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If the anti-Christ were to exist what would the characteristics of the entity(person) be. Meaning would the person:

A. Bring about total destruction and be a force of evil

B. Develop a movement against religion as a whole and promote truth and freedom amid the public.

Keep in mind that an Anti-Christ could only be a manifested figure of the psyche due to fear of an anti-religious movement and focused upon as a sole figure due to underlying unconscious development. So in essence the person could exist but not as a supernatural presence or connected with a supernatural presence. The Anti-Christ would be an anti-religious movement; fundamentally.
C. Use reason and rationale to explain why the absolute worship of the invisible and undetectable is as pointless as it is dangerous.

D. Promote the critical questioning of religious childhood indoctrination.
F. Having to listen to Britney Spears music over and over again while hearing about her life

G. Paris Hilton eroding the social and moral norms of the society with her ‘So Hot” comments and vies on how the world should be
I don't think "anti-Christ" refers to an unbeliever, but rather an opposite believer. In other words, he would believe in theistic evil (such as Satanism) instead of not believing in anything.
Actually thats close to the truth... of course it is all up to personal belief, but in actual definitions (which I just read) set by various churches, the Anti-Christ is actually someone who assumes the place of Jesus.

Ah whatever its all retarded.
Actually thats close to the truth... of course it is all up to personal belief, but in actual definitions (which I just read) set by various churches, the Anti-Christ is actually someone who assumes the place of Jesus.
Yes, as I said, he assumes the place of Jesus but is opposite of how Jesus was; i.e, instead of being purely good, he is purely evil

Ah whatever its all retarded.

Actually I find it all rather interesting, although I do not believe in it.
Do I believe in an anti Christ? No. Do I want there to be an anti Christ? Yes. I most certainly want paradise.......but I don't think it will happen.
I would suggest that the Anti Christ would be the most popular political agnostic ever seen. Jesus was considered disreputable by the Jewish leaders, so I'd say he would be adored by Jewish religious leaders, and probably christian religious leaderts as well.

Embodiment of evil... The douche who smacks you around for no good reason or your best-friend of all time convincing you to commit suicide?
If the anti-Christ were to exist what would the characteristics of the entity(person) be. Meaning would the person:

A. Bring about total destruction and be a force of evil

B. Develop a movement against religion as a whole and promote truth and freedom amid the public.

Keep in mind that an Anti-Christ could only be a manifested figure of the psyche due to fear of an anti-religious movement and focused upon as a sole figure due to underlying unconscious development. So in essence the person could exist but not as a supernatural presence or connected with a supernatural presence. The Anti-Christ would be an anti-religious movement; fundamentally.

From a Biblical perspective (where the term Anti-christ was derived) there is no support for The Anti-christ to be viewed as an anti religious character.

The term Anti-christ means what it says Anti christ meaning he will be against christ. This does not mean he will be anti-religion or any religious in general.

In fast the bible says that he will be the focal point of worship and will be seen as a God, on earth. So the anti-christ will probably be very much a religious figure demanding worship from the worlds people. Probably masquerading as the returned Messiah.

So the view of the anti-christ from your perspective as being a kind of athiest warrior hero out to destroy all religion cannot be more off the mark. In fact as the anti-chrst from a biblical perspective will demand to be worshiped as a god, any athiest who sticks to their atheism to the end will probably be put to death alongside true Christians, because both would refuse to worship him.

John 16
1 “These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble. 2 They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service. 3 And these things they will do to you because they have not known the Father nor Me. 4 But these things I have told you, that when the time comes, you may remember that I told you of them.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
In Islamic teachings the appearance of the Anti-Christ, False Messiah (al-Masih ad-Dajjal) is of three main ages:

1. System- preceding the appearance of the Anti-Christ requires a system, its symbol relating from hadiths being a ONE EYE (with various symbolisms pertaining to it) and decaying of human morality, especially the proliferation of selfishness and greed. This is slowly established centuries before the advent of the actual figure.

2. State- concerning the hadith, the establishment of the state of Israel (secular, Godless, immoral, and oppressive state as defined by hadith) is a precursor to the appearance the Anti-Christ. It's establishment according to hadith, is upon Muslim land and based on theft and murder from a native Muslim population. To the extent that people who once lived on the land will suffer intolerable conditions and wish they were dead rather than continue to suffer this way. In my view, this may be decades before the appearance of the Anti-Christ.

3. Person- the Anti-Christ will appear as a person, being from among the Jews (Israelis?), born with one swollen eye, and it will be apparent to all Muslims that such an individual will be the Anti-Christ. Following his ascent to power, Muslims throughout the world will suffer a global genocide and the state of Israel will expand to include many areas of the Middle East. The Gog and Magog (Yajuj and Majuj) have some relationship to the state of Israel. Some scholars have stated that the Israelis are the people of God and Magog, being non-Semitic and of Eurasian blood. Muslims believe Gog and Magog are human beings who will be instrumental in the rise of the Anti-Christ.

End: A man born from Madinah called al-Mahdi, the rightly guided one, will journey to Makkah and will emerge to establish a righteous Muslim state in Hijaz (dislodging corrupt leaders). Shia believe he will arrive in Iran from occulation as he was the 12th Imam. He will engage in a war with the Anti-Christ and not triumph until the return of Messiah Jesus son of Mary (al-Masih Isa ibn Maryam, alayhis salam) who will descend from Heaven to the gates of Damascus and eventually kill the Anti-Christ. He will then establish a righteous kingdom in the Holy Land, with Jerusalem as his capital.

NOTE: This is a synopsis from my readings and knowledge on the matter. I don't profess to know exactly what will happen. Some Muslims may have different views, but generally it falls under these beliefs.

If the anti-Christ were to exist what would the characteristics of the entity(person) be.

The characteristics of such a person would be that he/she is very charming, all things to all people (who are not steadfast in scripture). Very learned in all aspects of knowledge, especially religion. Devoid of compassion, emotion, and empathy, but able to fool most into believing he/she is endowed with them, by displaying great acts of charity.
