Antichrist and World Peace?


According to the bible, a generation is 40 years and the time past since Israel became a state will be 40 years in 2007, and ALL things will have come to pass by this time. So should we say "here comes heaven in 2007"?

Supposedly, the antichrist, the son of perdition (he who is to perish), will go to Israel and bring middle east peace for seven years with a treaty. Is the antichrist someone like a god who can do supernatural things like shooting lightning from his fingertips? Or is he a human who shoots lightning with his keyboard over the net with his fingertips? Of course he will have to deny Christ or at least not acknowledge him in order to bring both sides to peace.

The root of the war is in religeous beliefs and misconceptions right? The only way to bring true peace is not with power and war, but through commonality. Both sides must unite towards a common goal of either fighting for good or against something bad. If you were to take the leaders from both sides, separately, and convince them that they were both created by the same Father who lives in both of them, and that both of their scriptures have the same truths in them, and get them to focus on people rather than God or vice versa, they would soon unite. Right?

According to the book of Enoch, the elect and the elect one will be present on earth during the tribulation and will be the only ones protected from it. So is the antichrist a person or the church or the freemasons or the muslims or who? Also Enoch points to the fact that the rapture occurrs one person at a time, "two will lie in a bed, one will be taken and the other left". In other words, when the two bodies die, the one who lived for God and the spirit will go to heaven and the one who lived for the body will go into the earth with their body or even more towards the center where it's hot. The church people spend their time thinking about money and the life of the body and they think they'll be caught up to heaven to escape hell on earth. They truly no more wish to be in heaven than heaven wants them there. When they get there, what will they do? babble and argue as always.

So, why was the book of Enoch not included in the bible?. The Bible says that Enoch walked with God and God took him. God didn't take his writings, King James did, and he hid them.

Also, why would God rapture the church and leave the elect 144,000 behind. Seems unfair doesn't it?
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Here is what my persecution of today from my own family has done:

Here is world peace. This will be perplexing.

I command fire, sword, and war upon all of the world. In the names of the elect and the elect one, the archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, and Phaleel. In the name of the Unnamable Father of fathers. I command that every man kill his brother and that every nation and people be pitted against eachother and war until all men be destroyed from the face of the earth. Now the elect and the elect one will reign on earth for a day.

The spirits of the mighty ones which have been buried in the earth will cease to reign among the spiritually dead, who deny truth and those sent by truth.

I swear by the unnamable Father who created all things which were created that these words shall come to pass.

World Peace!

Now, many will treat my words as they treat me, without regard, with lightness, as a joke, as delusional, as meaningless, and as having no power whatsoever. But, what comes from the words will not be taken lightly by any.

The religieous will say, I have sinned, and thou shalt not swear by heaven or by earth. To them I say that I and my fragile holy spirit have been injured and angered beyond repair, so be it!
One who has power to make this command.

I command fire, sword, and war upon all of the world. In the names of the elect and the elect one, the archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, and Phaleel. In the name of the Unnamable Father of fathers. I command that every man kill his brother and that every nation and people be pitted against eachother and war until all men be destroyed from the face of the earth. Now the elect and the elect one will reign on earth for a day.

Would never need to ask these questions
According to the bible, a generation is 40 years and the time past since Israel became a state will be 40 years in 2007, and ALL things will have come to pass by this time. So should we say "here comes heaven in 2007"?

Supposedly, the antichrist, the son of perdition (he who is to perish), will go to Israel and bring middle east peace for seven years with a treaty. Is the antichrist someone like a god who can do supernatural things like shooting lightning from his fingertips? Or is he a human who shoots lightning with his keyboard over the net with his fingertips? Of course he will have to deny Christ or at least not acknowledge him in order to bring both sides to peace.

The root of the war is in religeous beliefs and misconceptions right? The only way to bring true peace is not with power and war, but through commonality. Both sides must unite towards a common goal of either fighting for good or against something bad. If you were to take the leaders from both sides, separately, and convince them that they were both created by the same Father who lives in both of them, and that both of their scriptures have the same truths in them, and get them to focus on people rather than God or vice versa, they would soon unite. Right?

According to the book of Enoch, the elect and the elect one will be present on earth during the tribulation and will be the only ones protected from it. So is the antichrist a person or the church or the freemasons or the muslims or who? Also Enoch points to the fact that the rapture occurrs one person at a time, "two will lie in a bed, one will be taken and the other left". In other words, when the two bodies die, the one who lived for God and the spirit will go to heaven and the one who lived for the body will go into the earth with their body or even more towards the center where it's hot. The church people spend their time thinking about money and the life of the body and they think they'll be caught up to heaven to escape hell on earth. They truly no more wish to be in heaven than heaven wants them there. When they get there, what will they do? babble and argue as always.

So, why was the book of Enoch not included in the bible?. The Bible says that Enoch walked with God and God took him. God didn't take his writings, King James did, and he hid them.

Also, why would God rapture the church and leave the elect 144,000 behind. Seems unfair doesn't it?

Why did you ask them?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days your insight where you say:
"The root of the war is in religious beliefs and misconceptions, right?
The only way to bring true peace iw not with power and war, but through commonality."

i would add this insight apples to the root of ALL war, not just te Midle Eastern one.

YES, right!....And the commonality needs to be NATURE.

you went onto wonder that if both sides were made to see that thier Father-god created them both that tis would soon unite them........NO. that is the originis of the very seemingly never ending conflict. ie., the common bond has tried to be monotheim. the idea of a 'God' who writes books and sets down laws. ting is, this 'God' seems to say differnt shit in different 'Hly Bpoks' like...errr, kill the oter side, etc. so i cant see any way to resolve tis. so throw it out. find out its origins. and its origins like eerything is NAture. and the patriarchy denigrates Nature. In Judaism we hear of persecution of Goddessreligion, in Islam same, I Christianity the Goddess disappears completely save for the mythic character, Virgin Mary who is the subservient 'pure' ideal of the Feminine. all he wild aspectruled as demonic.
So the point i am making is to look to the COMMONALITY of NATURE. for HERE is where we are born, are nurtured by mama, eat, drink, have shelter, .....all this 'ather in heaven' is conjecture, belief. the real feeling deal is right here with Nature.

you ask "Is the anti Christ a person, the Church, or the Freemasons, or Muslims, who?

From whati have gleaned, i am inclined to infer that the 'antiCHRIST' does not refer to A person, o even AN insitution, but rathe a prevailing MINDSET. how did i come to this..?

Well J.Allegro shows that the term 'Khrestos' referred to the an ointment aplies to the head--hence the term 'Messiah' which means 'the annointed one'. This pintment would have contained a concotion of herbs along with psychedelic substances. I.e, their sacrament. Which would have proffered 'spiritual' experiences.....So 'ANTIKhrestos'/antiChrist, would thereforemean anti-sacrament

We arecurrently still in this patriarchal climate wit its war against drugs which of course includes war against psychedelics. So i feel that the antichris is the robotis state that deands mindcontrol of its subjects whilst it goesabout destroying Nature and meanwhile the States' dupes--not allowed to explore their interelationship wit Nature, blindly goes along to destruction!

about the 'Rapture'. that motif clearly shows the whole trouble with patriarchal ideas. see howit splits 'heaven' from 'earth/hell'. tus making people ear natrual life and see reward in 'heaven'

THA is the problem. that is why we have neverending ways. because we have forgotten our ROOTS --ou commonality, which is Nature. the abundance of Nature, and ecstatic expression in Nature. all thats been left 'us' by the 'fathers' are dead words which separate, and war to end wars etc

You're way too caught up in fantasy land and it's a shame to see an intelligent mind choose to be so handicap. Repeat after me, "the hallucination that results from schizophrenia is not evidence that god exists, is not evidence that you're immportal, and is not evidence that you are anything other than a human being."
witnessjudgejury said:
According to the bible, a generation is 40 years and the time past since Israel became a state will be 40 years in 2007, and ALL things will have come to pass by this time. So should we say "here comes heaven in 2007"?
Could you quote which Bible and which particular verses say that 40 years/one generation after Israel is a state that such and such will happen.

Michael said:
Could you quote which Bible and which particular verses say that 40 years/one generation after Israel is a state that such and such will happen.


No. I found it on a website somewhere. I'll try to research it and let you know if I find it again.

Here is something which will put all men in their place however. The first few lines of the book of Enoch. Enoch, as the bible states, walked with God and was taken by God. Before the flood. Enoch was seventh generation from Adam and was grandson of Noah. Here are the first few lines:

1 The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewith he blessed the elect and righteous, who will be 2 living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked and godless are to be removed. And he took up his parable and said -Enoch a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, saw the vision of the Holy One in the heavens, which the angels showed me, and from them I heard everything, and from them I understood as I saw, but not for this generation, but for a remote one which is 3 for to come. Concerning the elect I said, and took up my parable concerning them: