Anti-Hormonal Treatments for Teens?

Sir Aristrotle

The C.E.O. of Teen-Moods
Registered Senior Member
I was thinking... are there any options for males teens whos sexual hormones are causing them problems? (Staring at girls butts, brests, lusting, etc.) I hear this is normal though, but I wanted to know if it's possible to treat these issues?
It's part of growing up. If you start playing around with those hormones, you'll probably seriously stuff up other areas of body and brin development.
Originally posted by Sir Aristrotle
I was thinking... are there any options for males teens whos sexual hormones are causing them problems? (Staring at girls butts, brests, lusting, etc.) I hear this is normal though, but I wanted to know if it's possible to treat these issues?

Why would you want to ? As James R pointed out it is normal and expected. They aren't issues.
Originally posted by SwedishFish
what's wrong with that?

Maybe he is horribly religious and feels shame for his actions....*Checks out Swedish*..well it's obvious i don't have any shame.
Hmm, considering that Sir Aristotle runs a website called Teen-Moods, I don’t think that’s why he’s asking.

I’ve got no suggestions of anti-hormonal treatments (these are normally only used in adult hyper sexuality, and abnormal sexualities.) It tends to be accept and treated as normal teenage behaviour, where any problem is a psychological one, not physical. has a quite interesting article on the difference between the adult and teenage brain.
Usually a mix of Cialis, poppers & GHB solve the problems nicely.
Wouldn't anti-hormonal treatments for teens endanger their physical developments?
This is only considered a "problem" if it prevent the development of other areas of life. And seriously prevents that development. If the kid stares at breasts to the point where he is complete incabale, for his entire life, of learning to actually talk to the person attached to those breasts, then there is little chance of him being able to reproduce. Which means, from a biological standpoint, that his inability to control his homonal actions is a bad thing.

However, this is pretty much impossible to guage while puberty is still going on. We are all pretty horney and dumb during this time.
You could take luprolide, LH-RH, or Lupron Depot(TM), and these would drop your testosterone to 0. This would cause some serious effects, not only biologically, but socially. If you are a guy, watching Lifetime and crying while your friends play fantasy football or whatever will damage your social development. Just enjoy this time in your life. You will grow out of it.
I spent some time developing these compounds for prostate cancer therapy, as PC grows rapidly in the prescence of testosterone. I would consider it medical malpractice to give these compounds to normal teenagers. These compounds have also been used for "chemical castration" of sex offenders. Hope this was helpful!
watching Lifetime and crying while your friends play fantasy football or whatever will damage your social development.

really so without testosterone your reduced to a emotional functions of a 9 year old girl?
Of course WCF. Without testosterone... we're nothing!:rolleyes:
You guys know women also have testosterone, eh?

Besides, lusting is part of a normal life. Imagine going through puberty at twenty-five... eesh... you wanna talk about social development? See what people think of you when you're a seventeen year old with NO SEX DRIVE. They'll probably send you to the hospital.

Anyway, what a horrible thing to do to someone. No lusting.

"I've invented a magic potion. It turns anyone who drinks it into a homicidal axe-wielding maniac.
It's basically a cure... for not being a homicidal axe-wielding maniac." - Vivian
On average women have about 5-10% as much as men.

I have a quote for you don't know were I heard it though:
"Women are best left to their own mechanical devices"
I would assume that if testosterone levels were forcefully dropped to 0, the small levels of Estrogen and Progesterone in the male body would more noticably show their presence.

Such as with Steriods users who, after their body shut down natural testosterone production due to the crazy high levels of it in the blood, would grow breasts from the relativly low levels of female hormones. Low levels of one type of hormone, when compared to nothing of the other, makes 'low levels' pretty significant.
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
really so without testosterone your reduced to a emotional functions of a 9 year old girl?

Not really, but we used to joke about accidental exposure at work. Actually, if you snorted about 5-10g of leuprolide, your testicles would undergo necrosis and fall off. This has been observed in rats. Regardless to say, I checked the glove box every time before I used it! The other compounds I worked with was a form of LH-RH which if inhaled would slowly release it into the body and supress testosterone over one month. So you can imagine the jokes about us monitoring for exposure- not caring about the Patriots, Red Sox etc. and watching more lifetime.
I worked with was a form of LH-RH which if inhaled would slowly release it into the body and supress testosterone over one month
Tresting... I'd really like to know about this stuff which supresses testosterone over one month....

One could take monthly doses, no?