and what do you think of THIS video?(muslims preachers must see)


In withdrawal.
Valued Senior Member
the least i can say is..idk..i was taken back?
i was waiting for him to say something outragous or wrong or stupid, like what i used to hear from those who convert from islam...but the transition was smooth..and real..and looked as sincere as could be...

it's amazing how your view of the world can change in 14 minutes..
Thanks for this video. Very emotional for me. Seeing a new brother in Jesus and a true one indeed. Facing persecution with love and forgivness. :)

I hope i will face it as this man has.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS where did you get this video? is it avaliable on utube?
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I'm sorry to say that what this man was originally taught wasn't Islam but suicide bombing. He still worships God just that now he associates partners to God as per the requirements of his new religion.
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I feel bad for the guy. No one should be beaten for any religious belief - it's stupid. But what's also stupid is trading one fantasy for another. What the hell is the point? I mean, I've read both the Bible and Qur'an and I do understand how it would be easier to go from Islam to Christianity. But still, it's all unsubstantiated garble.

How about I stop believing in unicorns and instead believe in fairies? It's all the same; it's all BS.
First, MAJOR Borat flashback.

And second, Jesus words are so full of power and love, that Christian organized religion has a good facade but it is flawed on the inside.
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Classic example of a person who has forgiven themselves for their own perceived 'sins'. IMO there's two types of people. Those that like to think and those that like to be told what to think. He's probably a deep thinker. Too bad he's wasting his potential putting all that thought into pure fantasy when he could be solving real world problems.

Yeah, forgive yourself, that's natural and human. But don't jump into some other superstitious nonsense.
I think the man would be a good candidate to be introduced to Buddhism. Then he wouldn't need the crutch of organized religion at all.
Even though I could only get what he was saying through the subs, it matches up with what many ex-Muslims, as well as Muslims, have told me about the way they were raised to fear God.

Fear is a useful approach to controlling people, that's for sure. But, I maintain that as society matures there comes a point when they will inevitable want to think for themselves. At this time, for most people, not all but most, they will not want to maintain a religious belief centered on fear of God. Many won't have the mental aptitude to break free themselves, at least not completely free, so instead just won't take their children around to the mosque regularly, and when they do, just go through the motions. The Sunday christian as they say.

Others, such as this fellow, will seek alternate means mentally available to them - Christianity being the most obvious.

He is just a sign of the times. A positive sign. Other signs are there - take the backlash, Islamic people wanting to wear Burka's in France or beheading 'Infidels' in Pakistan.
The jig is all but up and the conservatives know it :)