

Registered Senior Member
To everyone on this board, from reading the posts of Mystech, Listener, Kineticspirit, and all the others, I've come to a conclusion. The purpose of this forum is not to discuss whether energy or even psychic ability exists or not, honestly, because no one will come oup with a solid answer. If it does exist, than it has been relegated to a part of society, a part of culture, too far away from mainstream activities (except medicine- but that's only because we've proven that a positive state of mind leads to definite health benefits, and positive, relaxed states can be induced by 'psychic' behaviors such as meditation).

To those who believe it exists, internal or external manipulation, it is like the flow of blood to people thousands of years ago- they know it's there, but they don't understand how it operates, or how to explain it to others, and few even truly understand what it means. To the nonbelievers, it is the same- as there would be no prove that blood flows- because one has to cut the body open to see it move and then it is unsure whether it is an internal flow or not, why believe it moves?

I have come to my one conclusion, my last piece of advice to everyone on this board- be of practical and good use to this world. If you don't have psychic powers enough to do anything noticeably good (except being a positive person), assuming such powers exist, than don't waste the world's time by telling it such powers exist! If they exist, great. Get to the point where you can do something with it and rub it in everyone's face if you'd like. And while you're at it, volunteer at a pregnancy center or a Habitat for Humanity house-raising. While you're learning to get in touch with your inner self, learn how to help people while you're at it. Because in the end, that is the true purpose of gaining ANY skill- to use it to improve the world. Isn't it?
Originally posted by Energy
Get to the point where you can do something with it and rub it in everyone's face if you'd like.

That's exactly my point in these arguments. If such things truly do exist, then it really should be blatantly obvious. So if there are people who posess such powers acctualy exist, then why is it that they come on the internet and try to get people to have faith in their word that such things exist, rather than showing the wolrd at large that such things really do exist?
Well, Energy I admire those toughts u have, but, well, i always say but, but, but, damn, but! Kidding!
Once my friend said: " If I could know that GOD truly exist, I would love all of you in this room without exeptions" ( we were talking about Jezus and his miracles ).
As 2000 years have past from his resurection, and even there is a bible saying about HIM dont you think its time to move on and forget the "MIRACLES" as it will be talked about for next 5000, or 10000 years, as that simple theory people chew, dont you think its time for something new? Feeling that great gig in the sky!

Well, if you ask me?
My hunger will never be satisfied!

Uhh... then what's this forum for? If it's not to discuss if these things exist, thus making my life easier by realising that friends of mine haven't just gone insane, but that there are other people out there who have similar occurances?

Energy I must agree with you...But! at only one point. That point is that know one really knows the question to alot of the answers to alot of the things we were talking about so Im really glad you brought that up.


Goodbye...until we meet again...
Well, I dont understand why are people looking for answers?
Are they gonna improve themselves to be like some saints or with the right answer will get them where?
I would propose that if these things exsist, then they don't *have* to be blatently obvoius, as you suggest. There were huge 35-60 foot squids swimming around the ocean, but there was no evidence for them, so science said they weren't real. That is until the 1930's when a Japanese fishing boat pulled up a half decayed corpse of some huge squid-like creature.
Prehistoric fish thought to be extinct for milltions of years found in the 70's living in caves in the South Pacific.
Stomach ulcers in humans caused by the same bacteria which cause them in pigs.

There are many things now known to science which were not blatently obvious for a long time.

I think this particular area of research (parapsychology) runs into so many problems because it runs so closely to religion and spirituality. You end up with a whole bunch of nut jobs who get ahold of it's ideas and then disort them such that they ruin the any sort of objectivity which could prove the exsistance to the major scientific community. So many people *want* to believe, that they will, whether there is real evidence for it or not. This leads to fraud, theft, anger, frustration, and then a general disbelief in the overall culture.

But just because many psycics are frauds, not all of them have to be.

Maybe once you tap into true psycic ability, God pays you a visit, and tells you not to go pull lottery numbers, or else he's going to do some nasty stuff to you. Are you going to argue face to face with God? Or maybe psycic ability is not fully controllable by the people imbude with it. Certain things are clear and others are not, so they can't go win the lottery, they can't see their own deaths; those things just aren't clear, no matter how hard they may try.

How do you prove the exsistance of something when it cannot be fully controlled by man? As far as science is concerned, you can't. While we have alot of evidence that the sun is a giant ball of burning gas, we have no true scientific method proof of that idea. no one has ever gone over there, taken a cross section of the sun, documented and recorded his findings, and published them in Science for peer review. But because pretty much everyone can see the sun just by looking up during the day, and there seems to be alot of EM raditation and heat coming from that direction, there is little debate that the Sun *theory* is correct.
But what if humans were all blind? what if we were also unable to feel heat? How would you, as a sighted, heat sensing human (let's just assume your a mutant who has retained those abilities) explain to people that they live on a world which revolves around a buring ball of gas? exactly how could you word it so that others would understand?
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Originally posted by hehe
Well, I dont understand why are people looking for answers?
Are they gonna improve themselves to be like some saints or with the right answer will get them where?

No... we're probably not gonna improve ourselves and become saints, but people like me need to understand the answer. Without the answer, without the understanding of it, we feel lost

I needed to know that what was happening to me, that I wasn't going insane and that what was going on wasn't my imagination going into hyperdrive.

And so I asked questions and searched for the answer, and found that I'm not going insane, even though, what has occured is unchangable and rather unusual and is causing problems in my personal life.

I needed to know the answers in order to accept what was/is happening.