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Do women have a sexual orientation?

Presumably the masculinization of the brain shapes some neural circuit that makes women desirable. If so, this circuitry is wired differently in gay men. In experiments in which subjects are shown photographs of desirable men or women, straight men are aroused by women, gay men by men.

Such experiments do not show the same clear divide with women. Whether women describe themselves as straight or lesbian, "Their sexual arousal seems to be relatively indiscriminate - they get aroused by both male and female images," Dr. Bailey said. "I'm not even sure females have a sexual orientation. But they have sexual preferences. Women are very picky, and most choose to have sex with men."

So? Ladies? Which is it?
Depends on whether the experimental outcome measure is the same for men and women or not, to satisfy the criteria of orientation.
{edited because moderator edit changed sense of post}
All "gay" people can "switch hit," therefore, it's just a behavior.
is off topic flaming, and my reply to it actually related to topic.

My guess is that women's sexual connection to visual imagery - retinal images - is different. Even physically different, somewhere in the brain wiring. It's the story that does it for women, maybe - and lilke any audience for a story, they suspend disbelief and identify in turn with all the major characters.
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Mod note: Lets keep the thread on topic. No flaming please.

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Does this explain how girls can get wired to be completely blind to all other potential mates except the one their with (assuming that that is not just a clever fascade to prevent suspicious spouses from discovering their infidelities)?
Well, not being bi nor a woman, it's sort of hard to imagine being "turned on" by both types sex?

But, men are not turned on by mere "women" it is a special type woman that turns a person on. And, actually, women are the same in this regard. Right?
Sorry, but Dr Bailey is talking out of his ass. I NEVER get aroused by images of females

(not homophobic...I actually wish I was a lesbian sometimes...women understand each other.)
A lot of Gay men seem to be very feminine; this would suggest to me that there is a psychological effect causing this.
The way I see it, women are so concerned with their image, that they look at other women with very judgemental eyes. They see beauty in same sex, because they pay so much attention to themselves and their own appearance. Men(straight) do not seem to be so interested, hence the lack of substancial personal hiegene and appearance preperation.

For example;

I wake up in the morning, usually about 45 minutes before I have to be somewhere, shower, brush my teeth, throw on whats clean(or leaste dirty), and off I am. Women on the other hand wake up quite a bit earlier to put their makup on, do their hair, pick out what they are going to where. . .

Now don't judge me in that all men and women are like this, there are obvious exceptions, but for the masses, this seems to be the trend.

Gay guys tend to spend a lot more time on their physical appearance, becasue they are attracted to it, and they notice it.

Does this make any sense? It is all from observation and there is no scientific evidence(that I know of) to support it.