Any fellow Neti Pot users here.???


+ Public Dilemma +
Valued Senior Member
I had been thankin about tryin a neti pot for about 3 years an i finaly got around to it about 3 weeks ago.!!!
I wanted to know how to use it for when i got my next cold... an i have now mastered the procedure an ready to find out if it will help to make my next cold less unpleasant... now all i need is a cold :)
I was also qurious about how it woud feel to run water in one nostril an out the other.!!!
Its kinda cool... if the water ant warm enuff :)

Heres mine.!!!

I just snort warm salt water up one nostril** at a time out of a cup.Does that come to the same thing?

I do it when I get a cold but I think some people might gargle with salt water on a daily basis .

How does it feel? Not pleasant but not as bad as a cold feels.

Never heard of a Neti pot before.

** hold the other one closed.
Snortin out of a cup might be close to the same effect but prolly easier wit a neti pot.!!!

Body temp water feels the best to me... just a slight sensation of water flowin an dont feel bad at all.!!!

Plenty of videos of people usin a neti pot... some perty funny :)
Snortin out of a cup might be close to the same effect but prolly easier wit a neti pot.!!!

Body temp water feels the best to me... just a slight sensation of water flowin an dont feel bad at all.!!!

Plenty of videos of people usin a neti pot... some perty funny :)
Snorting out of a cup seems easier to me.Seems to me that you would have to hold your head upside down for that thing to work and would it not be likely to spill over your face or into the eyes even?

Yes body temp is what I aim for .It is not the temperature though that is unpleasant it is the salt that stings.
I use a mixture that contains some bakin soda which can take the sting out of the salt for people who are sensitive to it.!!!

O... an you just lean over a sink... tilt you'r head to the side an pour the water in the higher nostril an gravity allows it to finds its way to come out the lower nostril.!!!
I have been using a baby bulb syringe - the blue rubber squeeze ones - since I got sinus surgery in 1997, as recommended by my ENT doc/surgeon.

1 level teaspoon of uniodized salt per quart of reverse osmosis water (you can use distilled water as well). I use 1 cup warmed in the microwave at least once a day, twice if needed, pretty much every day. Washes out allergen particles and yuck, very good for infections. Straight up each nostril while bent over the bathroom sink. Fill, squeeze, then snort-gargle and blow. Much more thorough and less messy than a netti pot.

The amyl chlorides in tap water burns as does the iodine in iodized salt. There is also a (remote) chance of picking up a microorganism from tap water like that lady in Washington state did.
I have been using a baby bulb syringe - the blue rubber squeeze ones - since I got sinus surgery in 1997, as recommended by my ENT doc/surgeon.

1 level teaspoon of uniodized salt per quart of reverse osmosis water (you can use distilled water as well). I use 1 cup warmed in the microwave at least once a day, twice if needed, pretty much every day. Washes out allergen particles and yuck, very good for infections. Straight up each nostril while bent over the bathroom sink. Fill, squeeze, then snort-gargle and blow. Much more thorough and less messy than a netti pot.

The amyl chlorides in tap water burns as does the iodine in iodized salt. There is also a (remote) chance of picking up a microorganism from tap water like that lady in Washington state did.
I wonder if sea water is even better (you could boil it first,if that would count as sterilized)

I have read that the chlorine in salt is important.
Yes, chlorine is an important component of sodium chloride. We used to use chlorine to kill off microbes in drinking water, but have moved to chloramines which are much longer-lasting chemicals. Those of us with home gardens know that tap water for them must sit for at least 3-4 days before use or it will kill our house plants.

I doubt that sea water would be an improvement though, due to the presence of a bunch of other stuff in it beyond salt and the need to process it for use. I drink RO water and use it to water my indoor garden as I have a water softener for the rest of my home water usage. Our well water is extremely hard.

The 1 teaspoon of salt per quart of pure water is meant as a gentle wash to physically remove clumps of bacteria. My initial usage was in conjunction with an oral antibiotic to prevent reinfection of my sinuses after surgery. My current usage is to wash out inhaled particulates like mold spores and dander and to shorten infections like colds.