Anti-Gravity? Info on the Floridas Ed's Corral castle


Surprisingly a 100 lb man ( EDWARD LEEDSKALNIN Builder of Coral Castle near Homestead, Fla.)
single handedly moved 30 ton stones and constructed a megalith park in recent times. It is a modern wonder and can be viewed here: or secondly

It is pretty famous and has been documented on TV's "In Search or', "That's lncredible" and "P.M. Magazine." Publications ranging from Reader's Digest to the National Enquirer have sent reporters to the castle and numerous scientists and engineers have tried to seek the answer to this seemingly impossible feat. Whenever Edward Leedskalnin was asked, “How did you build the Castle?” he replied, “It’s not difficult really. The secret is in knowing how.” Edward Leedskalnin would go so far as stating that he could see beads of light on objects that he said were the physical presence of nature’s magnetism. He explained that scientists have incorrect knowledge of atomic structure and electricity. He stated that all forms of existence are made up of three components, North and South poles and neutral particles of matter. He claimed to have “re-discovered the laws of weight, measurement, and leverage.” Edward Leedskalnin stated that these laws “involved the relationship of the Earth to celestial alignments.” Beyond these sketchy explanations, Edward didn’t say much.

Ed's brochures about his Castle proudly stated, “I have discovered the secrets of the pyramids, and have found out how the Egyptians and the ancient builders in Peru, Yucatan and Asia, with only primitive tools, raised and set in place blocks of stone weighing many tons!”

He died without revealing his secret, and the only apparent clue he left was a plaque found over his bed which read, “THE SECRET TO THE UNIVERSE IS 7129 / 6105195.”

his wikipedia feature on him and "corral castle" where he manipulated over 1100 tons of stone can be found here.

Nosy Neighbors and the U.S. government tried to discover his secrets but he was pretty closed mouthed about it.

I was surprised to see that he published a book on "Magnecity" (online book link below), as his theory was that magnets smaller than light particles comprise the universe, and that that is what elecricity "is" hence "magnicity". We know how to make and use electricity but its underlying composition has always been somewhat of a mystery.

The paper is filled with amazing experiments, and a patent for a power generating device he invented. I think it is a must read for anyone interested in physics. This man seems to have discovered how to counteract gravity in stones through the use of the "gravity particles" he claims is the "ether".

He did most of this construction at night to keep his methods secret, as the government, reporters, and keen neighbors wanted to know his secrets. One fact they do know, and that is heavy machinery was not used.

His book is free online here: (fantastic read)

It is amazing how the internet can allow us to see for ourselves texts that might otherwise go unnoticed, or hard to discover.

What I found most convincing of his theories was that he used them in a proven way. Including balancing a nine-ton stone gate so perfectly that even a child could push it open. In 1986 the gate stopped working. They needed a 50 ton crane and 6 men to fix the gate. A task he did by himself.

Hope it opens a few eyes. There is no denying what this man accomplished.

If you are not convinced by my links.

Google Search:

"Corral Castle"

A rough idea on what people suspect was his "anti-gravity" method is that all atoms are comprised of magnets. The polarity is what keeps us grounded. I am not a great physicist and would like to hear "possibilities" from some of you here. It certainly is not Newton, but .... (see for yourself)

I am hoping someone here grasps what he did based on his book (link above), and invent some sort of levitating car or something like what the egyptians had. lol. (no seriously) look at this ancient egyptian heiroglyphic. Hmmmm. lol

maybe the wheel was not such a great invention after all?
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Hmmm. Interesting argument but block and tackle are part of what he has claimed.

For starters: Ed's theory on antigravity seemed to involve surrounding an object, and that would explain his need to lift the blocks slightly manually.

I also did not mention in my first post that this was the second location of "Corral Castle". Ed was attacked one night and beaten by 6 youths who wanted his secrets. He then moved "corral castle" 10 miles via truck. The driver was not allowed to see him load or unload the blocks. Some nosy neighbors and kids have claimed he places his hand on the stones and sings????? WTF. Anyways. that's heresay.

Perhaps it was a hoax?

This man never sought personal glory, and was quite a hermit. So why did he claim to have “re-discovered the laws of weight, measurement, and leverage.”, and why did Edward Leedskalnin state that these laws “involved the relationship of the Earth to celestial alignments.”, and why did he leave a plaque above his bed that read “THE SECRET TO THE UNIVERSE IS 7129 / 6105195.”

The book he wrote on magnicity is much more compelling than anything I might write here (link to free ebook on first post). His pages are in laymans terms and is a simple read. He backs up ALL of his claims with simple experiments anybody with $20 worth of equipment could try.

He has explained how electricity works in terms we could all relate to and has backed up his theories with a working AC generator patent, and built his own hand crank generator which he used.

Here is an excerpt:
"take the three-foot long soft steel welding rod. It is already magnetized as a permanent magnet. hang it in a fine thread so it is in level. Now measure each and you will see that the South end is longer. In my location at Rock Gate, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth Latitude and Eightieth and Eighty- first Longitude West, in three-foot long magnet the South Pole end is about a sixteenth of an inch longer. Farther North it should be longer yet, but at Equator both ends of the magnet should be equal in length. In earth's South hemisphere the North Pole end of magnet should be longer"

Anybody interested in

MAGNETS / ELECTRICITY / Weight (physics) / Gravity (physics) should look at HIS writings. I am only a reader. He does NOT explain HOW he moved 30 ton stones in his books, just a grand unification theory of his own.
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"take the three-foot long soft steel welding rod. It is already magnetized as a permanent magnet. hang it in a fine thread so it is in level. Now measure each and you will see that the South end is longer. In my location at Rock Gate, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth Latitude and Eightieth and Eighty- first Longitude West, in three-foot long magnet the South Pole end is about a sixteenth of an inch longer. Farther North it should be longer yet, but at Equator both ends of the magnet should be equal in length. In earth's South hemisphere the North Pole end of magnet should be longer"
that does not make any sense. the earths magnetic field does not flip when you are in the southern hemisphere.
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Cato, the experiment is there, and I'd bet he is right about the length changing.

The experiments seem to make a lot of sense if you understand how magnets work, etc. a bit prior to reading the book.
I think the dude was just trying to generate interest in his creation. If you have even been to Florida, you would see how it all fits in, some parts are very touristy, and that castle was a huge investment in time if nothing else.
I think that's a theory too, it is well established, not just some individual's conjecture.
Whoa, that was wierd, I just posted this in response to the Big Bang, not a theory thread, and how string theory was a real theory too not a hypothesis, and it posted here.
Generate Tourism?

He waited long enough and lived a life of a hermit. but eventually he did
(taken from wikipedia)
"In spite of his private nature, he eventually opened his monument to the public, offering tours for 10 cents. He was a surprisingly accommodating host, even cooking hotdogs for visiting children in a pressure-cooker of his own invention"

BILLY IDOL (A Famous singer) wrote a song "Sweet Sixteen" about ED.

His book (free elink in first post) is entirely backed up by experiments. (I have not verified them), but if true suggest there is underlying currents of little magnets permeating everything, travelling at great speeds, especially between the poles of our planet.

Another excerpt from his book:

"Now about the generator. In the first place all currents are alternating. To get direct currents we have to use a commutator. Transformers and generators of any description are making the currents in the same way by filling the coil's iron core with magnets and letting the iron core push them out and into the coil. Connect the battery with the electric magnet. it will be a field magnet now. Put the three-inch coil between the iron prongs. and take it out,do it fast. repeat it, then you will have a steady light in the light bulb. Now you and the field magnet are a generator. Suppose you had a wheel and many coils around the wheel turning, then you would. be making all kinds of light.Do not make the machine, I already have the application for patent in the Patent Office. I made ten different machines to make magnetic currents, but I
found this combination between field magnets and coils the most efficient. Put the coil in slowly and take it out slowly, then you will have no light. That will show, to make magnetic currents, the time is important."

And Scientists and Engineers have marveled at this project.

"Publications ranging from Reader's Digest to the National Enquirer have sent reporters to the castle and numerous scientists and engineers have tried to seek the answer to this seemingly impossible feat. Whenever Edward Leedskalnin was asked, “How did you build the Castle?” he replied, “It’s not difficult really. The secret is in knowing how.” Edward Leedskalnin would go so far as stating that he could see beads of light on objects that he said were the physical presence of nature’s magnetism. He explained that scientists have incorrect knowledge of atomic structure and electricity. He stated that all forms of existence are made up of three components, North and South poles and neutral particles of matter"

I think he has given the best explanation for what electricity actually is, and how it operates than anything else I've heard. Electricity itself is a mystery to us. We know how to use it to power a toaster, but what it really IS is a mystery.

Still think his book is more than a worthwhile read.
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He didn't write very clearly. What is happening with the steel rod becomes obvious when you realize that the "south end" and the "north end" are measured from where the steel rod is suspended. If it is more or less level it is obviously suspended at its center of gravity. The half, or "end" that is closer to the pole that it seeks will naturally be shorter. When you're up in Florida you're substantially closer to the north pole than the south pole. It's also because the rod tries to align itself with the local magnetic flux lines.

No one's ever been explain why the Earth's magnetic field has an eight hertz modulation, either. Something spins at eight point something times per second.
Glad this book added to someones dimensional thinking, Ed obviously was not formally educated.

Thanks MetaKron, Perhaps you have just solved the mystery of the extra 8 hertz modulation. (nobel prize for MetaKron)

This is how it is described in ed's book,
"Now I will tell you what magnetic current is. Magnetic current is the same as electric current is a wrong expression. Really it is not one current, they are
two currents, one current is composed of North Pole individual magnets in
concentrated streams and the other is composed of South Pole individual
magnets in concentrated streams, and they are running one stream against the other stream in whirling, screwlike fashion, and with high speed. One current alone if it be North Pole magnet current or South Pole magnet current it cannot run alone. To run one current will have to run against the other".

Not exactly an equation, but he did seem to have a grasp of magnets, and electricity beyond our traditional thinking.

Will look at your hypothesis MetaKron, thanks for the input.
He never let anyone in to watch him build his castle. That way he could use

anything to lift the stones and no one knew what he used.
Damn I was just looking for this thread last month and couldn't find it.

Hooray for google searchers like rockpicker...