Ancient UFOs and Religion


Come Let Us Reason Together
Valued Senior Member
Does anyone have any thoughts about how UFOs and Religion might relate to each other?

Is it possible that people may have encountered aliens in the distant past and thought of them as gods?

What do you all think of the following video?

Has anyone here ever looked into this?

Where would the artists who painted some of these things get their ideas from centuries ago? Any ideas?

Are angels and demons really good and evil aliens of the past?

All reasonable comments welcome...

Thank You!
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Why is their only silence on this thread so far?

If life can spontaneously generate from non-life on this planet, as some scientists want us to believe, even if no one knows how and even if it remains unproven, then current scientific theory should include the hypothesis that life might also exist, possibly even in abundance, elsewhere in the universe.

So I would think that most scientists would believe in aliens to some degree or other, but do they? Do you?

So what do you all think about the video in the original post? Is it possible that religions on this planet have been influenced by or inspired by direct contact with aliens?

Skinwalker, what do you think?
Zachariah Sichin et. al. had the same idea--it's possible certainly (given that our star is of the 3rd or 4th generation in the history of this universe) that there will almost certainly be cultures in the galaxy that are older than our own. Very likely they will have technology that makes our eyes water--also possibly or probably they may have used/be using this area of space as a thru-way, in which case they may have decided to call in.

Given all the above, (which is pure speculation until proven otherwise) it's certainly possible that some bunch of hairy nomads dressed in animal skins might have dropped their spears in amazement and started worshipping the space-folks from Andromeda or wherever, when they arrived 50,000 years ago. The question is to prove it, which is beyond our capacity presently. Still, I can see the scenario--consider if the boot was on the other foot. 500 years from now your 25-greats grandchild steps from a Terran spaceship onto some alien world in the Galactic Rim, and is confronted by a bunch of hairy nomads wearing animal skins, who drop their spears in amazement. Well, they could decide that a spot of :worship:might be in order, just to keep on the right side of these odd visitors.
Here is the same link from the original post with slightly better image quality, if anyone cares.

It is hard to read some of the text in the original video and this might help out a little.

All you have to do is add "&fmt=18" to the internet path.

I am not saying that I believe everything contained in this video but it does make me think about it just a bit and I was wondering what other people think.

In particular, this at least makes me consider the idea that UFOs might not be only current day "black project" technologies, if they were actually observed by man so long ago in our past. And it makes me wonder how they might be related to the establishment of religions on this planet.

Thanks for your comments, Xylene!
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This one came from the deep....

The image was taken by NASA.

That is Satan, the alien that pretends to be God.

Probably just a morphing of ancient myths to a modern , more believable(slightly more believable) one.
Sure. They are both imaginary.


The “Drake Equation” developed by Dr. Frank Drake in 1960 estimates that there could be as many as 10,000 communicative civilizations in the Milky Way alone. So why is the appearance of extraterrestrial UFOs in our past or present unlikely? Why is it not even expected? Especially when “Origins” theory also wants us to believe that life is abundant in the universe and “easy” to produce by natural means.

How likely is it that all of the information at the following link is imaginary? All it takes is for just one to be real.

Let me know what you think.

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This image is by flemish artist Aert De Gelder and is entitled "The Baptism of Christ" It was painted in 1710 and hangs in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. (This is what the website claims anyway)

This image shows what appears to be a flying disk shining beams of light down on John the Baptist and Jesus.

It would make more sense to me if it was a hole in the clouds with sunlight beaming through but it actually looks like a disk, even like a UFO. There is a small dove representing the Holy Spirit in front of the apparent disk which could indicate that the artist was trying to associate the disk with the Holy Spirit. Of course I could be wrong... ...but that is what it looks like.

Why is this represented in artwork that was painted in 1710?
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The “Drake Equation” developed by Dr. Frank Drake in 1960 estimates that there could be as many as 10,000 communicative civilizations in the Milky Way alone. So why is the appearance of extraterrestrial UFOs in our past or present unlikely? Why is it not even expected? Especially when “Origins” theory also wants us to believe that life is abundant in the universe and “easy” to produce by natural means.

I would say it is likely there are at least thousands of inhabited planets in our milky way. Inhabited with what we do not know and could only imagine. How many have advanced inelligent life ?

One interesting issue is the number of planets that could be billions of years older than ours, given the number to have life, and survived extinctions etc etc, could now be millions of years more advanced than us, not just hundreds or thousands.

Our current understanding of physics doesn't allow us to see how they could be traveling here, and I am not suggesting we throw that out. However, if you consider how far we have come in 100 years, it's scary to think what an advanced civilization could do with an additional million.

When I first saw the drawings I said, yep those are flying craft. But that's my first impression which I would stick with until a better explanation can be offered. There is no reason for them to change the way they appeared, quite the contrary, they would have been as literal as possible.

The one from Africa with the man in the suit 6000 bc is incredible.

Still is not proof enough for us to say without a doubt that we are or have been visited. For something so extrodinary to be claimed as absolute truth, we better have extrodinary proof.

And I am not sure what would constitue that.
I do think there is some interesting circumstancial evidence in support of the idea that intelligent aliens visited long ago, but the evidence is so open to interpretation that it really doesn't count as concrete evidence.

However the idea, imo, is very reasonable. The only flaw is, motive; why would aliens care what a bunch of barbarians on some insignificant planet do or think?
Good point.

Maybe they were castaways, or escaped prisoners.

That would actually explain a lot.
more then likely were just cattle
Everything eats something else
even the black holes eat the stars