thought in the Vedic system. This is the underlining theme of the Veda. Everyone has their own path but they all lead to the same End-namely the Oneness of all. That is The Truth, The Knowledge, The Existence, The Bliss. That although we see creation as manifold, in Reality we are all part of the same One. Therefore there is no difference between all of us. Your Atman or Self Zero is the same as mine is the same as the dogs is the same as the trees. These are all manifestations of the Divine and that Divine resides in us all. But Human birth is the highest manifestation for it is the only birth in which Man can realize this Divine Truth.
We are working to restore Veda, literally meaning Knowledge, to the consciousness of Mankind. The three semitic religions that were mentioned are the work of one being whose sole purpose is the division and destruction of Mankind. This being has counterfeited the Veda and introduced psuedo scriptures that directly contradict each other and at the same time proclaimed each to be the one source of truh, thereby injecting dissension or religious discord into the minds of men. The "holy city" of jerusalem is the central evidence of this fact. The place where these three scriptures consider holy is the place where this discord is most visibly witnessed. From there a culture of distrust, hate, murder, and envy emminate.
Veda is for the unity of Mankind. It is literally the Knowledge of Good and Evil which is what the "god" of the semitic scriptures starts by banning. A Vedic phrase-Where faith dwells reason vanishes. Only with the destruction of the semitic systems can Mankind regain its Unity.

please check for further evidence
The Truth is a book located at the bottom of the page
I definitely favor Shakta, and Yoga. Seems like good, solid philosophies to me. And in the face of male-chauvinist-dominated religions, Shakta is very refreshing.