And Don’t Even THINK About Finishing Off The Mashed Potatos!


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
Here's a tip for you young'uns: when Dad reaches for his Glock, drop the goddamn pork chop!
MONTGOMERY -- A 15-year-old boy was in a hospital Sunday and his father, 43, was charged with shooting him, police said. The boy was shot about 10:45 p.m. Saturday with a Glock .45-caliber semiautomatic pistol, police said…

Lt. Huey Thornton said the shooting happened in the Southlawn community. He said the father and son were arguing over food just prior to the shooting. (Full text here)
:bugeye: Peace.
Well I think this just goes to show some of the flaws with the idea that the world would be safer if everyone were armed. Some people just shouldn't own a gun! Say like wacos that'd shoot their own sons!
See! That’s why we need to have less gun restriction in the United States. If that kid had a gun he could have defended himself against that criminal! *sarcasm off*
Haha, oh right, I fogot. If the kid were armed then he could have returned fire, shot his father, and then the situation would have been much better! A world in which every argument can easily become a life or death situatoin is one where there are less arguments. . . well ok and probably less people.
Ah yes, it is a sad day when one cannot come to the dinner table without a flak jacket:(..

"Guns dont kill people, stupid fucks with guns kill people"

A hard distinction, or, "Everybody kiss the sky!"

You know ... it's not that I revel in people's misery. I'm known around here to lash out after the merest cruelties. Some even recognize this odd belief I have that I'm somehow provoked and therefore justified after a fashion when dishing out my own cruelties.

The point being that it's not a 15 year-old's wounds that bring me any sense of joy or comfort. Nor am I able to do much more but savor the irony of the KKK story; in that case especially I recognize "poetic justice."

Here I openly acknowledge Mystech's point. No objections, and I'm stoned enough to be grinning. :cool:

And it's not people's suffering that brings a smile. Obviously, I'm choosing to sublimate my perceptions of suffering by focusing on an abstract comfort.

It's just that when the world gets absurd like this, it seems just a little more real.

It's days like this that lead the superstitious to believe that things are about to change drastically. I thought I could smell it on the wind today, but it was just a brief electrical tantrum in the sky.

Let's take a count:

• An initiation rite to the KKK results in the accidental and freak wounding of a member. Tragic, indeed, but I bow here to "poetic justice." I realize that some people do take some pleasure in this incident, and even I admit that the poetic irony brings a satisfaction that allows me to sublimate the fact that someone has been hurt badly.

• A 15 year-old boy is shot by his own father, critically wounded after an argument apparently about food. Tragic, and it would be unbelievable except for the fact that we are the human species; nonetheless, I will remember both this and the KKK story for political purposes when the occasion calls.

• And since I'm onto absurdity, let me drag out Michael Jackson; I mean ... there is a story that can't get much more absurd. Insanity. Glorious, mother-humpin', all-American, superficial insanity.

I seriously didn't believe things could get more absurd than the War on Drugs; then came 9/11; then came the backlash; then came the Iraqi Bush Adventure--I really thought I would have had to eat crow on a couple of counts in that last by now that I haven't. And it seems surreal, to be sure. And while the case is not yet set that certain unrelated events taken as a collective create a greater absurdity than this two-dimensional waking dream I'm having where the United States is essentially forsaking its most sacred principles, well, I have to admit, it's a more comforting absurdity I feel today, because of the points above and others, than the Bush junta could ever generate.

This absurdity might seem a hovel leaking with tropical rain, but it still beats going naked on the tundra.

Er ... excuse me.
The boy was in critical but stable condition Sunday at Children's Hospital in Birmingham, he said.

Critical but stable? Maybe I'm not very brushed up on my English, but aren't those somewhat contradictory? If it's a stable phase, would it really be critical?
I shudder to think what I might do if someone tries to take my food. SO HELP ME GOD. Ya see? Fat, hungry people should NEVER be armed. Because thats always a potentially dangerous situation.