Angels in our midst?


Registered Senior Member
Last Wednesday, my granddaughter whom I'll call Lynn, took me by the hand to the front bedroom window. Pointing to the middle of an empty intersection with her tiny 20-month-old hand, she said, "Look!"

"Look at what?" I asked.

"Look at the angel!"

"You see an angel?"

"Yes. See it?"

Of course, I did not see an angel, but I didn't say anything. My silence gave my answer away and Lynn went back to playing in her room with her blocks.

On Thursday, Lynn again took me by the hand to the same window. Again she said, "Look at the angel! See her?"

"Her?" I said, "Oh. The angel is a she?"

"Yes. She's pretty. See her?"

Again, I did not answer directly but instead asked what color the angel was. I could see in Lynn's eyes that my question gave my answer away - I did not see the angel. She did not say anythng right away but on her way back to her room to resume her play, I heard Lynn say, "Purple."

On Friday, Lynn brought me to the window again. That time, she looked out the window and said, "No angel."

In a playful tone I said, "Oh!? Where did the angel go?"

Matter of factly, Lynn responded, "Angel go with Mama."


Lynn's Mama is my daughter.

That evening, my daughter and her husband went to dinner at the home of another couple - friends from work.

As they left to come home later that night, when walking to their car, my daughter was hit and one of her legs was run over by an F250 pick-up truck driven by a drunk driver.

My son-in-law says that my daughter was screaming... Screaming obscenities as she got up off the ground and ran after the truck in an attempt to get a piece of the driver who hit her and drove off.

As the family listened and examined her body the next morning, some of us swore we could see a little bruising on her leg. Some of us could see nothing.

She says it really hurt when it happened and that the pain made her really mad. She claims that she's fine, now, though.

It couldn't be that the angel was really with her, could it? After all, if the angel that my 20-month-old granddaughter saw was really with her mother as my 20-month-old granddaughter claimed, she (the purple angel) wouldn't have allowed my daughter to get mad and curse, right?

Id have to say that the cursing was free choice which everyone seems to belive in
It couldn't be that the angel was really with her, could it? After all, if the angel that my 20-month-old granddaughter saw was really with her mother as my 20-month-old granddaughter claimed, she (the purple angel) wouldn't have allowed my daughter to get mad and curse, right?
You are trying to say that an angel would save your daughters leg?!?! I have no fault with any aspect you might give an angel (afterall anything unreal may be given infinite attributes while still remaining unreal). I argue that no god exists and by extension, angels. Divine intervention in the limb order, I doubt it. What about people dying of AIDS and starvation. I suppose their lives are worth less than your daughter's leg. This only seems to support chaos.
Id have to say that the cursing was free choice which everyone seems to belive in
Not quite. Calvinists believe in predestination. To them a person is saved or not saved before their birth. They argue that a god would know. Never assume that because an idea is so obviously stupid, that there isn't a religion/cult out there somewhere with it as a prime doctrine.
Originally posted by Asguard
Id have to say that the cursing was free choice which everyone seems to belive in

I agree with you.

btw blonde_cupid,
Most children are really amazing aren''t they? They're closer to God than most aduls can ever get.
Never assume that because an idea is so obviously stupid, that there isn't a religion/cult out there somewhere with it as a prime doctrine.

Oh Teg, You very funny, me like you:D

Then again tho' out of the mouths of babes?????

***What about people dying of AIDS and starvation. I suppose their lives are worth less than your daughter's leg. This only seems to support chaos.***

Without the divine, such "favoritism" (if you will) still exists. Why, do you think?
***Id have to say that the cursing was free choice which everyone seems to belive in***

Maybe. But I doubt that she was making a conscious choice to curse at the time. I think it was more of a natural and immediate human response to the pain.

The lack of injury after being hit and run over by an F250 pick-up truck was not normal, though.

***Most children are really amazing aren''t they? They're closer to God than most aduls can ever get.***

What really amazes me is that this child had not yet been introduced to the "concept" of angels.