

Registered Senior Member
im new to this message board. i have gone through and read alot of comments and think its pretty wondering if there are any comments on the Anunnaki, Nibiru-the 12th planet, or Zecharia Sitchin? ive read all of Sitchin's books and find his 30 years of research and the facts in his books quite interesting.if you have not read them,you should. 2013 (according to the Sumerians, the Maya's calender,Nostratamus etc.)seems to be the approximate year that there will be some serious changes to our little lives.
any comments?.........nik

I hear what you're saying. Very interesting stuff, and scary, but I think that Sitchin's on to something. All I can say is get to know Jesus now. I'm serious, don't wait any longer; give your lives to Christ now. Things are going to get bad sometime we've been told. Some think it's soon; lot's do actually, and I can't see a reason to argue when I look for one in the world today. What is Anunnaki about?

God loves you and so do I!
Could someone please update my celestial knowledge on the planets of the Solar system.
I seem to be missing a couple.
That's nine. I hear they may have found a tenth. So, where and what is the tenth and eleventh before we move on to the 12th - Nibiru ??
I thought the Mayans counted nine planets. Earth, they counted as the seventh planet - which led historians to believe that they counted from the outside in to the centre - (which may point to someone outside the system counting in to the centre ???)
I need to be brought up to speed - can anyone help?
Supposedly the Sumerians counted the moon and the sun as planets, making X 12.

[This message has been edited by JMitch (edited September 29, 1999).]
thanx mitch,
thats correct.supposedly they counted the sun and moon.i dont know why they did not count any other moons from other planets.they could have because apperently they got theyre info on the planets from the anunnaki.another interesting thing is that in the ancient sumerian writings they counted the planets as if you were coming to earth from the outer edge of the solar system,so pluto would be number one,and earth would be counted as seven.the sumerians knew about pluto and the other planets that cant be seen, way before we "technically" found them according to our history books. apperently,the 12th planet-,Nibiru,comes around near enough to earth for them to travel is in an opposite rotation around the sun compared to the other comes by every 3600 years.
the anunnaki are also called the Nefilim which in sumerian means "those who come down".these people,or beings are supposed to be very large,like 12 feet tall.they came to earth thousands of years ago (450,000 or so-cant remember)and mined the earth for gold and other metals.they only have approx.2 earth years to do their thing on earth before they have to leave to their planet before it gets too far they were here and there were animals and monkeys and plants they get bored or whatever and they start messing with the animals and dna.they try to make something biological,an animal,to do alot of their work(i guess they were lazy)so they make something that resembles a cave man.but its stupid and doesnt work.they have to go catch teir planet so they leave the earth.when they come back,3600 years later,the cave men they made before are basically they do it again.(the weird thing too here,is that 3600 earth years is = to 1 Nibiru year,because thier orbit is twice as long and wide as plutos)this time they make a better version of the cave man.but they leave again,come back and the results were better.eventually these cave people ,while the giants are gone, learn how to farm,make tools, and use animals.when the giants come back the cave people think that they are gods.soon there is more genetic engineering and the giants combine their own dna with the cave people and then there was man.if this was true,the missing link is solved.our size happens to be between that of the short cave people and the giants.there is more,but i need a break.if you dont want to hear it from me or want specific/detailed info you need to look at Zecharia Sitchin's work/research.its awesome.i will talk more after i get more responses.thanx...........nik
You know nik, that sounds just like the stuff from those cheap SF stories from the thirthees and forthees, it's so rediculous it wouldn't even be considered good SF nowadays...

"If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants."
Isaac Newton

There you go again. How about if you actually read the book he's talking about, and then offer up some alternative theories in regards to the Sumerian writings, the Bible, and other sources of info that Sitchin used. Until then, can it, because according to you and Boris, everything that isn't found in a text book is sci-fi.

God loves you and so do I!

Some very obvious and very powerful counterarguments have already been given in the Flood discussion thread within Religious Debate section.

You don't have to hear it from Sitchin to conclude that it's cheap sci-fi; sometimes the obvious conclusion is just staring you straight in the face. All it takes is a little thought on your part...

I am; therefore I think.
im not trying to convince anyone of anything here.ive been looking into this stuff for 10 years,everything from ufos, abductions, ghosts, the pyramids and the maya......
all i can say is all of it could be true, but for actual concrete evidence,stuff that you can look at,read or touch (since thats what humans need to believe) the anunnaki,nefilim,12th planet stuff has it.and it links so many things.think about these beings for a minute...can they really be so tall...10-12 feet? think about our ancient arcitechture and buildings,why were they so 6'2 myself but i dont need a 12-14 foot doorway like the ones in europe and other places.there has also been large objects found...chairs,beds,a 36 pound ax head made of copper...etc.lots of these things are in museums around the world.sitchin tells you where to go see them.if you collected all this stuff into one area maybe it have more of an affect.also it takes care of the missing link theory,why our planet goes through wacko changes every few thousand years or so and why we have all these "supposed" myths of giants like zeus,eros,enki etc.also all of the signs like cancer,scorpio and all that is connected.(with the stars too).the bible is pretty good literature and links with alot of this too,but you cant get stuck on details all the time.the bible could have been changed slightly over the years so some stuff might not appear to make sense, especially whith how poeple back then interpreted things.the fact that scientists have found a planet x after 1975,which is when the 12th planet was written,and that this planet is in the same area and about the same size and possibly has life on it is too much of a fluke.there is more but i have to go for now..........later....nik

You theory may be as slick as you want to make it. The only problem is that one of its most fundamental assumptions (that rogue planet) contradicts observations. The theory has been disproven through measurement. It's dead, nik; in fact, it's always been a stilborn. Which means... you should search for <u>alternative</u> explanations to your conundrums. Getting stuck on a demonstrably bad idea is a bit counterproductive, in my opinion...

I am; therefore I think.
its not my theory,i just support alot of it because of the evidence.ive been to peru,mexico and egypt and have seen these ancient places and noticed their connections.nothing is slick about not a scholar in this field, but i do like to rely on my common sense.i would never say any of this is 100 percent true or "will happen" because you just never know until the time comes.

regarding the "rogue" planet,who says its a dead issue? who says it doesn't exist? ive seen tv programs and read books and news papers that say that the planet does exist and have seen on the news that NASA confirmed it.not to mention other astronomers that back it up. its supposedly larger than earth but smaller than jupiter.they call it planet x and found it by measuring and observing light and the movements of the moons around it.

why do i need to look for alternative explanaitions? ive looked. this one helps alot of other explanaitions make sense. im not saying i wont look,but im not saying im permanently stuck on this either,it just makes the most common sense to me right now.i dont know if you have read sitchins books or not but unless you have something to show that this isnt true,maybe you should look into stuff on your own instead of putting down other's information with no proof.thanx............nik

"NASA has confirmed it"??? "Astronomers back it up"???? "it's" moons have been observed???!?!?

No buddy, it is time for you to put up the proof. I happen to be very well acquainted with NASA activities and the state of astronomy; you have just blatantly and openly lied to everyone in the world!

Unless... are you saying that Pluto is your "Planet X"? But Pluto is tiny; it's only about a sixth of the Moon's weight, it was discovered in 1930, <u>and</u> it has a steady orbit which does not approach even any other outer planet, not to mention Earth. Or are you referring to Neptune? It <u>was</u> the first planet identified indirectly through its gravitational effects; the only problem is that it was discovered in 1846! (<u>and</u> it also has a steady orbit).

Here's a nice <A HREF="">website</A> you can visit to update your knowledge of the Solar system. And PLEASE don't ever again claim that NASA, or the astronomical community, or science in general -- have lent support to Sitchin's claims.

I am; therefore I think.
do you work for nasa?do you even have a telescope?in 1982 nasa and the united states naval observatory both confirmed the possibility of a distant planet in our solar system.they said there is a possibility that there is a single planet about 5 times the mass of earth that was causing orbital perturbation on uranus and neptune.they counted this as a possible 10th planet.(but sumerians called it 12th because of the moon and sun-ya i know its a star,dont ask me for their reasoning)this is documented in the new york times,june 19,1982....look it up.

also in 1982 after this finding or excuse me "possible finding", an ISA- infrared astronomical satellite picked up a planet,probably the same one- that they said was possibly even bigger than previously predicted,more like the size of jupiter.all of this is documented in the washington post.(dont know the date at this time)i later saw more info regarding this (in 1987) but i have not found the proof for you yet.

if nasa found more definite info about the planet-x and hooked it up with the sumerians and all that,do you think they'd tell us? doubt it.we're just pions and it would wreck all our history books.(the government wont even tell us about kennedy for god sake).are you a top secret nasa guy or something?next time you call me a liar,say it to my face-you have no sources buddy. if you knew anything about planets besides what we were taught in elementary school,then youd know that there have been 8 gas giants(if you know what those are)found outside our solar system since 1995.some of these gas giants are from two star systems,and i think its possible that planet x orbits our star on one end of its orbit and another at the other end of its orbit.

but, whatever,you go on home and look at the pretty colors in your grade 3 planet book and keep your closed mind shut........nik
Woooah, take it easy's only a stupid planet that none of us have personally ever seen.......

<center> :) </center>
Welcome to exoscience, nik! Get used to this sort of thing, and try not to take it personally (hard as it can be!). Some people on this site challenge ideas in order to test the validity of the idea and the dedication of whomever presented it. Some people are vehemently passionate about their own beliefs and violently strike out at whatever might not agree. Some people try to see it from your side and then offer an opinion on their observations. Some people just like to see how far they can push you before you snap.

Here's my two-cents: There is tenth planet, but I don't know the name for it. It has a numerical designation which I can't remember. Look it up on your own, and use several sources. The eleventh planet is only a possibility, not a fact quite yet. The twelfth planet was a glitch.

Decide for yourself which category you think I fit in. I promise I won't call you a cocky-poo-poo-head.
if there was something like a tenth planet then this would have been shown on the disturbences of the Voyager missions. These have proven so accurate that they could even measure a very slight deviation that was first thought to disprove the theory of gravitation. It later was shown that the heath reflextion on the main antenne of the nuclear battery was the cause. You see how accurate this is.
The observed disturbances that were mentioned in the article of the New York Times is more then likely due to the Kuyperbelt. This is a huge conclomeration of icy bodies and dust at the outer reaches of our solar system. It is believed that Pluto is actually one of the larger bodies that was originaly located in this belt.

Boris, if you want to know what this guy is talking about check out , you will find everything there ;)

"If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants."
Isaac Newton
i got a little pissed.i just don't like being called a liar,especially from a guy(or girl) that has no proof to disprove what someone says.the fact is, like usual,no one really knows if theres a 12th planet or 10th planet or whatever.we can never trust 100 percent of what sitchin says OR what nasa says.we all make mistakes and then there are those that try to give out disinformation on purpose,which makes finding the truth even harder.

regarding the planet though,i have some names for boris,people that have looked into it.....gerry neugebauer-(ex?)chief iras scientist........dr. thomas c van flandern.,.and dr.richard harrington,both apparently worked for the u.s.naval observatory.(notice that sitchins name is not here)

although i only found dr.harrington on file who worked there from 1970-1993,and had written 33 papers.some of his paper's titles:"integration of the outer planets of a ten planet solar system"(1980),"the satellite of pluto 2"(1980),"planet x" (1988),"the location of planet x"(1988),and
"the unseen companion of g152-31"(1988).

i dont know if the last one means anything,because unfortunatally i was unable to read the material since the usno only allowed access to files from 1995-present,if i read it correctly.i tried searching but i couldnt get in.the other thing i found interesting in their site,but was not too suprised,was the section that said "dod files-restricted access" of course i couldnt get into that either.what is the department of defense on that site for?hmmmmm.....nice us all the info we need hey?what ever.

i still think it would be easier for nasa or whoever to dicredit info such as the 10th or 12th planet,rather than explain it and cause chaos.we're talking about the same gov.that took out 24 children at waco etc.

any how, this site can get intense, especially when morons come on with no common never gonna put down other peoples claims,or call them a liar,unless i have proof in my hand that points to those conclusions.time to go take a break, thanx................nik

If I had to believe NASA or Sitchin
I would go with Sitchin. I highly recommend his book the 12th Planet.
Presently scientist are starting to pay a lot attention to his work. One reason he was not taken seriously is that he chose to publish books about what he and others have found instead of publishing
in scientific journals. To me, his work
makes the most sense and is more down to earth that the conventional theories which do sound like science fiction. However there will always be people out there who will believe the earth is flat and if you sailed or travelled far enough you would fall off.A lot of information
and finds have been hidden from the public and I can back that up. Maybe I should introduce Boris to some of my friends from NASA I'm sure they would be more than happy to talk to him about not only exotic materials but the "mysterious" problems they are having with their equiptment.

cool,finally someone to back me up a little.i have read all of sitchins books ,except his latest.the guy has devoted his life to this- degrees in astronomy, geology,linguistics, knowledge of the bible and one of the few that can desipher sumerian etc.etc. 30 years of hard research.i actually felt sorry for him when he was getting blown off all the time before.
he put alot of things together for us.take care.............nik
I'm glad to put my two cents in.
Don't take attacks seriously because thats all that happens here. Like
Oxygen said some do it to see if they can
make you snap they want hard evidence
or what you say is fantasy. Some do not want to even consider what you post or believe any encounters or experiences.
Of course, this is not a surprise man has been this way since the beginning.
Just remember they do not have hard evidence to the contrary and the many documented strange occurances whether
ghosts or UFO's over the years are on the
believers side. You would have to be blind and deaf not to see all the coverups and awful things the government has done yet people still believe everything they say like they do their scientists.