animal control


Registered Senior Member
I can't be the only one who's ever tried to control an animal's behavior before. So I'm sharing this with you so I know I'm not alone :) Please reciprocate! One morning I was half-asleep (trying to get back to sleep) and this dog in our neighborhood kept barking! bark bark bark, let me in, i am bored, where are you?, please come outside and play with me... etc. Half-asleep, I sent my mind towards the dog, yeah, weird, and tried to soothe it and pet it. The dog stopped barking immediately. Immediatley.
Freaked me out. Can anybody else make dogs "stop" barking? Is anybody out there willing to try and let me know what happens?
As mentioned in an earlier post, I have some telepathic/precognitive 'abilities' but what would this fall under?
I have NO TELEkinetic abilities. I can do it (make dogs stop barking) almost at will now.
I don't really believe in psychic ability, but I won't put it entirely out of possibility.

Anyway, I was at work once (construction) and this dog just kept barking, and was getting relly anoying. All at once i turned to the dog and just looked at it. The only thought on my mind was "stop!". It did.
I think it was probably just some alpha male deferment thing. Me not showing fear, being a bit pissed off, and the dog probably just picked up on this and went submissive.

Maybe somebody just happened to stop the dog at the same time. Time does have a way of being a bit warped when you sleep you know.
I can control animals but not through psychic abilities.
I just know them well, I know how they react and I know how to make them do things.
Last weekend on a small island I was getting fish to swim into my hands and I would pick them up and they would lie in my hands perfectly still, then I would place them back in the water. My dad couldn't believe it and when he tried they would desperately scuttle away from him, one even buried itself under my foot after my dad tried to grab it.
I don't know why, but it definately reinstates my beliefs that I am god;)
Janeelsa, can you send some thoughts to my cats that are coming home this weekend? They have been away for a year. The problem is that they have no litterbox manners. They can urinate in the sofa, on the carpet etc.
I really don't wan them back because of this, but the person who has been taking care of them can't do it anymore.

Ok everybody, I feel like I've been through a "noogie" mill ala Bill Murray. I can take the teasing, though. If I have one talent it's the ability to laugh at myself. I'm not like that crazy pet psychic lady on tv, I think she's whacked. So I can't help you, Bebelina.
I just wanted to get some feedback, thanks for sharing. I guess I am weird after all.
No Janeelsa, of course you're not weird. I think you should work with your ability some more, see what comes up. The animals have minds, emotions and souls too, so why should we not be able to communicate with them telepathically if we can do it among humans?
But of course, this issue evokes some laughter, since not many take it seriously, but I guess we can talk seriously and laugh about it at the same time. We have enough room for that , don't we? :)

Lots of room! Thanks for the sincere and positive input. Can't tell you how much I appreciate it :)
Hey I think its awesome if you can. But I think you are wasting it with making dogs stop barking. You should see if you can get a dog to kill someone, or get a bird to crap on someones head or something. Seriously:) that would be awesome.
Oh, so using her abilities for evil purposes would awesome? Maybe if you're from the planet Retard.
Yeah, I think it's wrong to try to control another being, human or animal, for selfish reasons. I justify quieting dogs because I feel like I'm just saying hi, it's ok, you're a good dog, etc. You can tell the difference between frantic barking because there's a stranger on the property and boredom/lonely barking. I know you're all going to laugh at me for this one, but one morning this bird was making a real racket outside my window when I was trying to sleep and I imagined a big snake crawling up the tree and the bird flew away. I'm SURE it was a coincidence, but if not, it makes me feel bad to think that I might have frightened it. Ok, go ahead and laugh now :) Dog owners- why don't you try sometime calling your dog to you without speaking or making any physical gestures or eye contact. Anything happen? Cat owners- don't bother :)
Oh, so using her abilities for evil purposes would awesome? Maybe if you're from the planet Retard.
Maybe using her abilities to achieve a purpose would be... eh awesome? Maybe she should participate in a controlled experiment, or at least test her powers, before claiming she can control animals.

It's not nice to call someone retard, ya know. Very impolite. Oh well, insignificant insults are used by insignificant people with puny minds.
Originally posted by mountainhare
before claiming she can control animals
Thanks for pointing out my misuse of words, mountainhare. Every time I try and it seems to work, in the back of my mind I always think, well, it's probably a coincidence. There is a correlation between events, but I didn't mean to imply cause and effect. I really don't care that much about it to do scientific research on it :) I was just sharing something weird with all the open-minded people out there.
Every time I try and it seems to work, in the back of my mind I always think, well, it's probably a coincidence. There is a correlation between events, but I didn't mean to imply cause and effect.

You claimed to be able to control animals with your mind when you said...
I can do it (make dogs stop barking) almost at will now.

If you are so confident of your skill, I am sure you will be GLAD to visit a scientist and take part in a controlled experiment to test your ability. Hey, if you really can control animals and prove it under controlled conditions, you could become rich and famous!

Go on. I challenge you to prove under controlled conditions that you can control animals. I'll be watching the news every day to see if you appear on it.
I quit, you win (she walks away with her tail between her legs.) I'm sorry I ever said anything. Are you happy now, my friend?
"Oh well, insignificant insults are used by insignificant people with puny minds."
Hey, and what was that? :eek:

My comment was made in a friendly humouristic manner, which I think can be seen from the post as such.
But if you disagree...well, I can't help you there, that's just your perception of reality.
Even if Janeelsa would like to test her abilities in a scientific manner, finding a serious scientist willing to performs such tests in an "official" manner would be very hard.
Not many scientists with a good reputation are willing to deal with these kind of issues, they are too scared to lose their faces to even try.
Even if the results would prove that Janeelsa could in fact communicate telepathically with animals, the tests would automatically be called false by those who simply don't believe in telepathy. So it would change nothing.

And besides, as I mentioned before, it's not that important to me; I was really just curious as to whether anyone else had experienced anything similar. I thought was a place you could air your off-the-wall ideas without fear of being ridiculed and/or harrassed. Although, in all fairness, I must say the majority of responses to my posts have been kind and informative. To those readers, my thanks.