Angels and Extraterrestrials


Registered Senior Member
Psalms 68:17 The chariots of God [are] twenty thousand, [even] thousands
of angels: the Lord [is] among them, [as in] Sinai, in the holy [place].

A chariot is a conveyance or vehicle. In psalm 68:17 it shows that angels
are associated with chariots.

Matthew 1:20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
Many UFO abductees say that the aliens came and spoke to them in a dream, while they were in their beds.

Flying objects in the Bible that are associated with angels resemble UFOs: Elijah's chariot of fire,
the cloudlike pillar that led the Israelites through the desert and Ezekiel's wheel within a wheel. Some UFO aliens look just like humans; so do angels in the old testament. Some UFO aliens look like creatures; so did the creatures
that Ezekiel saw. UFOs have been seen going off into outer space (the second heaven). They can't be demons because demons were cast down to the earth and can't leave the planet. Demons do not appear in physical form,
but they inhabit other bodies like people, the serpent in the garden, the pigs that commited suicide in the new testament. Angels, like UFO aliens have appeared in physical form and disappeared into thin air. Demons do not have flying objects associated with them, angels do. UFO aliens walk through walls and abduct people. An angel passed into the jail and walked Peter out though he was surrounded by guards. Angels, the sons of God in
Genesis 6:2, had sex with earth women; some female ufo abductees claim they either had sex with aliens are were impregnated with half human half alien babies, which were later removed during another ufo abduction. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that demons have sex with people. An angel announced to Mary that she would have a child while still a virgin; she was impregnated. Angels act as God's hands to do His will. The Biblical evidence strongly suggests that UFO aliens are angels and not demons. If UFO aliens are the angels of God then the second coming of Jesus Christ will be a UFO invasion, since the Bible says He is coming back with angels. They will abduct sinners and throw them in hell and abduct saints and put them in heaven

In Acts 9:3-6, and Acts 22:6-10, the apostle Paul tells about a bright light in the sky that was seen by him and others with him, and the Lord Jesus spoke to him from this light. This is an incident where Jesus is associated directly with a UFO. The Bible is what christians are supposed to use to judge truth. In the Bible, UFOs are associated with angels and the Lord Jesus. There are no flying objects associated with demons anywhere in the Bible. The Biblical evidence shows UFO aliens to be what the Bible describes as the host of heaven or angels and not demons.

The Bible indicates that the [human like] angels of God have physical

Daniel 9:21 Yea, whiles I [was] speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel,
whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly,
touched me about the time of the evening oblation.

The angel that appeared to Samson's parents:
Judges 13:11 And Manoah arose, and went after his wife, and came to the
man, and said unto him, [Art] thou the man that spakest unto the woman? And
he said, I [am].
Judges 13:20 For it came to pass, when the flame went up toward heaven
from off the altar, that the angel of the LORD ascended in the flame of the
altar. And Manoah and his wife looked on [it], and fell on their faces to
the ground.

Jacob wrestled with an angel of God. He must have been physical.

Genesis 32:1 And Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him.
Genesis 32:2 And when Jacob saw them, he said, This [is] God's host: and
he called the name of that place Mahanaim.

Genesis 32:24 And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him
until the breaking of the day.
Genesis 32:25 And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he
touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of
joint, as he wrestled with him.
Genesis 32:26 And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I
will not let thee go, except thou bless me.
Genesis 32:27 And he said unto him, What [is] thy name? And he said,
Genesis 32:28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but
Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast
Genesis 32:29 And Jacob asked [him], and said, Tell [me], I pray thee, thy
name. And he said, Wherefore [is] it [that] thou dost ask after my name? And
he blessed him there.
Genesis 32:30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have
seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.

Those are three cases where angels of God are also called men, and the one
that wrestled with Jacob was definitely a physical man and not a spirit. The
angels of God [the human-like ones have physical bodies like men.] They may
have abilities to appear and disappear and ascend upward in a flame without
being hurt, but those scriptures indicate that they are like men and have
physical bodies. [Shadrach, Meshack, and abednigo had physical bodies and
the fiery furnace did not hurt them.] That angel, which is also called a
man, that wrestled with Jacob, had to be physical to wrestle with him.

The human like angels in the Bible might be what ufo researchers call the nordic type aliens, that look just like men.
Demons are angels. And an incubus is a demon that has sex with human women, often times raping them, in what doctors want to call episodes of sleep paralysis or night terrors. But it's the exact same phenomenon that is experienced in abduction cases. Alien abduction is a spiritual phenomenon...spiritual kidnapping. It says in the Bible that Satan presented himself as an angel of light, and that through peace He would deceive many. Aliens are demonic...a genetically engineered demonic brood...the nephilim. And they will facilitate the reign of the antichrist and the false prophet in the end times, and the implementation of the mark of the beast...which will be a genetic alteration, as was the fall of man in the garden.
Exactly which "alien" are you referring to, Lori? Are there only two types of beings living in the universe, human and alien? I would logically assume there are more than just one type of alien. I'm not doubting there are bad aliens, but to say all are demonic is silly. Demonic and angellic are just two types of them, which they're both considered "alien". And those that claim to have seen aliens have described many versions. Usually the greys are the ones that do the abducting and those could for example, be the demonic ones. Then there are Nordic and other human-like aliens that help us which could be angellic types. As for any other type of alien, they're just normal aliens like these two groups are, they're just not involved with this specific alien/godly conflict that is going on.

I say this only because I would hate to see Jesus come down and actually be an alien, even if a human one, and then have Jews and Christians all of a sudden kill him yet again all for the ignorance of thinking all aliens are the same. And why do you have this hatred for the "nephilim"? The nephilim are the angels described in the Bible. Your Monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) are based off those Babylonian and Sumerian beliefs. So to have a thing against the beings of which Babylonians and Sumerians speak of, is to speak against the same beings in your Bible which you love so much.

- N
There had been several crashes of UFO from which there were survivors. They were only pilots and technical personnel and so the Alien Leadership did not wish them to be interrogated and offered to swap them for Diplomatic Personnel which the United States accepted. They are now being held in the Navy Department Building in Washington D.C.

When asked what their Social Order was life, they wrote what is now called "The Yellow Book" because it was contained in a yellow binder that was given to Aliens. It is written in English. The Alien Diplomats are very intelligent and have a good aptitude for languages.

It is thought that the reason the World Governments still insist upon keeping the Alien Presence secret is because of the Social Order as described in "The Yellow Book". That is so secret that even I have not been able to hear anything about it. I would suppose that those in Power here on Earth would consider it a threat to their pleasant Status Quo.

But we can infer that The Yellow Book tells of an Advanced Civilization. So for, on Earth, no Civilization has ever been able to stabilize into a lasting permanent self-perpetuating set of coherent Institutions. Every Civilization thus far has collapsed. Some, like the Chinese oscillate between rapid spurts of growth and chaotic collapse. No Society on Earth has yet proved to have developed a stable and certain Civilization. For all the Propaganda for Secularism and Democracy, since their development have we not seen more wars rather than less. And for all the effort to place the World into the Pocket of the Capitalist Bankers and Businessmen (re. the WTO and the IMF ) we still are at the mercy of Business Cycles, Recessions, Inflations, Unemployment, and what we will all see next -- Monetary Collapse.

But apparently the Truths as presented in "The Yellow Book" were not calculated to make the present small fraternity of the World's Rich and Powerful anymore rich and powerful and so they choose to cover it all up.
Leo Volont said:
There had been several crashes of UFO from which there were survivors. They were only pilots and technical personnel and so the Alien Leadership did not wish them to be interrogated and offered to swap them for Diplomatic Personnel which the United States accepted. They are now being held in the Navy Department Building in Washington D.C.

When asked what their Social Order was life, they wrote what is now called "The Yellow Book" because it was contained in a yellow binder that was given to Aliens. It is written in English. The Alien Diplomats are very intelligent and have a good aptitude for languages.

It is thought that the reason the World Governments still insist upon keeping the Alien Presence secret is because of the Social Order as described in "The Yellow Book". That is so secret that even I have not been able to hear anything about it. I would suppose that those in Power here on Earth would consider it a threat to their pleasant Status Quo.

But we can infer that The Yellow Book tells of an Advanced Civilization. So for, on Earth, no Civilization has ever been able to stabilize into a lasting permanent self-perpetuating set of coherent Institutions. Every Civilization thus far has collapsed. Some, like the Chinese oscillate between rapid spurts of growth and chaotic collapse. No Society on Earth has yet proved to have developed a stable and certain Civilization. For all the Propaganda for Secularism and Democracy, since their development have we not seen more wars rather than less. And for all the effort to place the World into the Pocket of the Capitalist Bankers and Businessmen (re. the WTO and the IMF ) we still are at the mercy of Business Cycles, Recessions, Inflations, Unemployment, and what we will all see next -- Monetary Collapse.

But apparently the Truths as presented in "The Yellow Book" were not calculated to make the present small fraternity of the World's Rich and Powerful anymore rich and powerful and so they choose to cover it all up.

Hey Leo, would love you to present this at the pseudoscience forums (below), and see what the 'sceptics' and others make of it. i put sceptics in commas cause i rather think many closedminded people use that label. to me, this universe is soooooooooooooooooooofukin MINDBLOWIN NUTHIN would surprise me. though i do watch out for gullibility
ghost7584 said:
Flying objects in the Bible that are associated with angels resemble UFOs: Elijah's chariot of fire,
the cloudlike pillar that led the Israelites through the desert and Ezekiel's wheel within a wheel. Some UFO aliens look just like humans; so do angels in the old testament. Some UFO aliens look like creatures; so did the creatures
that Ezekiel saw.

It has nothing to do with aliens or UFOs. What Ezekiel saw clearly resembles what we call the Zodiak, a vision of God's four faces: the lion, an ox, the face of a "man" (aquarius) and an eagle. "Each one went straight ahead; they did not turn as they moved."

His "faces" are kind of easy to see to everyone who has eyes. There are 4 elements: Fire, earth, wind and water, always in that order. If we look at the colors for example, there are 4 different main colors: red (lion), yellow (ox), blue (aquarius) and green (the eagle). We have four different seasons. Four different metals. The faces are visible everywhere, it's of good use if we recognize them in ourselves. Of course, there aren't just "4" faces, sometimes we divide into 12 or 360, because in reality, they're infinite. The four are just the one's that are most visible and important.

Also, notice that Brahman, the supreme God of Hinduism has 4 faces (Hinduism doesn't have many Gods, but only one, the other Gods are aspects of Brahman, like the 4 faces of "I am")

The cloudlike pillar was coming from the Ark of the Covenant.

UFOs have been seen going off into outer space (the second heaven).

People today are so physical so they associate everything in religious scripts as something physical.
Heaven and paradise is a spiritual state inside a human being.

The Bible is what christians are supposed to use to judge truth.

You should not judge, that's God's job.

That angel, which is also called a man, that wrestled with Jacob, had to be physical to wrestle with him.

It's possible to have a spiritual fight too.

The sons of God were not "angels", they were humans like us, who lived on earth, they were just of bigger size and had longer heads and were much more loveful and wise. That's why they were called Anak (long neck). They made children with another human race, which was not at all as advanced (so that we also could come to heaven). Because this race mixed with this race, it's still possible that ONE son of God is born on earth, even at the darkest time, always to teach us and show us the right way.

You will not believe me but the truth is that the son of God will be born in different places at different times. In some cultures people will admire him and in some cultures where they're not yet so advanced, they will laugh at him, mock him, and kill HIM. But when that happens, a power is loose, which will awaken the people, also in that culture.

We are the "Anakim", the descendants of Anak. At the beginning, there were still born people with great bodies like the sons of God, some inherited their knowledge, and the body from their mothers side and reversed. Some giants became feared tyrants because of their great size and limited mental power. Then there were also those who inherited both the "magical" abilities of the Sons of God and also the egoistic and material side from their mother. These people used their abilities to harm people and to gain glory and power to themselves. This was the way it had to be, and these people caused the flood when they were playing with divine powers. Our abilities, like talking, should be used wisely, it's the most exact expression of the divine self. Abilities should be taken seriously and they should be respected. But humans are like they are, and so is their future.

The word Nephilim means giant. Giant humans are not necessary evil or good, size doesn't matter. The Anak were giants, but the anakim were descendants of Anak, so they could be giants or not giants. Today, the size has found balance, humans are about 1.75 m tall.
Demons are angels. And an incubus is a demon that has sex with human women, often times raping them, in what doctors want to call episodes of sleep paralysis or night terrors. But it's the exact same phenomenon that is experienced in abduction cases. Alien abduction is a spiritual phenomenon...spiritual kidnapping. It says in the Bible that Satan presented himself as an angel of light, and that through peace He would deceive many. Aliens are demonic...a genetically engineered demonic brood...the nephilim. And they will facilitate the reign of the antichrist and the false prophet in the end times, and the implementation of the mark of the beast...which will be a genetic alteration, as was the fall of man in the garden.

I use the bible to determine truth or falshood. From the bible you cannot prove that aliens are demons. From the bible you can prove that they are angels of God.
No where in the bible do demons have flying aicraft associated with them.
The flying aircraft in the bible, chariots of fire and cloudlike pillar are associated with angels.
Exodus 14:19 And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them:

That verse right there shows that an angel of God was associated with the cloudlike pillar that led the Israelites through the desert. That pillar is a common ufo shape that is seen today; a white cigar shaped ufo (well over 100 yards long) which glows with a yellow glow at night. A man in England and a man in the US have both filmed this ufo which I saw on TV.
There is no Biblical reason to consider the Sons of God in Genesis 6:2 to be rebellious and there is no reason to consider them to be fallen angels. Read the King James scriptures for what they say. It says that they took wives of Earth women. They were married; this was not rape.
The law of Moses was not given yet and they violated no law of God to do this. Their children were blessed to become mighty men of renown. This indicates that God had favor on these marriages. There is no scripture that says that these Sons of God were disobeying God to marry Earth women. Jesus himself is called a Son of God, this shows that the Sons of God in Genesis were acting in God's will.
Luke 1:35 ...therefore also that Holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. The Son of God class angels are probably the Nordic type aliens that look just like humans, and they are probably the angels that married Earth women in Genesis 6:2 and had children with them.
Job 2:1 Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD.
The word translated "among" does not require identification in the sense that
would try to say that the sons of God were working with Satan. It does not mean that the sons of God were fallen angels or demons. The fact that they are called sons of God indicates that they are angels that do God’s will. For example, we read:
"And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the
cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the
presence of the LORD God AMONG the trees of the garden." (Gen. 3:8)
Same Hebrew word as Job 1. Are we to believe that Adam and Eve were
being identified as trees?
"Among" could also be translated "in the midst of", or something to that
effect. Satan came and presented himself to God in the midst of the sons
of God. It does not mean that the sons of God were working with Satan. The sons of God are not demons.
UFO aliens and also angels of God in the Bible, have physical bodies, but are capable of disappearing and doing other paranormal things. No where in the bible do devils have physical bodies. Devils possess the physicals bodies of people are animals, but have no physical bodies of their own. This shows that ufo aliens are angels of God and not demons.
This abduction case that I saw on TV also tends to show that ufo aliens are the angels of God:
Abduction Diaries: program on the Sci Fi Channel
A Woman, Landi Mellas, said that the aliens were in her house, trying to pull her physically out of the house, during one of her abduction experiences. She prayed to God to help her. Then a being of light came into the room and floated around the room. He looked like an area of swirling white light. The aliens then went out of the room, out through the walls. A voice from the being of light said to her something like this; as you respect yourself, so shall we. The important point in this experience is that the being of light used the word, we. She asked God for help and a being of light came to help her. If the being of light was God, then God used the word we. This tends to indicate that God is working with the aliens. This tends to indicate that the aliens are the angels of God.

She is probably one of David Jacobs or Bud Hopkins people.

The bible is the standard to judge truth by. From the Bible evidence the UFO aliens are God's angels and they are not demons.
Leo Volont

I use the bible as the standard to judge truth.
I already know from people that have exposed it, that the US Government has paid people to put out fake ufo stories to help cover up the truth. [They tried this with the rendlesham incident, and had paid hoaxers since the 1950s.] Your post seems to me like one of these fake stories. I don't believe it.
Some of these fake ufo stories started by the Government are about supposed contact and exchange of information with aliens. The Government seems to be trying to lie to the people to give the false impression that the Government is in control of the UFO situation. THEY ARE NOT.
I consider your post a ufo hoax.
ghost7584 said:
Leo Volont

I use the bible as the standard to judge truth.
I already know from people that have exposed it, that the US Government has paid people to put out fake ufo stories to help cover up the truth. [They tried this with the rendlesham incident, and had paid hoaxers since the 1950s.] Your post seems to me like one of these fake stories. I don't believe it.
Some of these fake ufo stories started by the Government are about supposed contact and exchange of information with aliens. The Government seems to be trying to lie to the people to give the false impression that the Government is in control of the UFO situation. THEY ARE NOT.
I consider your post a ufo hoax.

As long as Governments are permitted to Lie in the Name of National Security we will never know whether I am right or wrong, will we? What we need to do is make it a Capital Offense for a Government Official ever to knowingly tell an Untruth. After the first 50 or 100 Government Bureaucrats and Politicians are lynched for lying, we might suddenly begin to get a glimmer of the Truth from those who have usurped Power from us and subjudgate us with lies.
The angels and the the others will come to humanity when they think we are ready to comprehend the change that will be at hand.

We are still a young race and easily intimiated by what we cant understand, until we free our minds and perceptions from our past, we will never know the truth.
Gambit Star said:
The angels and the the others will come to humanity when they think we are ready to comprehend the change that will be at hand.

We are still a young race and easily intimiated by what we cant understand, until we free our minds and perceptions from our past, we will never know the truth.

The angels will come to humanity at the second coming of Jesus Christ, to take over the world by force at the battle of armageddon. Jesus Christ and God the Father will command those angels to do God's will.