Animal cops:

lucifers angel

same shit, differant day!!
Registered Senior Member
I was just watching animals cops Houston on "Animal planet" like i do every day, and i am disgusted that people treat animals like this.

I know people get prosecuted and fined for neglecting anaimls, but i can't seem to understand WHY you would hurt somthing that isn't hurting you.


Why do some people enjoy doing this sort of thing?

if you have children please don't watch this in front of them:
I thought the thread was going to be about cops using animals as weapons. I hate that. I hate that animals are turned on people. This is primarily dogs, but horses are also used this way to some degree. The worst examples are of course the way dogs were set on black people and jews - I am sure you can guess the contexts. But in general this just makes me cringe. We should fight our own fights.

If a dog in a family defends its family or owner out for a walk, well that's a different matter.
That video is pretty disturbing!!:mad: Is there possibly any reason that
the animals are still alive when they skin them.......or alive 10 mins
after that. That is absolutely disgusting.

It is disgusting that ppl need the REAL thing that bad.
The fake fur they make now, looks so much like the REAL thing. I have a jacket with a big fur collar that looks so close to the real thing, it is hard to tell the difference.

They really should put an end to any REAL fur used for clothing, fashion purposes!
Why do some people enjoy doing this sort of thing?

Because there are some humans out there who are very cruel, sadistic, vicious and heartless. Those individuals usually start torturing animals because they can get away with it without those animals saying anything to the authorities about the torture being done to them. People with this type of problem sometimes move on to do the same thing to people and we see that happening from time to time. They have learned that people who mistreat animals usually go on to being a very bad person when they get older tormenting people as much as they can get by with. If you are ever in a relationship and your partner is doing bad things to any animals I'd leave them in a heartbeat and notify the authorities as well.
Those are great shows, but I can't watch them, for the exact reason that you just stated, Luci. They make me furiously angry.
That's why I could never be one of those animal cops; I'd lose my job on the first day for beating the crap out of someone (maybe even killing them).
What chaps my ass the most is the relatively light sentences these jackasses get, even when they do go to court. IMO, their punishment should parallel the manner in which they treated the animals. I'd love to see some degenerate, animal mistreating p.o.s. with a collar around his/her neck tied to a pole outside with nasty water and no food; even better would be if they were on public display for people to ridicule (kinda like the stocks back in the 1200s, etc.).
I'd love to see some degenerate, animal mistreating p.o.s. with a collar around his/her neck tied to a pole outside with nasty water and no food; even better would be if they were on public display for people to ridicule (kinda like the stocks back in the 1200s, etc.).

I'd rather see them have their skin ripped apart by dogs. ;)
Because there are some humans out there who are very cruel, sadistic, vicious and heartless. Those individuals usually start torturing animals because they can get away with it without those animals saying anything to the authorities about the torture being done to them. People with this type of problem sometimes move on to do the same thing to people and we see that happening from time to time. They have learned that people who mistreat animals usually go on to being a very bad person when they get older tormenting people as much as they can get by with. If you are ever in a relationship and your partner is doing bad things to any animals I'd leave them in a heartbeat and notify the authorities as well.

Perhaps people should go on a register for sadistic cases, whereby they can have unannounced phsyciatric assessment, and or be monitored, if any sadistic crimes occur in an area they may prove useful, after a few serious session's with a shrink they may be sectioned for the protection of the public anyway
i think the punishment for harming an animal should be higher than that of harming a person
I agree with Luci. Why?
Do you think crimes against children should be punished more harshly than against an adult? Why or why not?
(i.e. should a child sex offender get a harsher punishment than someone who rapes an adult woman?)
Yes, I do think they should be punished more harshly. But I don't humanize animals. We own them. We can sell them. We can eat them.
Yes, I do think they should be punished more harshly. But I don't humanize animals. We own them. We can sell them. We can eat them.
That's not what I'm getting at. Follow me on this one...
Why do you think crimes against children should be more harshly punished?
Because we are supposed to protect our children.
Replace the word children with the word pets in your statement, and the statement is still true.

To cite the Interspecies Adoption thread, my pets are adopted. That means they are also family members. They are my children. I am responsible for their well being. I am supposed to protect them.
Pets, like children cannot defend themselves from some of the abuse that I've seen pets/animals endure. Pets can't pick up the phone and dial 911 or inform an authority figure when they are getting abused.
I distintly remember us having a similar conversation about kids and pets, Orly. It seems, with your slightly aloof mentality towards pets, I don't think you'll ever get it either.