and police wonder why people dont have respect for them

call the cops because you just got done with the paramedics.. get tased

to bad nothing will happen to these cops

hey stupid @^&& cop.. when your getting tazed you cant resist

So we should hate all cops because of the actions of a few?

Let's see, if one hates all blacks because of the actions of a few, that makes him a "racist", right? So if a person hates all cops because of the actions of a few, does that make him a ....copist? :confused:

Baron Max
what are your thoughts on this, freak...

(NBC) – A Florida teen is in a medically-induced coma following a brutal beating at the hands of a classmate and police say taunting text messages prompted the attack.

Broward County Sheriff Al Lamberti says beating suspect Wayne Treacy had time to coldly text a friend in the moments after he beat 15-year-old Josie Ratley within an inch of her life.

So we should hate all cops because of the actions of a few?

Let's see, if one hates all blacks because of the actions of a few, that makes him a "racist", right? So if a person hates all cops because of the actions of a few, does that make him a ....copist? :confused:
I have had several notable encounters with the police, and most of them left me with the impression that cops will happily violate your civil rights, lie to you, attempt to intimidate you, and generally act like all-around jackasses if they think they can get away with it. Perhaps when I start encountering significant numbers of those competent, professional, honest police officers that people keep going on about, my opinion of cops will change.
I have found as a generalization, the police overstep their authority every chance they get.

In their defense, it's worth pointing out that basically everyone lies to the police whenever they can.
Anyone here mentioned the kid who was incapacitated after falling from a bridge, and several cops decided to taser him for being uncooperative?
anyone mentioned the 2 young constabuls who pulled a car over to do a random breath test and who were executed? what about all the cops who ran into the twin towers while people were running out? or any of 1000 other incidents where cops run delibratly TOWARDS danger to protect the public?
True that there are SOME very bad police as there are some very bad doctors, lawyers and judges to name but a few. What disturbs me is that many of us fail to

realize how FEW of them there are for they are weeded out and fired or dismissed from their jobs and some even go to jail for committing abuse which is a battery.

More often we will find the majority of police doing their jobs as they should and only the ones that can create arousal and anger with the public are ever heard from

for the most part. I commend those police who work their butts off to ensure that the rest of us are safe as can be. I despise those police who act in a

unprofessional manner with the public and only use their positions to harm others.
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I have had several notable encounters with the police, and most of them left me with the impression that cops will happily violate your civil rights, lie to you, attempt to intimidate you, and generally act like all-around jackasses if they think they can get away with it. Perhaps when I start encountering significant numbers of those competent, professional, honest police officers that people keep going on about, my opinion of cops will change.

Nasor, let's change a few words and see how your paragraph sounds:

I have had several notable encounters with the (blacks, Jews, Muslims, Mexicans, Catholics, ...), and most of them left me with the impression that (blacks, Jews, Muslims, Mexicans, Catholics, ...) will happily violate your civil rights, lie to you, attempt to intimidate you, and generally act like all-around jackasses if they think they can get away with it. Perhaps when I start encountering significant numbers of those competent, professional, honest (blacks, Jews, Muslims, Mexicans, Catholics, ...) that people keep going on about, my opinion of (blacks, Jews, Muslims, Mexicans, Catholics, ...) will change.

Doesn't sound very nice, does it? What would you call a statement like that ...racist? ...bigotry? ...prejudicial? ...hatred?

Baron Max
anyone mentioned the 2 young constabuls who pulled a car over to do a random breath test and who were executed? what about all the cops who ran into the twin towers while people were running out? or any of 1000 other incidents where cops run delibratly TOWARDS danger to protect the public?
Bah. Being a police officer is not a particularly dangerous job. It doesn't even make the top ten list (in the US, anyway). In fact, most cops who die in the line of duty in the US are killed in traffic accidents, simply because they spend so much of their day driving around in patrol cars. A taxi driver or UPS delivery guy is more likely to die on the job than a cop.
Doesn't sound very nice, does it? What would you call a statement like that ...racist? ...bigotry? ...prejudicial? ...hatred?
If someone was harassed or the victim of a crime every single time they interacted with a person of a particular ethnicity, I wouldn't be able to blame them for being prejudiced. I have known various blacks, Jews, Muslims, Mexicans, and Catholics throughout my life, and while some of them were dicks, most of them weren't. The same isn't true of the cops I've interacted with.

Of course there's also the issues of sampling statistics. If I had only had experiences with cops in one place, I would consider the possibility that perhaps it was merely cops in that particular area who were jerks. If I had only had experiences with a few cops, I would consider the possibility that perhaps I had simply had bad luck in which cops I encountered. But after a significant number of encounters spanning multiple decades in various states, I'm starting to strongly suspect that it's not just a sampling problem. Of course, I am always open to new data. Once I start encountering all those competent, professional cops that I keep hearing about, my opinion might change.

Edit: Also, I don't think it's accurate to say that I'm prejudiced against cops. When I meet a cop for the first time, I always hope that he will be courteous and professional. I don't assume that he will be a jackass simply because most of the cops I've had to interact with in the past were jackasses.
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If someone was harassed or the victim of a crime every single time they interacted with a person of a particular ethnicity, I wouldn't be able to blame them for being prejudiced. I have known various blacks, Jews, Muslims, Mexicans, and Catholics throughout my life, and while some of them were dicks, most of them weren't. The same isn't true of the cops I've interacted with.

Of course there's also the issues of sampling statistics. If I had only had experiences with cops in one place, I would consider the possibility that perhaps it was merely cops in that particular area who were jerks. If I had only had experiences with a few cops, I would consider the possibility that perhaps I had simply had bad luck in which cops I encountered. But after a significant number of encounters spanning multiple decades in various states, I'm starting to strongly suspect that it's not just a sampling problem. Of course, I am always open to new data. Once I start encountering all those competent, professional cops that I keep hearing about, my opinion might change.

Yep, sounds exactly like the excuses/reasons that racists, bigots, hater of all kinds use to justify their own brand of hatred. That's good, Nasor, and I expect to never see you complain about racism or any other kind of similar hatred expressed on these forums.

Now me, ...I hate everyone and everything equally, so no one can accuse me of being racist or bigoted or prejudicial. :D

Baron Max
Yep, sounds exactly like the excuses/reasons that racists, bigots, hater of all kinds use to justify their own brand of hatred.
Hey, I'm a scientist, I go with the empirical data. I'm sorry if it offends you that I draw conclusions based on my observations. Maybe you would be more comfortable with the people over at
Hey, I'm a scientist, I go with the empirical data. I'm sorry if it offends you that I draw conclusions based on my observations. ...

Yep, that's what all racists and bigots say about their own racism and bigotry, althought most don't claim to actually BE scientists. So,, I'm really impressed ...a real scientist who is a flaming bigot! :D

... Maybe you would be more comfortable with the people over at

Nice place, but I like raising a little hell here sometimes, too.

Baron Max
Now me, ...I hate everyone and everything equally, so no one can accuse me of being racist or bigoted or prejudicial. :D

Baron Max

Well that makes sense, since you support politicians and policies that are sure to cause us all to suffer. Please don't pretend you want to make things better.
Well that makes sense, since you support politicians and policies that are sure to cause us all to suffer. Please don't pretend you want to make things better.

What? Huh? Who do I support and where have I made such an claim? Duh?

I think the biggest claim I've ever made on politics is that I want to buy a large ranch in north Texas and secede from the USA. And since y'all don't like anyone else's freedom, when I suggested that, y'all wouldn't allow me to secede!! It's y'all that don't like freedom.

Baron Max
You always do. Let your post stand as a signpost to all permanently and forever, you don't give a shit about anyone, and your political views reflect that.