Answers i seek.....


Registered Senior Member
When i was young i used to have preminitions, this might sound whacky but i aint a nuttah, i would have dreams that were really hard to remember just bits and pices of things yet usually within 2 or 3 days my memeory would return in perfect order just as the event i had dreamed was about to happen.
The event would then unfold as i watched in amasment, weiredly the last preminition i ever had i changed it, i wanted to see if i could change what i had seen in my dreams and alter the future as it were.
I did.
The perminition itself was rater boring just a converstaion with my brother while we were out in the woods close to home exploring, i cant remember the exact wording i just remember at the end my brother was supposed to say somthing like "ok im going im going" but i changed that, i stoped him mid sentance and to this day iv never had another preminition.
As to how many i actually had between the ages of 6-12 i couldent say, lots, most were less then a half a converstaion but still in perfect order to how i had dreamed it.
Id like to know was i actually looking into the future or perhaps was my sub contious mind just putting events that were plausable into my dreams and they were being remembered after i woke up?
Has anyone else had experiences like this?
i was never abducted by aliens (to my knowledge anyway)
I have never seen fairys
I have never seen ghosts
Like i said im not crazy just curious as to what could explain these strange event in the early part of my life.
I think I may be a real psychic...

It happens almost every other day now, I'll have a dream that'll tell of events to happen the next day. Sometimes I'll also suddenly think something completely random and not second guess it, then it'll come true. Here are some examples:

-About a week ago I had a dream involving a girl that I know that does not ride on my bus but who does take a bus that travels on the same route. The next day our bus came before the other one and we picked her up. This had never happened before.

-I began to think about a friend I hadn't seen in a long time for no reason whatsoever, it just popped inside my head and voila a few hours later I passed by and said hi to him.

I can also guess numbers ninety or a hundred percent of the time. 1-10, 1-100, makes no difference. The problem is the future I predict is not extremely important and would be completely worthless had I not seen it beforehand. If I could see important events then I would be grateful.
Ye why is it always usless bits of information, like i would love to dream of 6 number for the lottery then put a £1 on it and walk away with 10 million :).
Maybe because more important information might screw things up. If you could get a lottery number and won the jackpot you'd be stealing the money from someone else. Think of it that way.

I tell the future, read other peoples minds, dream clairvoyant dreams, travel with my astral body, heals peoples with my thoughts, have x-ray vision, uses tarot cards, occasionally a ouija board and can be at many places in one time. I am a shapeshifter, a queen, a goddess and can cast spells on people, but only nice ones. I travel in different dimensions, see other people and other lifeforms from other places in the universe, I sometimes visit them. I can remeber past incarnations, even those who are not my own. I can tell the story of a family through several incarnations togehter. I can change matter with my mind and I can see through time. :)
It could be

That you are seeing important info, ie the fact that things are not as they seem on the surface.
& just maybe that is what you should be getting from this.

If Eternal life really exists,you must already be in it!
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Using a gift for your own personal gain to win the lotto would be the quickest way to lose any ability at all. Your brain would want to keep the qift so no money winning games.
Well it would be nice to have a say in the matter after all it is my brain.
Ah well easy come easy go.
just for the record I had a dream last night about an airplane crashing into a cargo ship. It looked like a large oil tanker but the plane was easily much wider than it (in wingspan). It had a red lining and I heard someone say it was in africa and they were waiting for the flight recorder to respond. It could've been from africa.

In case anything like this happens I want to post it here, the date is November 3rd 2001. It could just be a random dream but not once did I think about airplanes or crashing into oil tankers on the second.
Re: Yes...

Originally posted by Bebelina
I tell the future, read other peoples minds, dream clairvoyant dreams, travel with my astral body, heals peoples with my thoughts, have x-ray vision, uses tarot cards, occasionally a ouija board and can be at many places in one time. I am a shapeshifter, a queen, a goddess and can cast spells on people, but only nice ones. I travel in different dimensions, see other people and other lifeforms from other places in the universe, I sometimes visit them. I can remeber past incarnations, even those who are not my own. I can tell the story of a family through several incarnations togehter. I can change matter with my mind and I can see through time. :)

Ok Babe. Tell me my future.
Did I scare you?

I that case, I´m sorry. :) I got poetically carried away. We all have these abilities, some people have devloped them more than others. But they are available to all.
Although I as you are omnipresent , I don´t want to intrude on others privacy.
The future can only be told from a particular moment in time, the present. And from what intention you have in that moment. So whatever future I may see for you, it would only be one option from many. Ultimately the choice is yours, what future you want to have, you will have. If a person tells somebody elses future , he/she can also interfere with the learning process of that persons soul. So the only time I think it´s justified is if the person has a problem and wants consultation from me. Then I try to see the whole story of the person and what significanse this problem has in the evolution process of this individual. And offers my best advice, as in presents my view of the best possible future from the present point of time and intention.

The present intention is the key to the future. :)