Anecdotal Religion


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
So much serious clatter in here that I thought it might be time to lighten things up. This thread is primarily for reporting strange & hopefully humorous occurences of religion. By that I mean for all of us to share a time when religion really seemed out of place. It could be an object, an event, or something totally uncharacteristic and seemingly misplaced.

For instance, I ordered a pizza tonite and was told it would be ready in 30 mins. I agreed to pick it up myself so I drove there, walked in a little early and sat down to wait. Mind you I've been there several times but never did I look around closely. I was quite astonished to see DaVinci's Last Supper hanging on the wall. I like DaVinci and I like his paintings including this one but it seemed a bit out of place, not for the religious signifigance but for it's obvious forboding nature. :shrug:

A second thought came to me while I examined the print...I couldn't find anybody who looked really Jewish in the painting. Maybe I'm guilty of racial profiling but to me they looked Italian, which made more sense since DaVinci painted it.:confused: My apologies to my Jewish, Jewish Italian & Italian friends, no offence intended.

Anyhow, stuff like that.
You mean they look like Arabs?

Never heard of Jews referred to as The Horse. But, on topic, was da Vinci religious?