Any chess players anymore?


Valued Senior Member
I taught myself chess using cardboard cut outs and a Pears encyclopedia.
Could beat everyone, including the teachers, in first year in high school.
Have it on the phone.
Beat it once at the highest level but not game to try it at the highest level because I think my win was good luck of the highest order.
So do folk still play much given the games out there.
I taught myself chess using cardboard cut outs and a Pears encyclopedia.
Could beat everyone, including the teachers, in first year in high school.
Have it on the phone.
Beat it once at the highest level but not game to try it at the highest level because I think my win was good luck of the highest order.
So do folk still play much given the games out there.

Oh, so sad, you have me on ignore!

I even now play blind with 2-3 guys at a time and beat at least 2 of them most of the time....2300+. Sicilian is my best.

Do you do cube? I am at 29 seconds, best.
Sorry about that chief.
I thought I was in free thoughts and my post was not in relation to Timojin's reply referring to chess.
I could not figure why it was not in "free thoughts" ...I posted a message appeared it was received but it was not there...
As usual most mysteries can be explained.
I don't know what he said but the god said something I see.
Pointing out the obvious maybe.
Maybe he wants a game of chess.
So do folk still play much given the games out there.

When I was a kid my friends and I would occasionally play a game. I was never very good at it and always fell into a defensive posture. If I beat someone. it was because they were terribly bad at the game. I haven't played chess for years. But it's one of those games you never forget.
Why can I see he has posted.
It shows he has posted and ignored content.
I am on my phone so does it show up and go away after a while?
When I was a kid my friends and I would occasionally play a game. I was never very good at it and always fell into a defensive posture. If I beat someone. it was because they were terribly bad at the game. I haven't played chess for years. But it's one of those games you never forget.
I think it is a great game for a kid because it makes you think ahead.
You learn to appreciate defence and attack.
I play the phone when waiting for something to happen.
Mine was a game of defense and attrition. I was terrible at planning several moves ahead but could usually see my opponents intentions.
Mine was a game of defense and attrition. I was terrible at planning several moves ahead but could usually see my opponents intentions.
Playing a computer is different to playing a human.
I can "fox" a human but the computer never falls for it.
I can trap a human by appearing worried, appearing to fall back, getting pieces taken. But have an attack ready to mate.
At level three I can fool the phone. It is a sucker to go for the queen so I set up attacks where I plan to open its defence by letting it take the queen then I mate just moving the last pawn into place.
And I never unless no other option sacrifice a pawn whilst nibbling away the oppositions pawns.
Every pawn I see as a princess... A future queen.
And when you get where you can change a pawn it is less likely to go after a piece like a rook.
Well on this phone 450 games so far even a machine has weaknesses you pick up.
Its a sucker if you make a accepted opening sequence but change it a little.
I just wondered if anyone played these days.
I used to love beating tbe teachers... They never thought a kid could do it... Did not like it either.
Was great in front of classmates to do it.
I can "fox" a human but the computer never falls for it.
I can trap a human by appearing worried, appearing to fall back, getting pieces taken. But have an attack ready to mate.

Trap and Fox continues. You cannot trap even a club level player by whatever machinations and tricks you have stated. False bravado.

At level three I can fool the phone. It is a sucker to go for the queen so I set up attacks where I plan to open its defence by letting it take the queen then I mate just moving the last pawn into place.

There are very bad software algo for chess, but no decent algo will fall for a queen if there follows a self mate. I am not convinced.

Ok I give you an exercise, try putting 8 queens on an empty board, so that none is attacked. Or better start from any square and make a Knight traverse all the squares, no visit to a square twice or more.
I taught myself chess using cardboard cut outs and a Pears encyclopedia.
After i left home i was roomin wit a guy an he ask me if i knew how to play chess an i said no an he chuckled... an the nest weekend when i was home somebody showed me how the pieces moved an i practiced a bit... an when i was back wit my room mate on monday i told him to show me how the pieces moved... an we didnt have a chess set so we used little pieces of paper wit the name of the piece on it... an we played a game an i won... an he immediately wanted to play anuther game but i just wasnt in the mood an never palyed him agan... an after that i practiced more an played other people... an the last game i ever played was about 4 years after my first an i retired undefeated.!!!

My last game was wit my new brother in law who read chess books an was kinda serous about it an he nagged me into playin... an it was on thanksgivin an about a dozen of his family was watchin an prolly thout he woud win... an i actualy didnt like the game cause it was hard on my brain so i just decided to go on an all out attack wit-out even checkin the bord over carefully befor i moved... cause i woud have been hapy to lose just to end the game soon... an wit-in about a half hour i had won the game... lol... an he wanted to play anuther game but i said no... explainin that i realy dont like chess :)
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Well, you're a better player than I.
You don't know that.
And at the risk of preaching I think your brain offen delivers the things you tell it so tell it you will win.
I once misplaced stuff and found I would tell myself I had poor memory. But one day I took my own advice and provided my brain with different self talk.
So now even if I misplace something, I always remember when I find it that I had put it there, so I say to myself ..gee you have a great memory I remember putting that there.
And recon my memory has improved as a result.
Once I would lose weight by looking in the mirror and you are getting thinner...well something takes over self image wise, and you think of yourself as thin and so gradually the weight goes.

I am sure it works... Consider placebo effect...we don't understand it but it is well established such that a placebo is part of any drug trial..or so I believe.
Do yourself a favor and take him off ignore. You are expending way more energy this way talking about him rather than just talking to him (or not). :)
You know I have thought about it as frankly I think I have been a bit of a dick being honest with myself.
Also he at least told me what he thought of me and not acted two faced.
If I do and I think I probably will I will open a thread and make a big deal out of it cause I will be going back on so much I have said about casting him out.
I will make excuses for acting badly of course and try and justify my actions.
Maybe I was grumpy that day more than usual that is...
. an he wanted to play anuther game but i said no... explanin that i realy dont like chess :)
No no no.
You don't say that.
You let the opportunity of having him plot your murder go by the wayside...

What you should have said is...
Look I do enjoy the occasional game old bean but I don't enjoy it unless I am confronted with a bit of a challenge. Now be a good chap and fetch me a beer.

You know I have thought about it as frankly I think I have been a bit of a dick being honest with myself.
Also he at least told me what he thought of me and not acted two faced.
If I do and I think I probably will I will open a thread and make a big deal out of it cause I will be going back on so much I have said about casting him out.
I will make excuses for acting badly of course and try and justify my actions.
Maybe I was grumpy that day more than usual that is...

It always helps to speak your heart out.
You don't know that.
And at the risk of preaching I think your brain offen delivers the things you tell it so tell it you will win.
I once misplaced stuff and found I would tell myself I had poor memory. But one day I took my own advice and provided my brain with different self talk.
So now even if I misplace something, I always remember when I find it that I had put it there, so I say to myself ..gee you have a great memory I remember putting that there.
And recon my memory has improved as a result.
Once I would lose weight by looking in the mirror and you are getting thinner...well something takes over self image wise, and you think of yourself as thin and so gradually the weight goes.

I am sure it works... Consider placebo effect...we don't understand it but it is well established such that a placebo is part of any drug trial..or so I believe.

You are right in broaching the issue regarding brain power.

But just by standing in front of mirror and telling your brain to make you loose fat and succeeding too, is a bit too much of boasting. You are threatening the multi billion dollar fat loss industry.