Animal Mutilation


Registered Member
Today I was reading a book on UFO's and there was a picture of a cow on a field with its blood drained out. There were no cuts it is believed to be lazer cutting.
No cuts in it, but it is believed to be laser cutting? Contradiction? Besides, why would aliens travel all this way to bleed Ol' Bessy?

Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.
-Mark Twain
Pookums- There is a very simple, and very scary reason, why the aliens have traveled all this way to cut up poor Betsy with the precision of lab lazer surgery using robotic arms for extreme precision. Actually, I was thinking about this the other day. If it is indeed, the ET's that are doing these unknown things to cows, then the purpose of what they are doing is certainly debateable. But, if you think about it logically, what does 99.9% of Americans diet consist of? Beef. Thats right, as you chew on your Big Mac, think about how often every day you put some dead cow in your mouth. If you are like 99.9% of Americans that would be quite often. Now, say that you were an alien race without a home, you discover this nice little blue planet, the only thing, is that it is currently populated by this inferior species known as humans. There is no vacancy, because of all these humans, so you feel, because they are inferior, it is your right as a higher species of being, that this planet is yours for the taking. So, do you go down into the city's with your ray guns ablazing? No. Your going to need alot of the natural and man made resources, without blowing everything up. So what you do, is study two of the most fundamental needs that humans have. Food & Sex. We eat hamburgers and steaks and beef tacos and whatnot, like it is going out of style, so if you genetically examine cows to find out how you can effectively poison the population, then that would be a good way to go. If you introduce AIDS and HIV to the population, so when they are doing the wild thing, that will also decrease the population drastically, then that is what you do. Of course, with all the black helicopters flying around wherever there is a cattle mutilation, it might not be the aliens that are corrupting our food source, it could be some pyscho well funded faction within old Uncle Sam. You dig?
Commander, I don't think a highly advanced species would come all this way to kill off or enslave the population, but for the sake of argument, let's assume that they did. Wouldn't it make more sense to simply hurl an asteroid at the planet (or threaten to)?

Such an incidious plot. Fly thousands of light years, hide in every manner possible, evade ALL scientific detection, analyze our primary food source, preform tests on select parts of the animal (not the whole thing) for the sole purpose of causing the downfall of our society. Far fetched in my opinion.

There are much easier ways to kill us off. An asteroid, worldwide forest fires, chemicals in our air... an alien could simply sneeze in a bag and toss it to Earth (extinction in weeks). No, somehow I don't believe that is the real reason. I could be wrong, but...

One thing that always amazed me. Why are the cattle left in the field? Doesn't it seem odd to anyone that cattle aren't abducted? Instead of disposing of the corpse, it is just left there to hint at the MO of the perpretrator. Either they are really bad at this subterfuge thing, or we are dealing with something else entirely.

I have seen old betsy get mutilated at the big butchers yard. But this lazer cutting cow et thing, this i have never seen in real life.

There are a lot of documentaries on cable about animal mutilation, and they could also be liked with the cupachabras(sp) any one herd of these little creatures? Its been happening alot in south america and even in Florida.

They are the little dudes about one meter high, and they are usually come out at night and suck the blood of chickens pigs and even people.
Actually, if you read some of the literature on cattle mutilation, the cattle are being "abducted" and then dumped into fields. That's what makes the whole phenomenon so interesting. Whoever is doing it, has the means of lifting cattle(800-1200lbs., is a good size one)and cutting them with what appears to be a laser(cauterization along the cuts is common, although one would think unnecessary since most of these cattle are found void of blood altogether)and removing various albeit the same internal and external organs time and time again. Researchers who have studied the phenomenon as well as law enforcement typically report the absence of tracks around the carcass and internal injuries i.e. broken bones, etc., indicative of the animal having been dropped from some height. One can speculate that it's "aliens" doing genetic experiments, etc., but the US Gov. does seem to be doing something (either investigating or perpetrating) behind the scenes so to speak. I'm familiar with one case where an eyewitness reported seeing one of those "mysterious" helicopters around the area of a cattle mutilation; coincidence?; yes perhaps, however what I did find to be rather interesting was the picture of the helicopter that this eyewitness drew. This eyewitness drew what she saw because she had never seen a helicopter like this one before. Well, her drawing was a rather good one of a heavy-lift helicopter. These helicopters are used in construction and by the Army and anywhere else where heavy loads are encountered. It's quite true that this could have been simply another coincidence, but it was rather odd that she would describe it as being black with the standard nonexistent markings, numbers, etc. The cattle mutilation phenomenon is interesting because physical evidence is left behind (almost too blantantly) and whoever is behind it certainly has the means (big $$ time) of doing it in such a clandestine way that it's little wonder that people believe it's either "aliens" or the Gov. behind it.
242- Get Real. Why don't they just hurl an asteroid at the planet. Gee, I don't know, maybe they would actually like the planet to be somewhat hospitable when they move in. Duh.
So 99.9% of humans eat beef as a staple food???? what about Japan, China, India.......theres alot more. What happens in the USA IS NOT always the "norm" for the rest of the world. I think that if you are going to base the argument on staple diets of HUMANS (and not just Americans) then beef is a little narrow minded, unless you think americans are the only humans worth considering?????

work to LIVE...don't live to WORK.
Commander X, I'm not talking about a huge asteroid, just a few house sized ones to take out the major concentrations of the population. Meteorites hit the Earth every day, Commander. We don't go extinct from the little ones.

Move in? So, having the landscape covered in rotting corpses which fester with disease is better than vaporizing an burning a city?

According to you, the aliens are working to poison us carnivores. Well, there are cleaner, faster and easier ways to annihilate a species. I don't think that aliens would settle for such a plan.

I find it amusing that you say "Get real" right before you start telling me what the little green men are planning. It is especially funny when you said "Duh", because you have no physical evidence whatsoever, but you act like it makes perfect sense...good stuff!

Morning again guys, the expert on the topic i believe is Linda Moulton her books excellent author. I believe the reason for mutilations is the hybrid process is a mixture of bovine/human/alien dna. In mutilations all blood is gone with none spilled at the scene, there are no footprints or tire tracks, Iam from Wa State and we have them occasionally. A friend of mine saw one mutilation in snow with no markings whatsoever. As for unmarked helicopters..... govt monitoring of the aliens agenda? or maybe govt involvement directly. There have also been ufo sightings at the mutilation sites as well as farmers physically seeing there cattle beamed up.
I'll write more later Have a nice day
Love and Light

Eric Cooper
Rambler - You have to understand, that I'm talking about the good ol US of A. The Greys made a deal with a faction within our secret government, which gives them the exclusive right to abduct USA citizens for research and science, as long as the humans are returned, unknowing and unharmed, and as long as the Greys do not make themselves known out in the open. There are many more alien races, and some of these races are much more at work in other parts of the world. It has been thought, that the reptillians are very active in the southern hemisphere. I'm primarily concerned with the Grays, since I live in the USA, and that is their small piece of the planet so to speak. If you think about the fact that 99.9% of Americans eat some form of dead cow 365 days a year, then the fact that the Greys are abducting and mutilating cows, is very alarming. I don't know for sure why they are doing it, but my educated guess has to do with our food source. IMHO.

242- As for your, no, I meant small asteroids just to demolish a few largely populated areas, yeah right. And I have a bridge I'd like to sell you. You know damn well that your above post was concerning the total destruction of our planets ECOsystem, and you simply didn't realize that maybe these aliens don't want to burn down a house they happen to want to move into. Just admit that you made a slight mistake, and it's no biggie really. Do I know everything, of course not. These are all my educated guesses based on all the information that I have assimilated. You can agree or disagree, or be indifferent, I don't care.
Commander, the way I figure it, a race capable of crossing light years worth of distance to get here is fully capable of building a colony on a hostile planet. Even a planet in the midst of nuclear winter is not difficult to colonize. To an alien bent on dominating the human species, there are many avenues to choose from.

Utilizing existing asteroids as projectiles would achieve the desired result. Either in one Earth shattering asteroid or thousands of basketball sized ones, it is a viable option. Asteroids could be used, causing varying degrees of ecological damage. My estimation of their use as a weapon is not errant.

I am not here claiming that I know everything. If it makes you feel better I will say I made a mistake, although I don't understand what mistake I've made. I am not here to play ego games; I have will and do make mistakes on a regular basis. I have no reputation to uphold or hide behind. The fact is that we are not talking about mistakes here. We are discussing cattle mutilation.

I don't know what is causing this phenomenon. Perhaps it is something natural, like spontaneous combustion. I honestly have no idea what it is.

I do, however, object to the assumption that it is obviously anything. It isn't. If it was clearly done by aliens, then there would be some proof ("note the plasma scarring and the radiation from the tractor beam"). There is none. It is still under investigation, and I believe it would be best to look at it as so to FIND the answer, not 'know' the answer and try to fit the evidence together to point towards it.

If aliens are really trying to poison the human race, why aren't we all dead? I know that, as far as evidence goes, this has been happening for a long time---or at least long enough that we would be feeling the effects of the poison by now.
Kashani-Obviously, that portion of their program (poisoning) hasn't begun yet, although some believe that mad cow disease was some how related. I personally don't think mad cow disease has anything to do with it. You also have to remember that their plan might not necessarily have to do with simply poisoning our chief food source, they might want to manipulate it with some type of steroids or chemicals that could possibly be mind altering. I personally believe that we were a by product of genetic experiments by the aliens thousands of years ago, and if you believe that, then their genetic science capability is incredible, and they could contaminate our food source with all sorts of effects on the populace. It could be a very slow acting effect. If AIDS is a geneticly created disease, it is a slow effect population decreaser. Don't believe the mainstream media reports that AIDS is well under control. Many more people are dying from AIDS in the U.S., then the statistics reveal. And in Third World Countries, it is out of control.

242- Although these creatures might be interested in taking over our planet, they don't necessarily have to be a waring type of creature. They most likely don't think anything like we do, so their takeover could take them hundreds of years in behind the scenes manipulation, that makes perfect sense to them. If it was Humans, obviously we would have already clumsily invaded. They are taking a very clandestine approach. All of this is of course my own personal specualtion, based on what I believe to be true of the information that has hit my brain up to this current point in time.
Yo guys check out the following

Tripartite Interaction: US, USSR and Britain

The United States was the first to open its doors to the alien race known as the Greys. I have been told of a contact in 1934, wherein the Greys made their presence known to the United States government in Washington State. It wasn't until 1947 that actual contact occurred with the aliens and United States officials, due to the shooting down of an alien craft in Roswell, New Mexico. This pressed the Greys into contact earlier than they had anticipated. After this crash at Roswell in 1947 the United States, the Soviet Union and the British, at the very highest levels of government, became blood-brothers".

Now, these governments did not know what Germany was really up to at that time in history. The Germans were very very
secretive about their contact with Gizeh intelligences. What was going on in Germany and what was going on between these
other countries were two separate issues.

The Roswell incident created more of an urgency to develop a true space program in order to defend the Earth. Again, the
United States government and the Soviets thought that there was a threat due to the technologically advanced state of the
aliens they had encountered. The true space program was an "underground" development that we are just now beginning to hear about. It was originally financed by members of the Club of Rome. Now, you will need to do some homework to find out who those members are, and don't be surprised at who you see. We'll talk more about that when we discuss the moon. The Greys assisted the "black government" with the building of some of the first facilities on the moon and Mars.

Prior to all of this, between 1850 and 1950, there were instances of the mutilation of both cattle and humans. The NSA, which
was created in the 1950's, knew that aliens were responsible. How they knew this, though, I have not been told. I will try and get
more clarification on that. In 1952, the government prepared itself for the realization of ongoing alien contact. When our military radar systems started to bring down craft, the Greys realized that in order to perform their genetic experiments on such a large scale, in an attempt to genetically save their race, they would need the cooperation of a political body of a high caliber. In other words, they had to come to terms. A select body in the United States was designed to be the liaison between the Greys and earth humans. The military was very enthusiastic, in the hope of exchanging raw materials for alien technology. This liaison
group, the political structure, was the National Security Agency. This is what its original purpose was.

The Agreement and Contract

In May of 1954, the United States government made the agreement with an alien race. Some of the terms of this agreement featured the exchange of technology of anti-gravity, metals and alloys, environmental type technologies, free energy and medical technologies geared toward dealing with the human body. All the Greys asked for in return, they said, was to be allowed to study human development in terms of consciousness and emotional makeup, and to be allowed to stay here on Earth. The agreement took place at Holloman Air Force Base.

This single act involving the signing of a "contract" with an extraterrestrial race was the most significant event in human history, because it launched mankind in a direction we were never intended to go in the first place. It also thrust us into a role that we were not prepared for, either, of being host to an alien race. This also essentially "handcuffed" the Andromedan Council, and those benevolent extra- terrestrial races from being able to take a more active role in our evolution. In effect, it has placed the burden squarely on the shoulders of humanity, to enlighten itself relative to the facts, and to consciously create ascension on an individual basis, because outside help was now unavailable.
The particular treaty was agreed upon between these aliens and the Ultra unit in the NSA, which is in actuality a government unto itself. Now, pay close attention, because this is the first time I have ever mentioned this. The particular document and originally exchanged materials may be found today in the NSA facility called Blue Moon, underneath Kirkland Air Force base in New Mexico. The entrance to this base is in the Manzano mountains. Also, at this location is the private Department of Energy (DOE) technological base. Currently, the building of free energy devices for use in space is ongoing in this particular facility.

Much of the alien technology has been reconstructed and sent, via a connecting tunnel, to Los Alamos and an area located
underneath the cliffsides of Los Alamos canyon, where huge vaults are built into the earth. This facility is 29,000 square feet,
and contains laboratories equipped to study light, thought, and pure energy.
This facility is also used as a jail for aliens captured by black government factions.
Now, the NSA is exempt from all laws in the United States, unless it is itself mentioned in any creation of law. This is because of
its interaction with alien species and what it sees as necessary intervention into the civil and constitutional rights of the
American people.
Click above to read more.
Uh Mana,

It sounds as if you got the script to the X-files movie mixed up with some secret government files that you have in your home. I suggest you keep a better organized desk.


Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.
-Mark Twain
No its not someting i found on me desk, i no information got mixed up with x-files and government file. Poo that Kums this is what the man has said, any thing is possible.

And i thought people were open minded
Open mindedness...Well, there are very real issues with your claims, Mana. First of all, how can we verify any of these claims? It seems to be a very cohesive and complete report of the history of alien activity since 1850, where they were supposedly (although more certianly accused in the claim) involved with cattle mutilation. One has to question such a report, as it seems almost too complete. Were I to tell you that I saw a man in a car drive by my house, you would be ready and willing to believe it. If I was to say that I saw a man in a car that he bought with blood money in 1997 after killing the drug lord of a rival gang with a 9mm pistol his father bought in Topeka; my completeness makes me suspect.

In most cases, testimony and truth seems to be fragmentary. The more complete it is makes me suspicious about it's sincerity.

Add to this the fact that, if true, this report TOTALLY DOCUMENTS the most secret conspiracy for the last 150 years! A secret that has managed to stay secret for over a century pops into the public eye in it's entirety without any journalistic fanfare. Hard to believe that it wasn't chiseled away at and revealed piece by piece, like watergate, or the Monica Lewinsky thing. It just gets totally exposed one day. Why?

No, I don't buy it. The report you are citing is bogus in my opinion.

Mana, The web page you referred to has qite a bit of information on it. Everything from Helping the teens of today to Male-Female Relationships in the Andromedan Society to Nazi Scientists and Time traveling Greys. It has a great deal of data and assertions, but not a single, solitary shred of evidence to support it.

I find it difficult to accept things on faith alone. Even though complete, coherent answers are enticing, if they can't be substantiated, there is probably a reason. Most recently, I come from another message board, where some individuals felt that proof was overrated, and science was despicaple. I disagree.

There should be reasons why DSG 1 espouses the things they do. There should be some concrete evidence that they can share with us...alas, I see none.

I still think that the document (and perhaps the entire site) is bogus. There may well be truth intermingled within it, but how can one claim mastery over arenas of knowledge over: The Draconians and the Paa Tal, Humans Have the Ability to Create Without Technology, The Hierarchy in Our Galaxy, Time Travel Permits Altering Consciousness of a Race, The Abduction of Humans, The Rest of the Galactic Hierarchy, The Andromedan Council, The Negative Hierarchy: 932 to 3,700 Years Ahead, Forbidden Planet: U.S. Military, Montauk and Altair, Earth Humans: The Race That Kills Itself, Space is the Place to Really See Your Face,
The NSA: Black Monks, Alpha 1&2 and MJ-12, Our Moon's Forbidden History
Tetrahedronal Geometry and Magnetic Frequency Generation, Holographic Image Technology, Life in the Cosmos: Bullets, The UN Global Biosphere Program
Hale-Bopp: The Blue Star and the Empire Strikes Back, The Andromedan Perspective on Human Biblical Matters, Planetary Oxygen Level Near Critical Level
Sirius B Humanoids and Reincarnational Souls of Influential Planetary Personages... all on the same web page...

Normally, poeple who claim mastery over a specific arena of science have spent time researching and studying the topic. Somehow, I don't see how there is time for the author to cover all of the subjects at hand here.
