Another warning, to the US, about the risks of Republican Party scientific policy


Valued Senior Member

What this says is that in the normal human environment of US civilization convergent evolution is driving common human-associated bacteria,
even those who are as yet only infrequent pathogens, i.e. not being targeted with antibiotics,
to evolve mechanisms of antibiotic resistance which have no apparent vulnerability associated with them. They do not decrease fitness in any known way.

They are not self clearing, in other words. They are permanent residents.

If they ever become virulent, they will be antibiotic resistant from day one. If they ever exchange genetics with a pathogen, the pathogen can gain resistance immediately and without evolutionary cost.

What this says is that in the normal human environment of US civilization convergent evolution is driving common human-associated bacteria,
even those who are as yet only infrequent pathogens, i.e. not being targeted with antibiotics,
to evolve mechanisms of antibiotic resistance which have no apparent vulnerability associated with them. They do not decrease fitness in any known way.

They are not self clearing, in other words. They are permanent residents.

If they ever become virulent, they will be antibiotic resistant from day one. If they ever exchange genetics with a pathogen, the pathogen can gain resistance immediately and without evolutionary cost.

is there some type of genetic biological behavior to do with a single end point of the evolutionary process ?
human entropic mental process defines the frequent occurrence of express need for canabalism of all things.

is there any connection or lack of between the process of potential evolutionary morphology & human thought capability/evolution ?
An aside, but pertinent to the future of humanity;
World-0-meters estimates that the "end of oil" will come in less than 40 years. Which means that whatever used oil as an energy source will need to be replaced with equipment which uses an alternatice energy source. This will become very expensive.

So, in view of the short time we have until oil is no longer a viable energy source for mobile heavy equipment, IMO, it is high time we started spending the remaining oil resources on large energy intensive projects like infra- structure.

If we wait too long, we may never again be able to take on very large projects. The cost of the alternative energy source would be prohibitive.
"end of oil"
oil as an energy source
convenient low cost ...
i think solar can do quite a lot.
i think more pressing issues are around how oil is used for plastic production. new car tyres etc...

someone needs to be inventing a way to recycle used tires back into new tires without the need for more oil.

with the pretense of cleaning up the planet by stopping the production and use of plastic straws and plastic bags, it can save quite a bit of oil.
bags made of plants would be much better.
specially if they degrade and can be composted and so create new money sales & production jobs.
convenient low cost ...
i think solar can do quite a lot.
Absolutely, in Europe several countries are generating more solar energy for electricity than from oil.

I am talking mostly about heavy equipment required for massive infra-structure projects. These projects may take ten, fifteen, twenty years to complete and will require massive amounts of unrestricted energy supplies, which only oil can deliver at current technology, but only for the next ~44 years.
1,548,524,150,392 Oil left (barrels)
16,149 Days to the end of oil (~44 years)
i think more pressing issues are around how oil is used for plastic production. new car tyres etc...someone needs to be inventing a way to recycle used tires back into new tires without the need for more oil.
Yep, that all adds up.
With the pretense of cleaning up the planet by stopping the production and use of plastic straws and plastic bags, it can save quite a bit of oil. Bags made of plants would be much better, specially if they degrade and can be composted and so create new money sales & production jobs.
Absolutely, and that can be done with minimum impact on the economy.

For instance the intense growth of industrial Hemp for many, many uses would add a considerable natural resource or substitute for a host of products which currently use oil in their manufacture.
Hemp offers a sustainability and durability that its competitors do not. This, in addition to hemp's low-cost and low-input farming, keeps the economic burden of hemp farming and hemp products noticeably lower than its substitutes.
Here are just a few economic benefits that hemp introduces:
  1. Hemp clothing is more durable and more cost efficient than cotton clothing!
  2. Hemp is a cheaper alternative for construction!
  3. Hemp is an excellent source of protein and offers other health benefits at a lower cost than its substitutes.
  4. Hemp, unlike its substitutes, can be grown in diverse locations with few resources.
  5. Hemp farming is great for water conservation, allowing farmers to spend less money on irrigation.
  6. Hemp farming is a great opportunity for small farmers to benefit economically.
  7. The market for CBD, an oil extracted from the hemp plant, is set for remarkable growth, so hemp farming will yield even more profits in coming years.
  8. Hemp produces sustainable and low-cost fuel.
  9. Hemp-based paper is another product that is superior to its substitutes both in cost and environmental efficiency.
  10. On a global stage, hemp can help impoverished communities both nutritionally and economically.
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I am talking mostly about heavy equipment required for massive infra-structure projects.
ok i see what you mean.
oil driven machines.

hydrogen gas seemed to make sense to some degree to continue combustion processing.
multiple miniature gas turbines ?
airplane type gas turbine running a large digger on hydrogen gas ?

it is a difficult field of theory to navigate knowing the species focuses on a single generational attainment of things.

it reminds me of what Michio Kaku said about civilization levels.
can humans make the jump ?
it seems to be more a question of religious & cultural ideology rather than science.
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ok i see what you mean.
oil driven machines.
Yep, I believe some 95 % of all heavy duty equipment runs on gasoline or diesel.

It seems hard to accept that we could ever run out of recoverable oil, but in about 44 years will be "END OF OIL"!!
hydrogen gas seemed to make sense to some degree to continue combustion processing.
multiple miniature gas turbines ?
airplane type gas turbine running a large digger on hydrogen gas ?
Not practical, as I understand it hydrogen is extremely energetic and cannot be pressurized easily. It takes several stages to attain enough pressure to store adequate amounts of hydrogen for practical use. And oddly it takes lots of chicken feathers.
it is a difficult field of theory to navigate knowing the species focuses on a single generational attainment of things.
The macabre universal suitability of oil products has made us hopelessly dependent on oil.
it reminds me of what Michio Kaku said about civilization levels. can humans make the jump ?
it seems to be more a question of religious & cultural ideology rather than science.
Exactly, of course we can make the jump, but consider the forces at play trying to keep us dependent on oil for as long as there is a dollar to be gained on oil.

The question is if we can make the switch in time to avoid a total standstill of the oil-based section of industry.
We may have to tap into the military oil reserves to make up for the slack while we install alternative energy sources.

Kinda like the whales. Keep using those expensive whaling ships until the last whale has been killed and profitably "consumed".
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We may have to tap into the military oil reserves to make up for the slack while we install alternative energy sources.

is american culture driving this reality ?
i bet they wont want to own up to it if they are.
the normalised Armageddon/apocalypse loving christianphile is perfectly happy with get-rich-quick-or-die-trying
thus the leaning on ego centred militarization as a vehicle of lack of personal morality and personal self accountability is quite a serious sociological undercurrent.
manifested all be it from an overt lust for power & control as a process of victimisation normalcy of lack of self actualisation.
butt that is the true down side of most socio-religo-cultures

current big issue
global leadership of the baby-boomers who were raised in accordance with racial & religious and sexual stereo types now getting older and seeking to enact more and more severe policy's to push their ideologies.
the true drivers of the new alt-right-nationalism around the globe.
all religions(most)
all cultures(most)
all countrys(most)

Baby-boomers are the ones who had no grandparents
it appears that a model of compromise as an authority figure is missing as a primary cultural driver globally.

surprise surprise that the republican party should seek to radicalize its self more and more.
everyone else around the world seems to be ...(?)
In short, the struggle for survivability has begun. Population crowding is steering prior cooperation into competition for survival.

If anyone thought that we would notice the change from growth to decline, they may be unpleasantly surprised. "Not with a Bang (maybe), but with a whimper"

The 6th extinction event may already be a dominant factor in adaption to the environment.

I keep thinking back to the Hellstrom Chronicle. When all is said and done, the insect is the best adapted to survive any eventuality in climate conditions, food shortages, or limited energy sources. Their short life span is a survival advantage, they breed much faster, in greater numbers, and adaptive variety than mammals.

And if we dare underestimate the abilities of the insect, may I remind that the insect had conquered flight and the ability to migrate over long distances in very short times, hundreds of millions of years before the first bird took to the air.
The total number of extant species is estimated at between six and ten million;[2][4][5] potentially over 90% of the animal life forms on Earth are insects.[5][6] Insects may be found in nearly all environments, although only a small number of species reside in the oceans, which are dominated by another arthropod group, crustaceans.

Insect morphology
A- Head B- Thorax C- Abdomen
1. antenna
2. ocelli (lower)
3. ocelli (upper)
4. compound eye
5. brain (cerebral ganglia)
6. prothorax
7. dorsal blood vessel
8. tracheal tubes (trunk with spiracle)
9. mesothorax
10. metathorax
11. forewing
12. hindwing
13. mid-gut (stomach)
14. dorsal tube (Heart)
15. ovary
16. hind-gut(intestine, rectum & anus)
17. anus
18. oviduct
19. nerve chord (abdominal ganglia)
20. Malpighian tubes
21. tarsal pads
22. claws
23. tarsus
24. tibia
25. femur
26. trochanter
27. fore-gut (crop, gizzard)
28. thoracic ganglion
29. coxa
30. salivary gland
31. subesophageal ganglion
32. mouthparts

This is not trivial; IMO, we are entering the next extinction event and that may well be a truly long term calamity for certain minority species, like humans.

But Insects are smart too and much tougher.

And then we already have near perfect life forms. The Tardigade (Waterbear) is a true marvel of adaptibility. Check it out!
Meet the toughest animal on the planet:
The water bear that can survive being frozen or boiled, float around in space and live for 200 years (shame it isn't much to look at)


The animals can also live for a decade without water and even survive in space

When things get tough the tough get going.
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the normalised Armageddon/apocalypse loving christianphile is perfectly happy with get-rich-quick-or-die-trying
Ever heard the insane expression "drill baby drill' ? Do you know on what premise this is founded?

This is an existing concept spawned by the Oil Industry. "STRENGTH THROUGH EXHAUSTION"

Just pause and reflect on the implications of this insane vision.
Just pause and reflect on the implications of this insane vision.
the confusion of the working model is that they come from a personal perception of ability to remain above the madding chaos.
so the proposition of moral & principal is governed purely by an idle elitist position of superiority that has no over arching moral compass.

this is one of the reasons why greed/corruption/theft/scamming & drug addiction are such an issue in many places.

the human animal is not wholly exclusive to any specific industry.
look at that UK ad agency and its illegal practices
its quite clearly an accepted model of moral abandon as an acceptable moral position.

maybe a question should be what is that morality ?
And another one, no point in a new thread:
Mahmoud Ghannoum, a professor at Case Western Reserve University and the University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center who studies fungal infections, said the Department of Agriculture or the Environmental Protection Agency should immediately fund research that looks for C. auris in farm fields treated with triazole fungicides—and if it turns up, “it’s most likely the case” that fungicide use contributed to the development of resistance in human infections.

As the Times points out, while the rise of resistant C. auris remains a mystery, there is another deadly fungal pathogen lurking in hospitals that has definitively been linked to use of triazole fungicides: Aspergillus fumigatus.
I heard that one of the main obstacles to electric cars is the availability of charging stations. Which assumes we need to build new stations dedicated only to electric cars. This is stupid.

We have all the service stations we need already build and currently serving gasoline to gas cars.

All we need to do is offer grants to all stations at strategic locations for installing electric charging meters and that problem can be solved in a matter of months. How much does it cost to install an electric charging meter, so that people can purchase electricity for their cars?

Moreover, the entire electric grid is wasting enormous amounts of electricity during low usage, except for specific times of high usage. The unused electricity just dissipates and is lost. Seems to me that the current grid could easily support the additional drain without the need for extra electricity production.

If some high-use time restrictions would be necessary, that is easily solved by parsing.
And of course the installation of efficient solar collectors on charging sations and cars themselves will all contribute to minimize the impact of replacing gas cars with electric cars .

Lets start using that beautiful sun that's just sitting out there in space showering us with an inexhaustible source of energy.

Anyone have a better idea?
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I heard that one of the main obstacles to electric cars is the availability of charging stations. Which assumes we need to build new stations dedicated only to electric cars. This is stupid. We have all the service stations we need already build and currently serving gasoline to gas cars. All we need to do is offer grants to all stations at strategic locations for installing electric charging meters and that problem can be solved in a matter of months.
That's sort of missing the point. EV's don't need specialized charging stations. They just need outlets. You could put an outlet in every space in a mall parking lot for about the same as it would cost to re-outfit a gas station - and save people time in the process.

The only place you need "gas stations" to recharge EV's are on major highways where people need to fast charge to go long distances. (Tesla has already done this in the US.) For 99% of charging, plain old outlets are fine.
Moreover, the entire electric grid is wasting enormous amounts of electricity during low usage, except for specific times of high usage. The unused electricity just dissipates and is lost.
Seems to me that the current grid could easily support the additional drain without the need for extra electricity production.
Again, no. The grid can easily support lots of EV charging by running power plants during low use times (like midnight.) This would actually help with grid stability because it is difficult to ramp things like nuclear power plants up and down, so having a more constant load is good for them.
I heard that one of the main obstacles to electric cars is the availability of charging stations.
There are six in my local Walmart parking lot, in a small city. They installed at the fringe where the campers are allowed park free. The chargers are credit card or cell phone operated. Good idea. I've seen them in front of a public library, a museum and the hospital employees parking lot. Mostly idle, waiting, ready.

I guess the recently elected fatheads in the Ontario legislature will do away with the public ones,as they've cut all climate change initiatives by the previous liberal government. They haven't recouped enough money yet to pay for their anti-carbon tax lawsuit against the federal government, and they'll have to cut a whole lot more social programs to buy all the advertisement where they tell us how much better inaction is for the economy. Just as the oil companies are carpet-bombing the small screen with lies about their green plan -- that depends on yet another pipeline through fragile ecosystems.

We have all the service stations we need already build and currently serving gasoline to gas cars.
In my rural (fathead-voting) area, gas stations are closing all over the place. The cost of maintaining and replacing underground tanks and of insurance are too high. Electric would be cheaper, as well as cleaner.

Moreover, the entire electric grid is wasting enormous amounts of electricity
There's the 6% seepage over distances, yes. But the really big waste is wires, poles, switching stations, towers, maintenance, replacement, repair after more and bigger storms, damage done by downed poles and wires, danger to the hydro workers, vehicles to service all those miles of wire, all the verges and rights-of-way, generating stations - those bloody big, expensive, vulnerable nuclear plants, the danger of storing their waste....
It's crazy. But we're so used to the craziness, most of us can't imagine that energy can be got any other way.

Lets start using that beautiful sun that's just sitting out there in space showering us with an inexhaustible source of energy.
Anyone have a better idea?
That's obviously the best one. Wind, tide, rivers, waves... any combination of what's locally available.
That's sort of missing the point. EV's don't need specialized charging stations. They just need outlets. You could put an outlet in every space in a mall parking lot for about the same as it would cost to re-outfit a gas station - and save people time in the process.

The only place you need "gas stations" to recharge EV's are on major highways where people need to fast charge to go long distances. (Tesla has already done this in the US.) For 99% of charging, plain old outlets are fine.

Energy lost in transmission and distribution: About 6% – 2% in transmission and 4% in distribution – or 69 trillion Btus in the U.S. in 2013
Again, no. The grid can easily support lots of EV charging by running power plants during low use times (like midnight.) This would actually help with grid stability because it is difficult to ramp things like nuclear power plants up and down, so having a more constant load is good for them.
Well that supports my statement that having lots of electric cars will not place an additional burden on the grid, but use the otherwise unused energy.

p.s. I live in Idaho