Ancient Egypt

Dr Lou Natic

Unnecessary Surgeon
Registered Senior Member
I was just watching a documentary about ancient egypt and some scientists think their religion has been misinterpretted over the years and is actually more like scienctific observations made into stories that none of the ancient egyptians ACTUALLY believed but rather enjoyed.
For example, apparently they worshipped a god for just about everything like the sun and the air and so on and believed gods with animal heads and human bodies were the embodiments of these things, but there are indications that all the egyptians really believed in was the sun, the air, the water and so on. They worshipped those things but never truely believed in any magical gods as such.
I was fascinated by this documentary and wish I taped it, now I want to learn more about ancient egypt and its religions so I have 2 options:
A)search the internet like a sucker.
B)ask you guys what you know about ancient egypt.

I'm opting for B at this stage, what does anyone know about the spirituality of ancient egypt?
This is my favorite ancient Egypt site.

It is not particulargy geared towards the religious beliefs and practices, (or any other specific segmented aspect of the people, for that matter) but hopefully you will find some use in it.

I know I have.

Ancient Egypt
Here are a few links ...

Ancient Egypt (British Museum website)

E-Museum Ancient Egyptian Culture Exhibit

Ancient Egypt - Guardian's Egypt