Anti-gay christians kicked off HGTV network

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
(CNN) -- "Twin brothers David and Jason Benham have lost their opportunity to host their own HGTV show.

The brothers ran afoul of the network after the site Right Wing Watch published a post about the pair, labeling David Benham as an "anti-gay, anti-choice extremist" for reportedly leading a prayer rally in 2012 outside of the Democratic National Convention held in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The site posted a recording of Benham talking to a talk show host about "homosexuality and its agenda that is attacking the nation" and "demonic ideologies" taking hold in colleges and public schools.

Benham also discusses the fight for North Carolina's Amendment One, which involved a ban on same-sex marriage and civil unions in the state constitution.

The Benham brothers were the planned stars of the HGTV show "Flip It Forward," set to premiere in October, in which they would have helped families purchase homes they otherwise could not afford.

An April press release described the planned show this way: "After a decade of flipping houses for profit, brothers David Benham and Jason Benham now help families buy the homes they never thought they could afford. In each episode, the guys help a deserving family find a fixer-upper and transform it into their forever home -- with a healthy dose of sibling rivalry between the brothers along the way."

But after the post went public, HGTV tweeted, "HGTV has decided not to move forward with the Benham Brothers' series."

Thursday night, Jason Benham told CNN's "Erin Burnett OutFront" that HGTV had vetted the pair.

"When they -- a year and a half ago -- saw some of the footage where my brother was saying the things he was saying, they spoke with us.

"They got to know us a little better and then they made a judgment call, recognizing that David and I have no hate in our heart for anyone.

"We've been running a successful real estate company for the last 11 years and we help all people. There is no discrimination," said Jason Benham.

His comments were echoed by his brother.

"We love all people. I love homosexuals. I love Islam, Muslims, and my brother and I would never discriminate. Never have we -- never would we," said David Benham.

"Never have I ever spoken against homosexuals, as individuals, and gone against them. I speak about an agenda. And that's really what the point of this is -- is that there is an agenda that is seeking to silence the voices of men and women of faith," he added.

The brothers believe HGTV was bullied into its decision because of the media firestorm.

"It was too much for them to bear and they had to make a business decision," David Benham said.

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They got kicked off?
I agree with you MR.
That's terrible.
They could have been the next "Duck Hunt".
Today there are many religious programs being broadcast with whatever they want to say. So what's the big deal with another religious program that does basically the same thing as all of the rest do?
The censor of freedom of speech, implicit of Liberalism, appears to be based on the philosophy of telling women what they want to hear, even if a lie, instead of unwanted truth. If a woman asked her husband, if she looks fat in this dress, she already has the answer she wants to hear, even if this is not true. She wants to lied to to make her feel good. She is not looking for constructive criticism.

That being said, the two brothers are not willing to tell homosexuals what they wish to hear, using the female template of proper lying. There is a certain line of bull; PC, that is one is supposes to use, whether you mean it or not. Like the husband who says the truth, to a wife wanting a hear the lie, the brothers, end up in the dog house.

The women's mind of liberalism explains why there is no consistency across the board when it comes to liberals practicing what they preach. They can do the same hurtful things against people of religion, that they say should not be done to homosexuals.

Could the liberals and atheists lie about what they think about religion, to make these people feel good, like a women? Or is it because these are masculine organizations and women don't lie to men in the same way they wished to be lied to?
The censor of freedom of speech, implicit of Liberalism, appears to be based on the philosophy of telling women what they want to hear, even if a lie, instead of unwanted truth. If a woman asked her husband, if she looks fat in this dress, she already has the answer she wants to hear, even if this is not true. She wants to lied to to make her feel good. She is not looking for constructive criticism.

That being said, the two brothers are not willing to tell homosexuals what they wish to hear, using the female template of proper lying. There is a certain line of bull; PC, that is one is supposes to use, whether you mean it or not. Like the husband who says the truth, to a wife wanting a hear the lie, the brothers, end up in the dog house.

The women's mind of liberalism explains why there is no consistency across the board when it comes to liberals practicing what they preach. They can do the same hurtful things against people of religion, that they say should not be done to homosexuals.

Could the liberals and atheists lie about what they think about religion, to make these people feel good, like a women? Or is it because these are masculine organizations and women don't lie to men in the same way they wished to be lied to?

What does any of this have to do with women? Are you a woman hater?
Not Duck Hunt, Duck Dynasty.


Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. I love that Babble proverb.

My favourite proverb is the one where Jesus blows up the children of Saddam,
and a crazy Arab woman gets turned into a salt-lick.
The censor of freedom of speech, implicit of Liberalism, appears to be based on the philosophy of telling women what they want to hear, even if a lie, instead of unwanted truth. If a woman asked her husband, if she looks fat in this dress, she already has the answer she wants to hear, even if this is not true. She wants to lied to to make her feel good. She is not looking for constructive criticism.

Come on now that is also true of men. If you asked your wife, "do you think my ideology proves I'm a brain dead moron and basically a worthless person", I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want an honest answer from her either.
"Never have I ever spoken against homosexuals, as individuals, and gone against them. I speak about an agenda. And that's really what the point of this is -- is that there is an agenda that is seeking to silence the voices of men and women of faith," he added."

How dare those homosexuals want to silence people who call them abominations, say they deserve to suffer eternally & preach that they should not have the same rights as heterosexuals. How dare homosexuals try to have the same rights as heterosexuals!
The agenda to be concerned about is that of those who want others to be treated badly because they do not approve of them. Specially the agenda of those who base their agenda on an ancient collection of scribblings by fearful hateful prejudiced primitive stupid superstitious savages.
I wonder what those two goons think the homosexual agenda actually is.

Probably to turn the GREAT GLORIOUS CHRISTIAN USA!!! into a homosexual nation & specially to influence all our innocent kiddies to become homosexual.

You know, every time someone is converted to homosexuality the recruiter gets a merit badge & a new blender or toaster.