Animal slavery

G. F. Schleebenhorst

England != UK
Registered Senior Member
I just's fine to have a pack of huskies to pull your sledge, or a mule to haul your crap around, or even a horse to keep locked up and jabbed in the side when you want to go faster.

A slave is someone who is owned by someone else, and has to work for them. This term doesn't apply to animals, only to humans.

These animals are essentially born into slavery and spend their life being made to do things without their consent.

So, in light of that, why can't we force humans to do our bidding for nothing?
we can also spay and neuter dogs and cats without any thought as to whether or not they want a family.
Is that barbaric?
The thread is entitled 'animal slavery'
Are animals we perform surgery on (spay/neutering) considered slaves as well?
But domesticated animals did consent. There is some indication that domestication wasn't simply humans exploiting animals, but animals exploiting humans for their protection from predators, food and accurate predictions of where food is located, and medical care.
Animals lack rational capabilities. Why should they be afforded rights? They're just animals.

Also, sled dogs love to pull sleds. Not letting them hang out with people and run around and be useful is more cruel than having them pull stuff. It's also more environmentally friendly. Lower CO2 emissions. Or would you rather us drive snow machines?
But domesticated animals did consent. There is some indication that domestication wasn't simply humans exploiting animals, but animals exploiting humans for their protection from predators, food and accurate predictions of where food is located, and medical care.

Sounds like black people. :rolleyes:
Animals lack rational capabilities. Why should they be afforded rights? They're just animals.

A fair amount of people, as well, lack rational capabilities and are subdued - this is fine. The paradigm of humanity on the elementary level indulges humans and animals as resources.

It should not be about rights rather than about fairness.
You don't have to be a goddamn asshole.

You don't go to a wine tasting with a six-pack of beer.

The differentials in intellectual and behavioural inclinations pretty much prohibit the rights of men, and the rights of animals to amalgamate.

At least from a moral standpoint...
Right, so it's fine to enslave animals then. That seems to be the general consensus here.

Animal enslavement is the wrong term - that I find somewhat distastefull.

I'm in a terrible hurry I'll reply depper, If I ever feel like it..

What about humans?

The axiom of humanity is to manipulate ones surroundings.

So.. it's fine to use humans as slaves, as long as you've created a stance where you have this sort of "aristocratic value" which distinguishes you. Or then enslave black people (and vice versa), for it's only natural (natural in true humans, not pussywhipped fuckbags with over altruistic goals).

Animals are not playing in the same playground with us.
"Animals are not playing in the same playground with us."

With this I mean; we should respect that fact and not pretend that there are fucked up ethic values which uphold some mutual agreements..

Example: a dog bites your child, it should NOT be put to sleep.. for it functions as it knows best, in your nuttyy enviornment.
Humans are animals.. if it's ok to enslave animals it's also right to enslave humans :shrug:
It used to be ok to enslave humans, it is not anymore(because it's usually not necessary to be honest). time we will also not use animals to do work(because we don't need them), hopefully we still keep them around though.