Answer for all psychic phenomena


Registered Member
Hi Gentleman
I have a book which you can translate this book into English you will find the answers for all Psychic phenomena. This book has a title: "There is not soul."
Inside the book has a lot of stories about it, and my master analizes it after each story.
Briefly speaking.
1- Why people can have ability to see through the earth in order to tell you a place where someone's relative who died in the war and since have not found.
2- Why some people have special talent such as mathematic, physic, astronomy while he or she is just a child?
3- Why a person has just died who feel like to go to a chanel to somewhere or they can see their body that is lying on the bed.
4- Why a person can see a ghost, God, Buddha,...
The problem is a human brain which has special part that can pass the time and space to see what with a normal eyes could not see.
All answers are your brain does it. If you beleive God, you will see God. If you beleive Buddha, you will see Buddha. If you beleive Ghost, you will see ghost. That special part of the brain can convert any beleif or concept into the image which only that oerson can see by their normal eyes.
That is why only that person can see those phenomena, not others.
If you don't beleive any God, Buddha or Ghost, you won't see them. Because the special part of your brain is not stimulated to work.
That part is working when you sleep, it makes you dream. That part does everything even you have just died, so that is not a soul. we call it is an imagination part. That part of brain can imagine to a death person and contact to them.

In Buddhist teaching talk about five aggregates that is the five elements to form the body (material form, feeling, imagination, act, consciuosness)
Normally, people have consciuosness to realize everything aroud us, but when you sleep there is no consciousness, but we all have a dream. So what part of your brain is working then? That is an imagination part. That part can pass the time to remember the past and foresee the future, and see somewhere 50miles away something happens from that person, so we call it can pass the space.
There are some special people has ability to see some psychic phenomena because their consciousness and imagination able to be working at the same time, they just activate which part of them and the brain will switch from consciusness into imagination or vise versa.
Now you understand what I am trying to tell you.
My English is not enough to translate all information. but if you want to know more, just translate that book and find a useful information for your research.
If you already know it, let me know. I just want to share with you what I have known.
That book is 264KB larger than allowed so Sorry I could not attach it with this post
So what you're basically saying is that it's all imagination?
God, Buddha, ghosts finding bodies on the other side of the Earth are all made up and not real?
I agree.
to think about it how can your imagination conjure up such a thing, well some can but imagination is some thing that we our self must add to it, but for things of paranormal abilities it just cums to u, and u wouldent have to use up any type of imagination.
how about if u document such an ability? does that count, but speaking to the dead is not real, well everyone is entitle to there own opinion, but i say once the sole leaves the body i dont really know, i haven`t died yet, but i think its the devil trying to make us believe that we are actually talking to our loved ones etc....because if we are to believe in god we must acknowledge the devil and his presence, only one thing if u r scared of the devil dont be coz most ppl i know are, but dont be scared of him and he can`t hurt u unless u let him ,just thought i give u guys a tip, i mean speaking from experience... even as i write this word of advice, the demon worshipers are really angry, i can even here them outside, by the way happy days................
Make something more clear

When I wrote:
1) "Why people can have ability to see through the earth in order to tell you a place where someone's relative who died in the war and since have not found."
I means that special person can see the death body that has died for a long time under the earth by their normal eyes.
2)"Why a person can see a ghost, God, Buddha, death relative...
I mean if you believe to God you can see God image with your normal eyes but it is not a true God, It just an image that have been created from your past concept and your imagination about God.
3) The word "Imagination" I use in five aggregates. We can name it by any word you like. The main idea is that part of the brain works when people sleep and that make people have dream. We call it imagination part because it is not true but it has special ability to pass time and space.
but for things of paranormal abilities it just cums to u
So you're under the impression that paranormal abilities actually exist?

but i say once the sole leaves the body i dont really know
What soul?

but i think its the devil trying to make us believe
What devil?

believe in god we must acknowledge the devil and his presence
What god?

I means that special person can see the death body that has died for a long time under the earth by their normal eyes.
Ah, my mistake. I thought you were offering a rational solution.

We call it imagination part because it is not true but it has special ability to pass time and space.
Imagination does that. The senses don't.

As we know, there is some people who have a psychic abilities to contact to a unknown world which is called life after death.

Imagine a computer has a hard drive that can store or archieve a lot of information, video, pictures and so on.
Every one has different kind of activities everyday, every moment of second. And those one’s action, speech and thought have copies. Those copies are stored or archieved in a big hard drive that is our space aroud us. Or you can see every tree has its shadow. That shadow is a copy of a tree at that moment of its life. When one dies at 20 years old, his/her copies is 20 years old.

Psychic person has ability to access to that hard drive and take whoseever copies. The imagination part of his/her brain can contact to those copies, that part of brain can talk to those copies, get all information about someone, about relative, friend,…everything related to that person even where that person had died, how to die and so on.

That is why in my country (Vietnam) psychic person can find a death body of some family has sons who lost in the war. The family member just brings an old picture of their son to psychic person. Then psychic person use his/her abilities to find a place where the son died. Suppose the psychic person lives in the north, can see and show the skeleton in the south, what village, where approximately. So the family members fly to the south and come to that place, dig the earth and found the skeleton of their son with some things belong to his son such as an soldier's tag, a ring, and so on

How we know it is not a life after death, rather just a copies of one’s life?

Suppose one died when was 20 years old. After 50 or 2000 years, the copies is still an image or a video of one’s 20 year old. The psychic person can contact to the copies and see a young person 20 years old, not 70 years old. The key is here. That is why we know there is not a life after death, just a copies, just a shadow of one’ life.
The purpose of my sharing is not a debate of right or wrong, I just share my knowledge to you and point out the way to detemine why there are some mysterious phenomena or unexplained phenomena.
By this direction a scientist should recheck and confirm it. We must wait and ask them later.
The scientist can scan the human brain and determine what part of the brain is working when one is sleepping and has dream.
And then scientist can scan the psychic person’s brain and find out which part of his/her brain is working when psychic person contact to a copies of death person.

That imagination part of the brain has abilities to see the whole world, it travels when we sleepping, it looks like has something coming out from the body, looks back and sees the body is lying in the bed, and travels from one place to another place.

Some people have that ability and do not know how to stop it, because it happens unexpectably. One way to stop it is use the Auto-self suggestion by conciousness. Before sleepping just remind that “The body and the mind must sleep normally, not travel”
Gradually it will disappear.

When someone practices meditation, it is easy to wake up the imagination part of the brain. But by this way, that person is easy to become mental. Be careful to practice meditation. Must practice meditation with a consciousness to know everything happenning around. Not to sleep. Practicing meditation is easily to asleep and sleep whenever. When you sleep the consciousness stops, and the imagination part of the brain starts working. So open the eyes when practicing meditation.

Everyone has greed, anger and declusion. If one has not eliminated 3 those things, the imagination part of the brain works will lead to mental. That is a caution for all people try to do meditation in order to get a special abilities.
So be careful!

Thanks for your patience. Bye Bye
As we know, there is some people who have a psychic abilities to contact to a unknown world which is called life after death.
Correction: there are people who claim to have psychic abilities. None of them have actually been shown to do so.

And those one’s action, speech and thought have copies. Those copies are stored or archieved in a big hard drive that is our space aroud us.
That is a supposition.

Psychic person has ability to access to that hard drive and take whoseever copies. The imagination part of his/her brain can contact to those copies, that part of brain can talk to those copies, get all information about someone, about relative, friend,…everything related to that person even where that person had died, how to die and so on.

The purpose of my sharing is not a debate of right or wrong, I just share my knowledge to you and point out the way to detemine why there are some mysterious phenomena or unexplained phenomena.
If it's not right it isn't knowledge but belief. Therefore the first point should be establishing right or wrong.

By this direction a scientist should recheck and confirm it. We must wait and ask them later.
Science has checked: and it's fraud, error or delusion, not psychic ability.

That imagination part of the brain has abilities to see the whole world, it travels when we sleepping, it looks like has something coming out from the body, looks back and sees the body is lying in the bed, and travels from one place to another place.
No it doesn't.

Some people have that ability and do not know how to stop it
Nope, some people claim to have the ability.

But by this way, that person is easy to become mental.
I couldn't have put it better myself.
Hopefully, you enjoy my posts as a fun. Glad to know your interesting.
We are human, and we live in the modern life. Scientists will gradually discover all natural phenomenas and abilities of human. We just wait and see how interesting the human is. But it is just a curious thing.

The main purpose of our life is know how to live, how to love each other in order to bring a happiness to oneself, others and all sentient beings in this world.
Have a nice life
Glad to know your interesting.
I'm always interesting.

Scientists will gradually discover all natural phenomenas and abilities of human.
We already know many things that humans are not capable of.

The main purpose of our life is know how to live
What makes you think life has a purpose?

how to love each other in order to bring a happiness to oneself, others and all sentient beings in this world.
Why should we love each other?

Have you believed that there is a ghost?
As I wrote: If anyone does not believe, that one never see it. If anyone believe, that one can see it.

The problem is when someone does not believe and is not scare about ghost, his/her Imagination part of the brain does not work, so that person can not see anything.
When someone believes and scare about ghost, his/her Imagination part of the brain works, so that person will see a ghost. But only that person see it, nobody else, except others are also believe and scare about it. If those people are in the same room, or some situation, their scare affects to each other. But if there is one of them who does not believe or scare about ghost, that person never see anything.

That is why I said the Imagination part of the brain can convert all one's concepts or beliefs about anything into the image in front of their eyes. It makes one can see a true ghost, God or someone. The human brain is perfect thing that need to analize, isn 't it?

Have you know about any evidence which have been proved by scientists there is no ghost? Let me know. Because I believe there are no real ghost in this world, too.

Suppose that now we know how the brain works. There are a lot of stories and movies about a Ghost houses. I think if putting someone who does not believe and scare about ghost in those Ghost houses, there is not anything happen, and the ghost house become a normal house.

If anyone believes and scares about a ghost, no matter where he/she lives, that house is a Ghost house.

The Imagination part of the brain can create any sound, taste, smell...everything people like.
Some can hear horrible sound, a voice, like to talk to God or someone else or some whistle, whisper from someone, etc.
Some can taste a delicious fruite,...
Some can smell a pleasant smell,...
When someone does meditation can feel a pleasant feeling, the body is big, small, light, and even fly,...
Some can see a holly light around a head, a body or a holly light aroud the head of GOD, Buddha...
And so on....

When someone has the Imagination part of the brain works, that person like to debate win or lose with others to prove their ideas better, more correct or the best. That person has abnormal questions and answer, like ZEN KOANs.

I heard that when someone has the Imagination part of the brain has been waked up, it works unexpectably.
Sometime does not need it, it works. Sometime need it, but it does not.
It can work just half or part of its ability.
So some people has strong ability, some has weaker, different level.
The better way is get rid of it by using Auto-self suggestion to remind oneself to expel it: "Give away" every time it appears.

If it does not, I am sorry, I just want to share what I know and hope that you can find the way to help human to forget the existing of GHOST.
The paradise and evil are here in this earth. That is real.
Look at the life of all beings. Rich, poor, starving, sickness, jail,crime, animal cruelty...and you understand.
Good luck with your research. All human abilities can easily discover when you get enlightenment (eliminate all desire, greed, anger and delusion). Without it the science still take a long time to discover the truth.
But if you had read an Original Buddha teaching, you would see Buddha already said about it. "There is no, nothing, all phenomena are imagination. Who imagine there are ghost, God, Paradise, Evil or the life after death, there would be ghost, God, Paradise,Evil or the life after death..." That means the human brain can create all images, sounds, smells, tastes,... everything people like and imagine about. So human are lied by their brain. The human brain is a perfect thing and it knows clearly about each one's desire. You can call that part of brain is "Trick brain"
Have a nice life.
If anyone believe, that one can see it.
Not true: people who believe in ghosts believe they see them.

The problem is when someone does not believe and is not scare about ghost, his/her Imagination part of the brain does not work, so that person can not see anything.
No, when someone doesn't believe in ghosts they aren't prone to believing that a ghost is what they see - they'll check to find out what it really is.

That is why I said the Imagination part of the brain can convert all one's concepts or beliefs about anything into the image in front of their eyes. It makes one can see a true ghost, God or someone.
No it doesn't. There is no "true ghost": it's imagination.

Have you know about any evidence which have been proved by scientists there is no ghost? Let me know. Because I believe there are no real ghost in this world, too.
Try reading books.
Or try here:

If anyone believes and scares about a ghost, no matter where he/she lives, that house is a Ghost house.
No it isn't. It's just a house that is believed to be haunted.

When someone has the Imagination part of the brain works, that person like to debate win or lose with others to prove their ideas better, more correct or the best. That person has abnormal questions and answer, like ZEN KOANs.
Doesn't everyone have an imagination?

Good luck with your research. All human abilities can easily discover when you get enlightenment (eliminate all desire, greed, anger and delusion). Without it the science still take a long time to discover the truth.
Two things: will we still be human if we get rid of desire, greed and delusion?
And what makes you think there is "the truth"?

So human are lied by their brain.
The human brain is a perfect thing
So you're claiming that lying is part of being perfect?

As above, I described that when one sleeps there is not a consciousness, the Imagination part of a brain starts working, so that one has a dream.

According to Buddhism. A human is a combination of five aggregates: Material form (body), Feeling, Imagination (perception), Act, conciousness.
Some translation call the aggregate of Imagination is an aggregate of perception.
The main thing here is I want to talk about this aggregate. What is it? When does it work?
The aggregate of Imagination (Perception) is not an imagination.
As above description I described the aggregate of Imagination is the Imagination part of a brain for easily understanding.

In fact, when one sleeps there is not a consciousness, the aggregate of Imagination starts working, so that one has dream.

The understanding of the aggregate of Imagination and the Imagination part of the brain may be different. I am not sure about the aggregate of Imagination is an Imagination part of the brain. For correction I leave this question for scientists.
Sorry, missed the word "whether".
I have to write "I am not sure about wheather the aggregate of Imagination is an Imagination part of the brain."
Correction: there are people who claim to have psychic abilities. None of them have actually been shown to do so.


Science has checked: and it's fraud, error or delusion, not psychic ability.

Trouble with testing something in science is that a finding is only scientifically valid if the person conducting the testing is biased toward skepticism. Normally, that is a good thing, but psychics are incredibly sensitive to emotion. If your whole world view is based around a grounded reality to which you are emotionally committed, a psychic will never be willing to burst your bubble for you. Psychics cannot act against their own feelings, because it is those very emotions that carry the signal.

That's why you have to use your imagination at the same time at your normal conscious mind. The imagination serves the purpose of interpreting the signal so you can get usable information from it. Any feeling originating from somewhere other than they psychic experience would drown out the experience and make it impossible to read anything, just like a radio signal getting jammed by random noise.

The OP's example of psychics in Vietnam who look for the corpses of soldiers who died in old wars is a very good example of what I mean. There's a good, emotionally compelling, reason for them to want to see something. That makes it easy to tell what is noise, and what is actually information.