Ancient knowlege from rational point of view

From the first link:

"When the previous abbreviation was coming into use, energy was a vague notion. Energy as a term is no longer used, because it is merely a conventional name for an unstable state of a particular information unit manifested as spontaneous disintegration of its structural base. "

Do they mean that it's no longer used in BIP? Or that the term just isn't used any more at all period, because that wouldn't be correct.

Also, can anyone understand what the heck this first web page is trying to say? I haven't read too far into it but already I can say that the designers aren't very good at writing.
Ok. . . I haven't looked at the other links yet, but the first one is just a bunch of psycho/techno babbel that doesn't acctualy mean anything, a stream of sentenses which indevidualy could have the potential to make some sort of sense if they were put into some kind of context, but then there isn't any context in any of what is said.

An interesting sort of spoof, I guess. . . if that's what it's trying to be.
This task can be only achieved when the Universal Information-Load Layout is used, which is a multi-spatial holographic structure whose construction must be maximally synchronous at this stage of Active Consciousness development. Unfortunately, there is no other choice. High-quality total fixation of that process is the equivalent to the biblical notion of "Transfiguration".

but of course!
Hehe, its either a very funny spoof, or someone needs to go back to school and take some communications and writing classes.
Hello to all.
Thank you for your responses. I wouldn't jump into conclusion about 'lack of context' or something like this based on the 'annotations' to the main works (which can be downloaded). There is a big difference between the phrases: "I don't understand it" and "It makes no sense". I think all this has quite clear sense in the framework of the very elegant and deep conception that is being developed by the authors of And though I still see some gaps and vague or even dubious statements it seems to me a very promising basis for further investigations.
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Ok, then, seeing how as I read through the introductory page without gaining so much as even the slightest clue about what these people are going on about, would you mind summing it all up for us in a few easy to swallow sentences?
Oh i can clear it up for ya.

See, in the new age subculture theres a bunch of folks who want to try to "ascend to a higher plane" or speed up evolution or what have you. Naturaly they cant figure out how to do it, so they like to pretend they already have. Well they cant go around lifting busses, or manifesting as beings of pure luminocity or knowledge, so they have to do stuff like this websight. They read up a LOT of stuff on any new age concept they can, as well as a lot of religious texts, or even scientific publications written for educated people working in specialized feilds of engeneering, management theory, or medical research, and wright huge long essays with sentences that bounce back between mind numblingly obvious statements, and the most esoteric in-the-wrong-context (Or hell even in no context) statements they can, and hope to thurougly confuse others who read it. (Actualy they usualy dilude themselves into thinking they just espoused some kind of hidden wisdom that was in all those books they stole sentenses from). Not to mention a good healthy dose of whatever crapt their minds partialy processed from reading all this stuff.

In the end the other people who think its cool to pretend they are hyper spiritualy evolved read this stuff, dont have a fucking clue, but it sounds good and you can get the impiression that its about the same new age englightenment/evolution/trancendance that they really dig, so they decide to nod their heads in agreement and act like "Why certainly, i knew it all along, but never heard it put quite so elequently" trying to look evolved by association.

Now here is the thing, the guy who posted the link to all this stuff is going to admonish me for being closed minded, and say im not able to grasp it. But really he likes my responce. It shows him how much more enlightend he is that he "Gets it"

Mystechs argument that none of the sentences or words have any relationship to one another and never create a context is correct, but it is likely that people who read and identify with this stuff wont mind that arguement, because they will beleive that by some mystic force the words themselves, void of any meaning, will carry spiritual enlightenment with them, maybe through their rythem, or the good vibes that come from them. They're magic man!

Also i like the Spirograph created logo on these pages.
Well, yes, SpyMoose, that's the point I was trying to get at, though I find it to be much more fun, when I can back others into a corner where they have to admit it themselves, rather than just shouting it right out from the begining. More fun that way!
In the end the other people who think its cool to pretend they are hyper spiritualy evolved read this stuff, dont have a fucking clue, but it sounds good and you can get the impiression that its about the same new age englightenment/evolution/trancendance that they really dig, so they decide to nod their heads in agreement and act like "Why certainly, i knew it all along, but never heard it put quite so elequently" trying to look evolved by association.

Thank you. You have unmasked me. I don’t have a slightest idea what is it about. On the level I can hardly comprehend the four rules of arithmetics and often forget my name. I just enjoy reading words like “quantum”, “light cone”, "turbulization", “lambda distribution”. BTW what could it mean… “lambda distribution”?… hm… But sounds great. Though these words make no sense to me but I read them all day long and my mammy says I get a little smarter and may be my boss will entrust me more responsible work than stapling his documents.
It is the main reason why I say these works have some sense. I just want people to think I am smart.

If to speak seriously:
If you don’t understand it how can you be sure it has no sense?
I think I understand what they mean and I believe it can be true though I understand the people who doubt it.
You think you don’t understand what they mean and you believe it can’t have any sense and everybody who believes it can is an idiot.

They read up a LOT of stuff on any new age concept they can, as well as a lot of religious texts, or even scientific publications written for educated people working in specialized feilds of engeneering, management theory, or medical research, and wright huge long essays with sentences that bounce back between mind numblingly obvious statements, and the most esoteric in-the-wrong-context (Or hell even in no context) statements they can, and hope to thurougly confuse others who read it.

Of course. So may be all these guys many of which are Ph.D. in Physics, Medicine, Mathemathics, Biology, Chemistry and which lead research projects (like on superpure materials, optic filters, medicine applications etc.) in the Aires foundation don't have any idea of the modern Science either of what they do?

Or may be the people that gave medals to these guys at internatinal exhibitions (last time in Belgium) for their inventions in optics and in medicine based on their theory just let themselves to be fooled?
Or may be those people with genetic faults or other seriously ill people which have been cured thankful to the technologies of the foundation were just self-deluded?


"Now here is the thing, the guy who posted the link to all this stuff is going to admonish me for being closed minded, and say im not able to grasp it. But really he likes my responce. It shows him how much more enlightend he is that he "Gets it" "
No admonishing... I am not a "believer" and I am not going to convert anybody to my belief. I just think it can be interesting. If you don't think so I don't care.
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Originally posted by DreamingCat
Of course. So may be all these guys many of which are Ph.D. in Physics, Medicine, Mathemathics, Biology, Chemistry

Means nothing if they can't explain what they mean clearly. Science isn't about big words...

This site taught me two things.

1) You can exponentially raise the importance of a term by Capitalizing It.

2) You can make others think what you say is very important by sticking a copyright at the bottom.
Dreamcat, again, I urge you, if you 'get it' to sumurise it. And don't start BSing me that it's too complicated to give a general statement behind the ideas or aims of the organization, if the theory of relativity can be taught to grade schoolers, and objectivism can be summed up on the back of a pamflet, then you can give us a few sentences that clarify the meaning of these pages.

You may want to start by giving us, the little people, some idea of what kind of information is being presented here. Are these people trying to tell us of some sort of machine they think they could build? Some sort of philosophy or managing technique which could be employed, or something else entirely? Not even that is made evident from their suposid introductory page.

And if you want to have my real opinon on this, without trying to goad you into admiting that there's no content in all of the writing on those pages, I'll make it very clear. You can take a hit of LSD and record your own babelings and rantings and then play it back for yourself when you come down, and it will make about as much sence. Sentences and words Mish mashed together without any aim or common direction, the people who wrote those pages aren't trying to say a damned thing. There is no context at all, and no ideas put forth on ANYTHING. It is, in essence just a bunch of big words that someone threw together thinking that maybe it'd make them sound smart, and fools like you go in, read it, and dont get anything from it, but then feel the urge to act like you understood it, and make an ass of yourself as you jump around preeching about a non-topic.
Dreamcat, again, I urge you, if you 'get it' to sumurise it. And don't start BSing me that it's too complicated to give a general statement behind the ideas or aims of the organization, if the theory of relativity can be taught to grade schoolers, and objectivism can be summed up on the back of a pamflet, then you can give us a few sentences that clarify the meaning of these pages.

I am sure it is not a ‘too complicated’ issue to be comprehended. Everybody can understand it. Though a person needs a smattering of such concepts as conditioned existence (from Buddhism to the modern bootstrap theory), fractals and fractal universe, may be Platonic tradition in philosophy and some others.
Again they are really pretty simple concepts by nature but a person must at least know about their existence. As to summarizing this theory I am ready to discuss this theme or express my humble opinions to anybody who is interested but only in private letters. For some reasons I wouldn’t like to profane this complicated subject with my layman’s approach in public forums.
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In reading the first page, this is my interpretation of the points of the text.




DNA worshippers?

Hidden messages in space-time?



Lost interest about there...

I'll say again, if you can't break it down enough to clarify a topic, it's not worth the time reading. Even the most advanced sciences and math can be broken down into easier subsets.

They are doing exactly what the Roman Catholic Church did in the Dark Ages by keeping the Bible in Latin. You had to go to a priest to get the message. But at least the Bible was readable once you learned Latin.

Here, there's no message, but you still have to consult the ones "in the know" to figure it out.
Originally posted by Jaxom

Even the most advanced sciences and math can be broken down into easier subsets.

Yes it can. But a person must have sufficient qualification to do it. For example I think I understand the theory of relativity (on my layman's level of course) but I would abstain from expressing my understanding in public forums. Nevertheless I reserve to myself the right to give links at the complicated theories like this for those who can be interested - and again - abstaining from commenting. Though I don't refuse to express my opinion on these issues in private letters.
And again I am not a believer. I don't know if they are right or not. Only the near future can show it. If you don't think it can have any sense it is your opinion and I respect it. But I have another and I know the people who think like me. So if you are not interested it doesn't mean nobody is or can be.
Anyway it is my last post here.
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