And the Future... - Revolution?

USS Athens

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  • Nostradamus predicted that in 2012, the apocalypse would happen
    Source: NGC:'Lost Book of Nostradamus'
It should be noted that the term "apocalypse" usually means a sudden change in the world as we know it, not necessarily the end of the world.
  • (Someone) predicted that a superpower in the future [America?], like Rome, would be invaded by unsuspected attackers from the north [Canadians?] (Rome was invaded by barbarians from the north who were not considered a threat)
  • Mayan calender ends in 2012
  • Karl Marx predicted (perhaps not a astrological prediction), that a superpower in the future would eventually become socialist
  • The American economy is weakening, (and I predict that another depression is going to occur)

So it all comes down to this. In 2012, is there going to be a socialist revolution in the USA?
Possible, but highly unlikely.

China will embrace socialism in a Mao Esqe revolution.
similar to tiananmen square, but with the opposite ideology.
So it all comes down to this. In 2012, is there going to be a socialist revolution in the USA?

How do you go from Nostradamus predicting an apocalypse to a socialist revolution? America wasn't even around back then so how does he know about America? Sounds like someone is trying to put words in his mouth and twist what he says into what they want to hear. :(
Let's face it, Nostradamus predicted shit. Out of his 1000 quadrams or whatever they are called, about 2-3 were right on the matter which also gives as 997 misses...
All I can say is this:

It doesn't seem nearly as convincing when posted on an Internet discussion forum as it does actually putting the pieces together.
(Someone) predicted that a superpower in the future [America?], like Rome, would be invaded by unsuspected attackers from the north [Canadians?] (Rome was invaded by barbarians from the north who were not considered a threat)

Dude, Canada wouldn't be able to successfully invade New York, let alone the whole nation.

Mayan calender ends in 2012

I never understood why people talk about that. Don't you think if the Mayans had some sort of ability to see the future, they'd still be around? I mean, come on.

Karl Marx predicted (perhaps not a astrological prediction), that a superpower in the future would eventually become socialist

Why is that a shocking revelation? It's not going to happen to the US, but's not a stretch for a nation to turn socialist.

* The American economy is weakening, (and I predict that another depression is going to occur)

Do you base that prediction on anything, or are you just saying because the economy is weak right now?
Do you base that prediction on anything, or are you just saying because the economy is weak right now?

Fact that the dollar is weakening and that the government is trying it's very best to get the economy 'started up' again.
Nostradamus accurately predicted more than just 3 instances, I'll have to go see if I can dig them up.
Nostradamus predicted nothing at all.
He wrote in such convoluted grammar that you can make anything you want of it - after the event.
I've read some of the original - it's bollocks.
I find it highly amusing that the source you gave is "NGC:'Lost Book of Nostradamus'".
Not that lost was it... :rolleyes:
If oil moves away from the Dollar then USA could have a revolution - declare bankcrupty to clean the slate....

China moved too far away from the Socialist principles....they will come back to their middle...not a revolution.

In 20 years, if all the ice melts (we are on an exponential trend) and sea level rises 220 feet...then your guess is as good as mine....

USA only has 38 million poor. When that number doubles...then there could be a revolution....It could happen in the next 5 years with the way people are losing jobs.

Normally I see mostly African Americans in the food stamp line. The last week, I saw a lot of whites...which means, economy is still in trouble... and getting worse.
Nostradamus predicted nothing at all.
He wrote in such convoluted grammar that you can make anything you want of it - after the event.
I've read some of the original - it's bollocks.
I find it highly amusing that the source you gave is "NGC:'Lost Book of Nostradamus'".
Not that lost was it... :rolleyes:

Perhaps, though it isn't as convincing on an Internet discussion and debate forum...

I just pooled together what I've found for all to see. It's up to you to make you you think of it.