Any advice? I need some...please...


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I've been having strange dreams mother,sister, and father don't understand. I'll wake up with this feeling, like impending doom. It really wrenches my stomach, as if I'm being taken down death row. When I try to sleep again, and I'm semi-conscious, I feel like something is about to happen. Y'know, like in a Jaws where you can tell that the guy's about to get it. That's what I feel like, but I feel like I'M the target. I can't sleep, and when I wake up I feel like my rib cage has been ripped open, my heart severed from my body, and then all of them replaced with elmer's glue or something--like I'm a torn up rag doll.
OKay, I want you to listen to me, and listen good, and know that I am totally, utterly dead damn serious when i say this. You may be psychic, and clairovoiyant and empathetic (sp?). I am too. I can feel that "impending doom" also. I know something is going to happen, something big is going to happen too. It's just a mtter of time before it happens. Do you feel it too?
How do you deal with it, RIP? Does it bother you when you're trying to sleep? How do you get over that feeling? I can't do it! It annoys me (and scares me) so much!
Originally posted by RIP
OKay, I want you to listen to me, and listen good, and know that I am totally, utterly dead damn serious when i say this. You may be psychic, and clairovoiyant and empathetic (sp?). I am too. I can feel that "impending doom" also. I know something is going to happen, something big is going to happen too. It's just a mtter of time before it happens. Do you feel it too?

If this is true, how can I harness this gift? How can I use it so that I can control it at will, and more importantly TURN IT OFF WHEN I WANT TO?

Do you have any suggestions, coming from someone who's been this way?
Originally posted by Ozymandias
I've been having strange dreams mother,sister, and father don't understand. I'll wake up with this feeling, like impending doom. It really wrenches my stomach, as if I'm being taken down death row. When I try to sleep again, and I'm semi-conscious, I feel like something is about to happen. Y'know, like in a Jaws where you can tell that the guy's about to get it. That's what I feel like, but I feel like I'M the target. I can't sleep, and when I wake up I feel like my rib cage has been ripped open, my heart severed from my body, and then all of them replaced with elmer's glue or something--like I'm a torn up rag doll.

It sounds like Nightterrors to me. These are fairly common amongst people. Nightterrors aren't nightmares, they actually happen at one stage earlier in sleep than dreams do. They are bouts of intense emotions.

I'd look at your day life for answers, especially any recent anxieties (especially ones you don't want to face). When you have these at night, get up walk around, watch tv for awhile, something to just calm yourself down for a while, so you can sleep again.

Another tip off on this is you said you sleepwalk. Sleepwalking isn't the same as acting out in dreams. If I remember correctly, sleepwalking occurs at the same stage that nightterrors do. There may be a connection there. You may have a disturbance in that area of sleep.

Here's a site that may be of help. They have a forum there too.
I'd have to agree with Xenu, it could be night terrors (which take place in the 4th stage of sleep, the deepest stage, as opposed to REM, which is the first stage of sleep and when dreams normaly occur), and I'd also say that it is almost definately linked to some sort of anxiety in your own life.

I myself can remember having simmilar sleep problems when I was in highschool. No kid likes high school but I had a particularly bad time of it, as it was a particularly uncertain time in my life when I was just learning about my (homo)sexuality, and really had no friends and essentialy no one to talk to about it.

Now I'm not saying you're gay or anything, but is there some sort of comperable stressor in your life that you are dealing with? Bad home life, bad school or maybe work life, relationship troubles?

Oh and don't bother listening to RIP, for some reason people on this forum want to try to take every little psychosis or disorder and make it seem as if rather than a problem it's some sort of magical power that elevates you above all other people. :p once you start waking up after having had dreams about the future, which you later see come true before your eyes, then you can come back here and talk about clairovoiyance.
lol that's what I thought--I never thought I was clairvoyant (that would be pretty cool though.:rolleyes: )

I'll look up stuff on Night Terrors:)eek: )--nothing particularly stressful's been happening, lately, though...whatever.
Originally posted by Ozymandias
lol that's what I thought--I never thought I was clairvoyant (that would be pretty cool though.:rolleyes: )

Heh, yes it would be cool, maybe that's why some people around here seem to be so preocupied with the idea.

Honestly, some people are just too spiritual to be of any earthly good.
Well I could give an answer, but aparently Banshee didn't like when I posted just what you can do, so no, I'd say there's nothing at all that you can do.
Well that site I listed above had these things:

"Some things that can help bring out a night terror are stress, certain medications, (It is hard to list exactly which ones) being over-tired or eating a heavy meal before going to bed. Many different medical ailments contribute to the frequency of Night Terrors."

So checking out some of this could reduce night terrors.

They also list medications for night terrors on this page...

Talk with a doctor about it, before taking medications, preferably a doctor that specializes in sleep.
Keep in mind that docs have a symbiotic relationship with drug companies. They’d both love for you to be spending loads on prescriptions, to the possible detriment of your long-term health.

Before considering drugs, try saying often throughout the day, “I am sleeping peacefully tonight,” while imagining that. Eat good food, get some quality exercise daily, hang around good people, laugh a lot, and leave plenty of time for sleep.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical doctor. If the doc says nothing about you watching TV all day eating little other than carcinogenic junk food but claims some designer drug will take away your night terrors, he or she is the expert you should listen to.
I've had some really messed up dreams, too. Not quite how you describe, but chilling in a sense, and also very odd. Maybe I'm a scatterbrain? Who knows. An example would be this one dream I had a few nights ago. It was dark outside (inside?) but also illuminated with a warm and somewhat shallow pond. THe surroundings were warm there were a few people, and balls falling from up high (of all colours and sizes - and weights), some going into the water. I reached in a few times, and saw little black fish scurry about as I put my hand in. Not comforting, and not scarry. Just really strange. Confusion, and yet I felt calm and collected even though I didn't where I was, or what the hell I was doing. Kind of like my present day life. Which is what dreams reflect.

Maybe you don't realize that changes are happening in your life, or don't yet realize they'll happen soon enough, simply because your conscious foresight is preoccupied with other things. I would recommend sitting down, thinking about your life, or at least your day and how it relates to the bigger picture of whole life. I'm not saying that you're not a psychic, or that there will not be doom, just that your dreams mean something else. They're not something that just goes away, since dreams are a reflection of our inner feelings or lack thereof. A response mechanism to warn us of danger, or inform us that things are alright. You have to understand what's going on and change things, and then the dreams'll go. Even the smallest problems can tear you apart. --In my experiences anyways. And then lead to bigger and bigger problems. Until your totally out of balance, and one day come to the realization that you're way off the track. Not knowing how you ever got off. Get back on. That's my advice.
heyya all :)

Even the smallest problems can tear you apart. --In my experiences anyways. And then lead to bigger and bigger problems. Until your totally out of balance, and one day come to the realization that you're way off the track. Not knowing how you ever got off. Get back on. That's my advice.
"dance for your dollar little soldier boy!"

i translated it for easeyer understanding!
sad sad sad

do you realy know what you are preaching?

if you fall off the horse (crash your car and kill someone)
then get back on imediately (buy another car and go out and do the same thing without trying to learn anything else)

maybe you dont understand what you are suggesting?

you are rite
something big is at hand
soon there will be an answer to the question posed
nothing is written in stone except the actions of a heart of stone.

groove on and check out the sleep problems
LACK OF OXYGEN can easly bring on a terror response
sleep apnia mixed with sleep walking might be happening.
for the short term and less expensive drink some herbal tea for relaxing your mind and body.
and if that doesnt help
get a book on yoga and start practicing.
unless you are risking losing your job or education you do ot need to throw money at wealthy doctors for them to play guessing games with your life.
>>>zanket groove on dude too true too sad
bloody self rightchouse drug pushing shallow thinking lazzy brained doctors give all the rest a bad name.

groove on all :)

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above

groove on all :)
"dance for your dollar little soldier boy!"

That makes a lot less sense than what I said. And yes, I do know what I'm preaching since I speak from my personal experiences. Little problems can be big things.

bloody self rightchouse drug pushing shallow thinking lazzy brained doctors give all the rest a bad name.

So, do you know what you're preaching? Some drugs can be very beneficial to the patients, and I remind you that approximately 90% of them are derived from natural substances. I haven't taken several years of medical school (though I'm about finished honours biology), and neither have you. So let's not pick on the doctors.
heyya Elbaz

dance for your dollar =
perform in a manner that is dictated by the people who keep all the money in thier bank (billionares) who try to pay thier employees as little as possible and along with that try to dictate policey to allow them to pay employees even less than currently being paid while they themselfs increase thier profit margin at every turn.

cool! good for you
con grats on the pass!

the light of truth knows no pickeyness or blame
just reality!
if doctors and lawyers cant be held to abide by the laws of all other lower paid people who they live next door to then what do they seek?
they choose thier profesion because they come from privilage.
and then again they choose how to conduct themselfs in thier employment.
if a soldier is given a gun to kill people with,
one could justifiable state that the gun is to be used only to protect people with.
why complain and seek inquiries when a soldier kills a person?
a doctors is not!
a lawyer can take and spend all the life savings of a person and not be held to account to repair to the maximum extent possible.
with ultimate power comes ultimate responsibility and accountability!


such a statement gives credit to assume you have a narrowminded view controlled by arrogance.
i would like to be wrong on that!
who knows?
anythings possible.


sorry to swing a little off track on your thread but i cant stand for
stupid advice of "its all in your little petty head now stop being silly"

groove on all :)

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above
I am a telepath and have onlya little esp. I have a small psychic group in my community. My friends father began it. He was a huge believer in psychic power and as I understand had esp. He was driven mad by the things he knew. He had dreamed that he was going to die on thanksgiving. Sure enough he did. He shot himself in the head is how he died. He was playing a joke. He however told us, before he died that he believed that some things that he dreamed, he dreamed because they were meant to help him avoid these events. I don't exactly understand what your going through. :(