Ants and wave genetics

Apparently the queen sends the "building plans" also from far away via the group consciousness of her subjects. She can be as far away as she wants, as long as she is alive."
If you dig up an anthill, but miss the queen, and keep the ants in an aquarium, they will not continue to behave and build as long as that queen is alive.

You have to get the queen in the aquarium with them.

Maybe the glass walls block the group consciousness.
Another thing that blocks group consciousness is soap. If you lead a bunch of ants around in a circle, and wash away the scent trails that lead out of the circle with soap, they will keep walking that circle instead of returning their tasks and hill. The group consciousness cannot transcend the soap barrier, and reach them.

I've noticed that people who are devoted to group consciousness often avoid soap. They intuitively recognize the blockages it creates.
i always thought they sent them through their tentacle thingys
i never knew that they did that
they are so amazing ants
Actually the nest only needs to smell its queen.

That's correct and is pretty much what I said. The only difference being that I described the mechanism by which the scent is spread (the queen's personal attendents).

All the other stuff here (glass, etc.) is nothing but idle speculation. Needless to say, I enjoyed the eight quarters of entomology I took in college. :) (It appears to me that others here never studied it at all.)